The text is an analysis of the story of Dido as shown in Virgil’s Aeneid. The author presents pre-Virgiliansources of the history of the Phoenician queen, recounts the three principal versions of Dido’s biography andsets the Virgil’s narration against the opinions of ancient commentators (Servius, Macrobius) and other Romanwriters reminiscing about Dido’s ill-fated past. All the testimonies bring out the uncontestable claim that it wasVirgil who first wrote about the tragic love entanglement between Aeneas and Dido, a story which rapidly gainedpopularity upon the publication of the Aeneid. The article discusses Virgil’s subversive understanding ofgender and the conventional traits of national character (Roman and barbaric, as typified in Roman literature).
Virtud, hija del cielo es la primera de tres odas que compuso Luis de León en honor de su amigo y protector, don Pedro Portocarrero. Su tema es la virtud heroica de Portocarrero, evidente durante su estancia en Galicia, donde pasó diez años (1570–1580) como regente. El artículo analiza la oda (su tema, sus imágenes, su estructura) a la luz de su modelo clásico, el Himno a Hermias de Aristóteles. Estudia también la imagen de Galicia y los gallegos que se desprende de su lectura.
Many scholars believe that literary and artistic level of Book V of Vergil`s Aeneid is much lower than in the neighbouring books four and six. Nonetheless a detailed analysis of the contents and composition allows, in my opinion, to treat Book V as interesting and valuable. Vergil concentrated primarily on the sense of suffering which often befalls innocent people. The most vivid is the example of Palinurus whose undeserved and sacrificial death permits Aeneas to continue with his mission. The death of Palinurus and Dido is, I think, a symbolic farewell of Aeneas with the Trojan past and the wandering on the sea. The participants in the games are all secondary characters. By introducing them Vergil, I believe, wished to stress the importance of every man of Aeneas` crew in the fulfilling of the task set by destiny. The importance of fatum and fortuna increases exponentially in the instances where human strength and abilities fail.
Na długo przed wyszczególnieniem przez psychologów pięciu etapów żałoby rzymski poeta Horacy instynktownie uczynił to w swojej Odzie 1.24, napisanej po śmierci przyjaciela, Kwintyliusza Warusa. W utworze tym poeta bardzo trafnie scharakteryzował kolejno stadia depresji, zaprzeczenia, negocjowania, gniewu oraz akceptacji.
Long before modern psychologists classified and explained the five stages of grief, the Roman poet Horace gave an instuitive portrayal of these stages in his Ode 1 24, which was written after the death of his friend Quintilius Varus. In this poem, Horace with great accuracy describes the consecutive phases of grief, which are nowadays defined as depression, denial, bargaining, anger and acceptance.
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