The study shows the biodiversity of Utricularia australis from western to northern regions of Ukraine. The environmental conditions of Ukraine are favourable for the spread and formation of phytocenosis involving U. australis, especially on thermoclimatic, cryothermal and continental scale. A broader range of the species’ relation to humidity has been recorded. The research outcome shows the existence of the species in conditions from shallow, parched reservoirs to deep water habitats which allows the species to withstand temporary drying of reservoirs in summer periods. The resilience of U. australis to some water quality parameters, including nitrogen, phosphorus, iron content, colour, pH and organic contamination was higher than in previous studies and Tsyganov’s ecological scales. Thus, due to its wide range of tolerance to the majority of environmental factors, U. australis tends to spread in contemporary climatic conditions in Ukraine. Considering that the species has category “vulnerable” in the country and is listed in the red data book of Ukraine, its conservation status is likely to be revised further.