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The article presents an analysis of source material kept in the municipal archives of the city of Görlitz concerning post-war Polish-German contacts and the beginnings of Polish settlement along the Lusatian Neisse. Documents, correspondence and summaries of Polish press articles illustrate not only the contacts of German local administration with the new neighbour, but also constitute an important source for understanding the situation of the population on both sides of the border.
The author analyses both the image and the text component of some recently unknown examples of handbill journalism, from which he endeavours to make the most for an understanding of the oath-taking journeys to the minor Czech Lands in the early Modern Age. He also focuses on the transformations of handbill journalism devoted to these journeys.
Content available Rewitalizacja zabudowy Górnych Łużyc
Celem artykułu jest nakreślenie podstaw rewitalizacji górnołużyckich struktur zabudowy, sformułowanych na podstawie specyficznych cech tradycyjnych technik budowlanych, zaobserwowanych w Wyszkowie. Metodyka badań polegała na inwentaryzacji domów przysłupowych i porównywaniu ich struktury. Wyniki, wnioski: unikatowa przysłupowa konstrukcja budynków ma cechy wspólne na obszarze przygranicznym Polski, Niemiec i Czech. Jednolita forma zabudowy tworzy w krajobrazie wyjątkowe enklawy - ginące dziedzictwo kultury technicznej, które wymaga natychmiastowej ochrony.
The aim of the article is to outline the basis for the revitalization of Upper Lusatian building structures, formulated on the basis of specific features of traditional construction techniques observed in Wyszków. The research methodology involved an inventory of columnribbon houses and comparing their structure. Results, conclusions: The unique columnribbon structure of the buildings has common features in the border area of Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic. The uniform manner of development creates unique enclaves in the landscape - a disappearing heritage of technical culture that requires immediate protection.
Content available remote Landfrýdní hnutí v Horní a Dolní Lužici ve středoevropských souvislostech
Landfriede Movement in the Upper and Lower Lusatia in the Middle European Context: The study deals with the specifics of landfriede movement in Upper and Lower Lusatia from the Central European point of view. It follows first the emergence of the first city leagues intended to protect public order, which transform into more complex associations and unions. It also shows the development of landfriede unions that led both to the strengthening of internal security of the participating countries, and establishing cooperation with foreign subjects. The development of landfriede movement culminates with the emergence of first genuine landfriedes during the reign of Matthias Corvinus. The work as well proposes possibilities to classify the monitored institutions. The development in Upper Lusatia is probably most specific with the Lusatian League (1346), which took over an important part of caring for ensuring security in the country. Landriedes as such were accepted in Upper and Lower Lusatia as a result of Corvinus’s initiative (first in 1474) which led to mutual administrative bondage to his controlled lands in Bohemia. Both countries, though, have a rich tradition in institutions carrying mostly not directly landfriede character to this historical phenomenon in the history of public care to ensure law and order, or in the contemporary lexicon “landfriede”.
Upper Lusatia, a region consisting of the Bautzen and Görlitz districts, was for many years part of the power structure of the Bohemian rulers. From the end of the 11th century until the year 1253 it was ruled by the Premyslides, and in the 14th century the Luxembourgs incorporated Upper Lusatia into the Lands of the Bohemian Crown and it remained their part until 1635. The main forms of presentation of the king’s power in the Crown Lands in the Middle Ages and early modern era were oath-taking journeys, which involved an oath of allegiance sworn by a country to a ruler and his ceremonial arrival and reception in a selected town. The form of this ceremony known as adventus regis evidently became fixed in Upper Lusatia in the reign of the Luxembourgs though we find scant mentions of them in contemporary sources. The study endeavours to re-enact the royal arrivals and presents an overview of the journeys of Bohemian kings to Upper Lusatia in the 14th and 15th century
Based on a passage from Manuscript No. 9350 of the Austrian National Library, which, to the author’s knowledge, has not yet attracted scholarly attention, the paper deals with an interesting description of Upper Lusatia, which probably originated in the second half of the 17th century and offers some remarkable insights into the religious and cultural situation in this region.
