Granite-related rare metal districts in orogenic settings are occasionally associated with lamprophyre dikes. We recorded 63 occurrences of lamprophyres in bimodal dike suites of about 200 granite bodies related to rare metal deposits. Most lamprophyres occur in Paleozoic and Mesozoic metallogenic provinces in the northern hemisphere. Lamprophyres which are associated with rare metal deposits are calc-alkaline (kersantites, minettes, spessartites) or more rarely alkaline lamprophyres (camptonites, monchiquites) which occur in the roof zone of complex granitic bodies as pre-granitic, intra-granitic, intra-ore or post-ore dikes. Most lamprophyres are spatially associated with dominant felsic dikes and/or with mafic dikes represented by diorites or diabases. Diorites and lamprophyres occasionally exhibit transitional compositions from one to another. Lamprophyres share common geochemical characteristics of highly evolved granitoids such as enrichment in K and F, increased abundances of Li, Rb, and Cs and enrichment in some HFSE (e.g. Zr, U, Th, Mo, Sn, W). Lamprophyres in rare metal districts testify to accessibility of the upper crust to mantle products at the time of rare metal mineralization and possible influence of mantle melts or mantle-derived fluids in the differentiation of granitic melts in the lower crust.
This paper aims to offer some examples of and reflections on how teachers can go beyond the traditional pedagogy of English literature used in Italian secondary schools (licei) in order to provide students with a wider view of World Literature in English (WLE). Since one of the main tasks of schooling is to teach students how to “go beyond” limits, it is essential in our globalised world to teach the young how to reach that ‘farther side’ of literature, language and culture represented by those writers who have hitherto been ignored by school syllabi. In Italy, English literature is essentially centred on British authors and such a frame provides a very partial overview of the reality of English-speaking countries and their literary production.This redesigned syllabus and pedagogical approach should provide students with a cosmopolitan overview of the various English-speaking literatures, with the objective of educating teenagers to be open to expressions of pluralism. Insisting on pedagogical innovation is fundamental, as any real change should start from what is commonly considered one of the pillars of any society, that is to say education. What is learnt at school and the experience gained from the long years of attendance are surely crucial for each of us, therefore it should be of paramount importance to carefully think over the content that should be delivered to students and the methods used to deliver it.As to the current situation regarding the pedagogy of English literature in Italian licei, what is usually dealt with in class is mainly British literature. Therefore, the parallel subliminal message which is transmitted is that only literature by British writers is worthy of the name “English literature” and that the only country which deserves to be represented and studied is the UK.This paper will also show how using the stylistic approach as a method for analysing literary excerpts in class is a valid tool to provide students with a more solid linguistic awareness, which can enable them to use the English language in a wide range of registers and situations. Using pedagogical stylistics to approach a literary text in upper secondary schools in Italy can be considered innovative,2 just as tackling WLE texts. The objective of this paper is to show how stylistics can be employed as a valid tool putting canonical passages of the secondary school English literature syllabus into dialogue with WLE excerpts.
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W artykule przedstawiono proces kształtowania wiedzy o jakości wyrobów opisując cele i instrumenty Zintegrowanej Polityki Produktowej począwszy od etykietowania środowiskowego przez systemy zarządzania środowiskowego po upowszechnianie informacji dla konsument ów. Podkreślono także wagę podmiotów zaangażowanych w propagowanie ZPP, co jest warunkiem koniecznym dla osiągnięcia jej celów. Autor zwraca uwagę na rolę dwóch podmiotów, tj. przedsiębiorstw oraz konsumentów. W artykule opisano także marketing ekologiczny w aspekcie kształtowania zachowań konsumentów oraz dokonano charakterystyki konsumentów ze względu na poziom świadomości ekologicznej.
