The purpose of the article is to analyze the verification of the validity of elections in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The choice of this country is not accidental. It is the first country in which judicial review of elections appeared, and the rules introduced in the 19th century remain in force almost unchanged to this day. The main thesis of the article is that the rules in force in the United Kingdom for determining the validity of elections are incompatible with international standards. In order to verify this thesis, an attempt is made to indicate the weaknesses of the current legal solutions for verifying the validity of elections. The paper is based on the analysis of the British scientific literature and reports of the Law Commissions, the Electoral Commission and international organizations.
Celem artykułu jest analiza weryfikacji ważności wyborów w Zjednoczonym Królestwie Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej. Wybór tego państwa nie jest przypadkowy. Jest to bowiem pierwsze państwo, w którym pojawiła się sądowa kontrola wyborów, a przepisy wprowadzone w XIX w. w niezmienionym niemal brzmieniu obowiązują do dnia dzisiejszego. Główna teza artykułu jest taka, że obowiązujące w Zjednoczonym Królestwie przepisy dotyczące stwierdzania ważności wyborów są niezgodne ze standardami międzynarodowymi. W celu weryfikacji tej tezy podjęto próbę wskazania słabych punktów obecnie obowiązujących rozwiązań prawnych dotyczących weryfikacji ważności wyborów. Praca powstała na podstawie analizy brytyjskiej literatury naukowej oraz raportów Brytyjskich Komisji Prawnych, Komisji Wyborczej i organizacji międzynarodowych.
In the article, the issue of the implementation of the alternative assessment methods as one of the ways to assure the verification of the data which coincides with the academic progress of the schoolchildren in the foreign languages studying is considered. In accordance with the research results, which were achieved by the author of the article, the alternative assessment methods that are widely used in the school process, cover the following ones: peer-assessment, self-assessment, taking an active part in games, making portfolios and posters, project work, Pass/Fail exams, “Open Books Exams”, etc. However, due to the large content of the study which must be conducted on all alternative assessment methods, the article deals with self-assessment and peer-assessment only, whereas other alternative assessment methods are the prospects for the further research. The studied problem is more than topical as the positive expertise for the British pedagogues in this area can be used in the homeland comprehensive secondary education institutions. First of all, it includes the increase of schoolchildren’s motivation, independence of their learning, getting them acquainted with the assessment criteria, formation of their own opinion about the learning process, the most effective ways of improving skills and abilities in a foreign language, providing them with an opportunity to analyze the interdependence between the work performed on learning and the gained outcomes. However, both self-assessment and peer-assessment are impossible without assuring certain conditions for it. They primarily comprise the corresponding atmosphere in a classroom as a basis for the effectiveness of the considered alternative assessment methods, understanding the studied material by the pupils, assessment criteria, formation of the pupils’ interview skills, using the most effective assessment tools, presence of the classmates-partners, feedback, and realization of them. In order to get the corresponding scientific results, the author applied to the theoretical as well as the empirical research methods.
The commentary focuses on the current process of converting the British immigration procedures into an entirely digital format, as part of a reform brought about by Brexit and in the framework of broader digital strategies in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The British government’s ambitious aim is to digitalise the immigration procedures by 2025, further support eGates and eventually enforce a contactless mode of arrival. The policy plan, its execution to date and its reception are analysed briefly. Taking into account that the government is revealing only selected aspects of the complex system rather than all the mechanisms and safeguards, neither British digital sovereignty in this matter nor the scope of protection of personal and meta-data could be fully examined. The challenges already encountered are set out, with the conclusion being that a human-centred approach is still lacking in the practical employment of the policy. Subsequently, the isolationist or populist concept of protecting the state against any migrant, as a potential threat rather than a potential to be developed for the benefit of the state, is the prevailing mindset. Finally, the current political and economic instability may play a pivotal role in policy implementation and contribute to its ultimate failure.
Artykuł dotyczy dynamiki ewolucji brytyjskich partii politycznych oraz brytyjskiego systemu partyjnego w XXI wieku. W badaniu postawiono hipotezę, że konfiguracja systemu partyjnego Zjednoczonego Królestwa Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej w okresie ostatniego ćwierćwiecza uwarunkowana była zmianami w sferze ideologiczno-programowej, organizacyjnej oraz modelu przywództwa partyjnego w brytyjskich partiach politycznych. Hipoteza ta została zweryfikowana w oparciu o zróżnicowane metody badawcze, analizę zawartości dokumentów, analizę danych oraz analizę komparatystyczną. Autorzy w treści artykułu poddają analizie zmiany w wymiarze programowym oraz organizacyjnym, a także ewolucję modelu przywództwa w brytyjskich partiach politycznych. Wskazują także, w jakim stopniu tego rodzaju zmiany wpływają na przeobrażenia brytyjskiego systemu partyjnego – zarówno na arenie wyborczej, jak i parlamentarnej.
The article is devoted to the dynamics of changes in British political parties and the British party system in the 21st century. The main objective of the analysis is to verify the hypothesis that the configuration of the party system of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland over the last quarter of a century was conditioned by changes in the ideological, programmatic and organisational spheres, as well as the model of party leadership in British political parties. This hypothesis will be verified by various research methods, including document content analysis, data analysis and comparative analysis. The authors analyse changes in the programme and organisational dimensions, as well as the evolution of the leadership model in British political parties. They also indicate the extent, to which such changes influence the transformation of the British party system – both in the electoral and parliamentary arenas.
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