The author focuses on the creation of the monarchical administration in Upper Lusatia as one of the Lands of the Bohemian Crown, after the mid-16th century, when significant changes in this area were made. The supreme powers were essentially divided between two officials who were also the sovereign’s representatives in the land: the traditional reeve and the newly established governor.
This paper, based on an analysis of a wide spectrum of extant sources, analyses the preparations for and the course of the Upper Lusatian stage of the oath-taking journey of Matthias of Austria in 1611. It follows the preparations on the part of the monarch’s court and analyses information about the steps taken before the ruler’s arrival by the Upper Lusatian Estates. It follows closely the stages of the welcoming ceremony and describes the course of the oaths sworn to the Czech king.
The aim of the study is to examine a series of coats of arms of the Hungarian and Bohemian Lands on the late Gothic Royal Oratory of Saint Vitus Cathedral in Prague in the Central European context. An analysis of coats of arms from the Lands of the Hungarian Crown has resulted in three new findings. On the one hand, contrary to previous concepts, the creation of the coats of arms did not took place in the first half of the 1490s, but probably in the 1510s–1520s, perhaps resulting from the Bohemian coronation of Mary of Hungary on 6 June 1522. On the other hand, the coat of arms of Upper Lusatia, placed on the balustrade, could have replaced the similar coat of arms of the Kingdom of Croatia only during an erroneous restoration attempt at the end of the 19th century. Finally, the coats of arms of the Lands of the Hungarian Crown on the Royal Oratory were taken over from the heraldic representation of Emperor Maximilian I in Innsbruck instead of those of the Jagiellonian dynasty in Prague or Buda.
The article deals with the dynastic policies of Charles IV. and his ideas about the arrangement of government in the Crown of Bohemia. It refers to so-called emperor’s testaments where the emperor describes in detail the succesion of the male members of the Luxembourg line and denotes their rank in rule. The pillar of the whole structure was the King of Bohemia, the absolute sovereign over all of the lands of the Crown of Bohemia. The remaining Luxembourgs were to hold their lands as a royal tenure. In this spirit, Charles IV. created a whole new duchy of Görlitz for his son John.
Rozważania niniejsze odnoszą się do losów i kondycji dziedzictwa kulturowego Górnych Łużyc, w tym przede wszystkim tej ich części, która w konsekwencji podziałów politycznych po 1945 r. przypadła Polsce. Istotną częścią pracy jest analiza stosunku mieszkańców Bogatyni (miejscowości położonej na polsko-niemieckim pograniczu w południowo-zachodniej części Polski, w woj. dolnośląskim) do wpisanych w krajobraz kulturowy miasta domów przysłupowych. Ich zły stan techniczny skłania do refleksji nad przyczynami słabo wykształconej potrzeby ochrony wpisanego w przestrzeń regionu dziedzictwa kulturowego. Stawiając tezę o wiodącej roli czynnika ludzkiego (w postaci niskich parametrów kapitału ludzkiego), akcentujemy tu również znaczenie czynników historycznego i gospodarczego. Poszukując sposobów ratowania unikatowej w skali europejskiej architektury przysłupowej, odwołujemy się do wybranych przykładów podjętej w ostatnich latach współpracy pomiędzy doświadczającymi zbliżonych problemów społecznościami lokalnymi polsko-czesko-niemieckiego trójpunktu.