W niniejszej pracy, bazując na współpracy Politechniki Śląskiej i dawnej Huty Baildon, zestawiono dopuszczalne błędy w analizach chemicznych poszczególnych pierwiastków stopowych, oznaczanych w szerokim zakresie stężeń w wyrobach ze stali i stopów metali. Dotyczy to oznaczania, w procentach masowych: węgla od 0,005 do powyżej 0,5%, siarki od 0,003 do 0,030%, krzemu od 0,05 do 4,0%, fosforu od 0,003 do 0,045%, azotu od 0,01 do powyżej 0,25%, manganu od 0,03 do ponad 20%, niklu od 0,03 do ponad 20%, chromu od 0,10 do ponad 20%, molibdenu od 0,03 do powyżej 3,0%, wolframu od od 0,05 do powyżej 10%, glinu od 0,05 do 10,0% włącznie, tytanu i niobu 0,05% dla wszystkich zakresów stężeń.
In this work, based on the cooperation of the Silesian University of Technology and the former Baildon Steelworks, permissible errors in chemical analyzes of particular alloying elements, denoted in a wide range of concentrations in steel and metal alloys, were compared. This applies to the determination in mass percentages: carbon from 0.005 to above 0.5%, sulfur from 0.003 to 0.030%, silicon from 0.05 to 4.0%, phosphorus from 0.003 to 0.045%, nitrogen from 0.01 to above 0.25%, manganese from 0.03 to over 20%, nickel from 0.03 to over 20%, chromium from 0.10 to over 20%, molybdenum from 0.03 to above 3.0%, tungsten from 0.05 to above 10%, aluminum from 0.05 to 10.0% inclusive, titanium and niobium 0.05% for all concentration ranges.
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The article presents some prominent figures of modern ontology from Hegel to nowadays. It takes into account the diverse forms of ontology in three distinct trends of philosophy: Hegelianism, phenomenology and analytical philosophy. Each of these trends has its own subject, aim and method of ontology. The subject of Hegel’s ontology is understood as something originally undefined, being on the border of nonentity. When presented this way, the subject presupposes a dialectic method of ontology, which the German philosopher defines as “the consciousness of the form of the inner self-movement of the content of logic.” It is based on reflection, which, according to Hegel, is both a tool and medium to knowledge, though in his Phenomenology of spirit he identifies it as being by itself. Thus understood ontology is to be found both in the works of Hegel’s students and his critics (S. Kierkegaard, M. Heidegger, J.-P. Sartre). In Husserl’s phenomenology it is not reflection but eidetic intuition (Wesensschau) that is the main method of ontology, and its subject is not just being, but the essence – a correlate to the eidetic intuition. To Husserl’s phenomenological presumptions referred, among others, N. Hartman and R. Ingarden, who understood ontology as eidetic analysis of ideas. Though Heidegger saw the problem differently: the goal of ontology is defining the meaning of Being (Sinn vom Sein), its method is phenomenological. In none of the approaches was the subject of ontology understood in a classic way as Being, but rather as a certain form of its representation, as the content of consciousness (ideas), or as a certain sense for a definite subject. A different approach to ontology is observable within analytic philosophy, which involved lots of different personalities and different traditions, such as the new positivism, scholastics (J.M. Bocheński, E. Nieznański), Leibnizian rationalism (A. Plantinga), empiricism and pragmatism (W.O. Quine, P. Strawson). Remarkable achievements in ontology belong to some Polish logicians, representatives of the Polish school of analytic philosophy, such as S. Leśniewski and T. Kotarbiński. Leśniewski was the founder of formal ontology – logical calculus of names, while Kotarbiński discovered nominalistic and materialistic ontology – reism (from Latin: res ‘thing’) based on Leśniewski’s ontology. The main thesis of reism was the claim that “every object is a body.”
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There are three chief aims of the paper. First, it presents in short the beginning of the analytic philosophy of religion, its development, issues, and methods. Second, it puts forward a hypothesis that in the last five decades analytic philosophy of religion has been dominated by the epistemological paradigm, i.e. in most cases, any problem in question has been studied as part of the general problem of rationality of religious belief. That situation is changing slowly towards achieving more balance between the issues of epistemology of religion and those concerned with philosophical theology. Third, the paper provides criteria for the classification of the different ways to understand the rationality of religious belief: the rationalistic and evidentialist approach, the natural theology approach, the Wittgensteinian fideism and Reformed epistemology approaches. A brief description of each of those four positions in epistemology of religion is included.
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