Peacekeeping operations are nowadays an important phenomenon in international relations and especially in conflict-ridden regions. The concept and framework of such operations has been constantly evolving in the past and one of the milestones of this evolution was the fall of the communist system and the end of the cold war. In Europe, this historic moment coincided with establishment by the Maastricht Treaty of the new organism within the process of western Europe’s integration: the European Union. Both these facts triggered a reaction of the somewhat passive and hardly visible European defence organisation of the Western European Union. Its Petersberg Declaration of 1992 redefined security and sought to change peace obligations of the member states of WEU, as they accepted a broader responsibility and a broader concept of security in the European region. This was an important first step in making defence integration a part of the mainstream integration process. On the legal basis of the Petersberg Declaration, six operations were carried out. The paper discusses them, showing striking similarities, which actually comprise a special philosophy of intervention by WEU. This philosophy reflects both strengths and weaknesses of WEU’s role in the European integration.
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W opracowaniu przedstawiono wybrane informacje o możliwości wykorzystania krajowego potencjału naukowo-badawczego i wykonawczego we współpacy międzynarodowej oraz świadczenia usług na rzecz Sił Zbrojnych RP zgodnie ze standardami UZE i NATO.
Artykuł analizuje historyczną ewolucję procesu rewitalizacji Unii Zachodnioeuropejskiej (UZE) w kontekście relacji ze Stanami Zjednoczonymi w odniesieniu do koncepcji przyszłej Unii Europejskiej. Autor prezentuje główne problemy i uwarunkowania reaktywacji UZE w celu wyjaśnienia niepowodzenia implementacji wspólnych środków bezpieczeństwa, mających miejsce w latach osiemdziesiątych. Ponadto autor skupia uwagę na roli partnerstwa niemiecko francuskiego w kontekście budowy nowej tożsamości zachodnioeuropejskiej obrony i na kolejnych koncepcjach wspólnego bezpieczeństwa, przedstawianych na forum Wspólnot Europejskich.
The article examines the historical evolution of the process of reviving the Western European Union (WEU) within the context of its relations with the USA and with reference to the concept of the European Commonwealth (EC). The author presents major problems and conditions related to the reactivation of WEU in order to explain Europe’s failure to develop and implement collective security measures in the mid-1980s. Furthermore, the author focuses on the role of West Germany-France partnership in the context of building a new identity of Western Europe’s defence, and on subsequent concepts of collective security, which have been presented in the forum of European Communities.
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