This article refers to the experiences and conditioning of the cultural legacy of Upper Lusatia, particularly concerning this part, which in consequence of political divisions of 1945, fell to Poland and remained within its borders. The essential part of the reflections entails the analysis of the attitudes of Bogatynia residents (a town in the Polish-German borderland in the south-western Poland, Lower Silesia voivodship) towards the Upper Lusatian (Umgebindehaus) houses, being a part of their cultural landscape. The overall poor technical condition of the latter evokes reflection over the causes of insufficient need of the protection of this area, being a part of the regional cultural heritage. Putting forward the thesis of the leading the role of human factor (i.e. low parameters of the human capital), the significance of historical and economic factors is also emphasized. Seeking ways of saving unique in the European scale Upper Lusatian architecture, the author makes reference to some selected examples of different modes of cooperation undertaken in the course of the recent years between the local communities experiencing similar problems in the Polish-Czech-German tripoint.
Górnołużycka Biblioteka Naukowa w Görlitz jest instytucją nauki, której zadaniem jest gromadzenie, opracowywanie i udostępnianie dokumentów dotyczących terenów Górnych Łużyc. Biblioteka ta kultywuje oświeceniowe ideały – jej głównym celem, wyznaczonym jeszcze przez niemieckich uczonych, jest dbanie o rozwój nauki w regionie. W artykule podjęto próbę ustalenia klucza, na podstawie którego polskie książki dobierane są do zasobów opisywanej biblioteki. Motywacją do napisania artykułu była chęć wyróżnienia Górnołużyckiej Biblioteki Naukowej na mapie europejskich ośrodków działających na rzecz kultywowania oraz zachowania tożsamości regionalnych. Wybrana metodologia badawcza nie pozwoliła na całościowe wyodrębnienie współczesnych polskich książek dostępnych w katalogu OPAC GBN. Spowodowane jest to głównie problemami związanymi z funkcjonowaniem katalogu. Mimo tych trudności udało się wskazać główne trendy obecne w sposobie dobierania polskich książek do omawianego zbioru.
The Upper Sorbian Scholarly Library in Görlitz is a scholarly institution whose purpose is to collect, develop and render accessible documents which refer to the areas of Upper Lusatia. The library cherishes Enlightenment ideals from which it grew – its main purpose, which was determined already by German scholars, is to expend care about the development of scholarship in the region in order to enhance the wellbeing of its inhabitants. The purpose of the article is to determine the nature of the process of selecting Polish books for inclusion in the library collection, the areas of interest they represent, the authors and the places of publication. Motivation for writing this article had to do with a desire to distinguish the Upper Lusatian Scholarly Library on the map of European centres which work toward the recultivation and the preservation of regional identities. The research methodology which was embraced precluded a holistic distinction of contemporary Polish books accessible in the OPAC catalogue of the GBN. This is caused mainly by the problems associated with the functioning of the catalogue. Despite these deficiencies, the article manages to present the main trends present in the way Polish books are selected for inclusion in the collection in question.
In the context of the Lands of the Bohemian Crown it was only in Upper Lusatia, and specifically in Bautzen, that medieval figural portraits of medieval and early Modern Age rulers survived, namely Matthias Corvinus and Rudolf II. Likewise, in different towns of the Lusatian League Bohemian kings’ coats of arms also survived to this day in diverse forms. The rulers left their marks on sacral architecture, too, which we can document with busts in Saint Nicolas Church in the Lower Lusatian town of Luckau or with keystones of Görlitz churches, as well as the overall building conception and the individual architectural details of the buildings (portals, vaults, cantilevers, ornamental decorations). The visual heritage of the Bohemian ruling power is in both Lusatias, and more particularly in Upper Lusatia, often surprisingly rich.
Content available remote Ochrona drewnianych domów przysłupowych na terenie województwa dolnośląskiego
Łużyckie domy drewniane, o konstrukcji przysłupowej, występują na styku Polski, Czech i Niemiec, tj. na obszarze dawnych Górnych Łużyc. Budynki te wznoszone do II wojny światowej, obecnie, pozbawione środków na ich remonty i modernizacje, w większości przypadków są w złym stanie technicznym. Ich ratowanie jest możliwe przez modernizację oraz adaptację do nowych funkcji. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie pogarszającego się stanu technicznego tego typu obiektów oraz prób ich ratowania przez odpowiednio prowadzone remonty i adaptacje.
