The aim of this article is to indicate the features of contemporary urban agriculture present in the contiguously built-up areas of Havana. Using an exploratory and classification approach, the authors draw on fieldwork and a prior analysis of satellite and aerial imagery, first to characterize the spatial distribution of urban gardens and then to point to their main intrinsic features, including the methods and organization of production and the functions performed. The research conducted shows that urban agriculture is distributed across the city in an uneven fashion, with the main concentration in districts of lower-density urban construction, which reflects the availability of land resources intentionally left between buildings by modernist planners. The most common production technique applied is organopónico, or organoponics. However, the material commonly used to construct the bordering walls is asbestos, which may pose a significant threat for both producers and consumers. Two case studies are analyzed to exemplify different approaches to organic food production.
Głównym celem opracowania jest ocena stanu i zmian struktury agrarnej rolnictwa miejskiego w okresie poprzedzającym przystąpienie Polski do struktur europejskich oraz po akcesji. Zakres czasowy prowadzonych analiz obejmie lata 2002-2010, a zakres przestrzenny badań ograniczono do miast wojewódzkich Polski. Z uwagi na specyfikę miast: Katowice oraz Gdańsk, tj. bezpośredniego ich sąsiedztwa z innymi gminami miejskimi zdecydowano, iż za stolicę województwa śląskiego przyjmie się Aglomerację Śląską wraz z przyległymi miasta mi, a stolica województwa pomorskiego będzie obejmować Trójmiasto. Jest to uzasadniono merytorycznie, gdyż zarówno Trójmiasto, jak i Aglomeracja Śląska stanowią zwarte i spójne terytorialnie oraz funkcjonalnie ośrodki miejskie [MRR 2010]. (fragment tekstu)
This article touches upon the problem of identification and evaluation of the productive significance of urban agriculture, with the emphasis on both the analysis of its state and the changes in agrarian structure. The temporal scope covers the years 2002-2010, while the spatial scope covers only the provincial cities in Poland. Results of the conducted analyses show that very dynamic agrarian changes have taken place in provincial cities; these changes have been particularly visible in big cities. A 25% decrease in the number of farms with the areas up to 1 ha of agricultural land and almost a threefold increase in the number of individual farms with the areas above 20 ha of agricultural land has been noted down in all the provincial cities. As a result, the average surface of individual farms above 1 ha of agricultural land in cities has increased five times quicker than it is visible in Poland. (original abstract)
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