Lusatian wooden houses (germ. Umgebinde) occur at the junction of the Polish, Czech Republic and Germany, which is the old region of Upper Lusatia. This kind of houses were built until II World War and today most of them are in poor condition as their owners do not have founds to ensure their reparation or modernization. Their future could be secured by appropriate regeneration schemes in order to introduce a new function. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the progress of decline Lusatian houses, as well as presenting adequate preservation trough successful repair and regeneration.
This article presents the state of research on the military service of knights and townspeople of Upper Lusatia and their armament during the Luxembourg reign. These considerations include not only the presentation of scientific achievements in this field, but also the justification of the intention to address this issue. The paper is a draft in nature. In terms of quantity, the source material is rich, although in terms of quality it looks less impressive. The richest archive collections can be found in Germany. The archives in Poland and the Czech Republic are also noteworthy, although they are not very large. Most attention was paid to this issue by German researchers, although the problem was often on the sidelines of main considerations. The most valuable studies were conducted by prominent Upper Lusatian historians Hermann Knothe and Richard Jecht. In Poland, the problem is not widely considered, although the research by Mateusz Goliński and Robert Heś is worthy of attention. Despite the fact that studies on this issue are not very well developed, it is justified to work on a potential publication on this subject. This need stems from the growing interest in Upper Lusatia and the inspiring works of medieval historians from Wrocław.
В статье описывается состояние исследований военной службы рыцарей и мещан Верхней Лужицы и их вооружения во времена правления Люксембургов. Автором статьи представлены не только уже существующие научные достижения по этой теме, но также и обоснования актуальности данной тематики. Статья имеет эскизный характер. В количественном отношении исходный материал богат, хотя его качество не столь впечатляюще. Самые богатые архивные собрания находятся в Германии. Архивы в Польше и Чехии также заслуживают внимания, хотя они и столь объемны. Больше всего внимания тематике данной статьи уделили немецкие ученые, хотя зачастую исследуемая проблема находилась не в центре их основного поля деятельности. Самые значимые исследования проводили Герман Кнот и Ричард Йехт, выдающиеся верхнелужицкие историки. В Польше эта тема не рассматривалась столь подробно, однако исследования Матеуша Голинского и Роберта Гесиа заслуживают внимания. Несмотря на недостаточное внимание к исследованиям по этой проблеме, их возможное появление довольно оправдано. Потребность в этом продиктована растущим интересом к Верхней Лужице и воодушевляющими работами вроцлавских медиевистов.
Niniejszy artykuł przybliża stan badań nad służbą wojskową rycerstwa i mieszczan Górnych Łużyc oraz jej uzbrojenia w czasach panowania Luksemburgów. Rozważania te obejmują nie tylko prezentację dorobku naukowego na tym polu, lecz także uzasadnienie zamiaru podjęcia tej tematyki. Praca ma charakter szkicu. Pod względem ilościowym materiał źródłowy jest bogaty, choć pod względem jakościowym wygląda to mniej imponująco. Najbogatsze zbiory archiwalne znajdują się w Niemczech. Warte uwagi są też archiwalia w Polsce i w Czechach, choć nie są one pokaźne. Najwięcej uwagi omawianemu zagadnieniu poświęcili niemieccy badacze, choć częstokroć problem znajdował się na uboczu głównych rozważań. Najbardziej wartościowe studia prowadzili Hermann Knothe i Richard Jecht, wybitni górnołużyccy historycy. W Polsce problem nie jest szeroko rozpatrywany, choć na uwagę zasługują badania Mateusza Golińskiego i Roberta Hesia. Mimo niezbyt rozwiniętych studiów dotyczących tego problemu stworzenie ewentualnej pracy na ten temat jest zasadne. Potrzeba ta jest dyktowana rosnącym zainteresowaniem Górnymi Łużycami oraz inspiracją dziełami wrocławskich mediewistów.
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