Transactional Analysis is currently one of the most holistic personality theories, well recognised in the vast business world reality. In contemporary organisations Transactional Analysis (TA) is applied in order to recognise psychological mechanisms of communication, interferences in its flow, and also to plan changes enhancing the information flow process. The article presents assumptions of Transactional Analysis with reference to the leadership practice that requires managerial maturity in developing responsible and satisfying relations with employees (the so-called transactions as referred to by the TA language). Having assumed the manager’s personality and its maturity level constitute the key factors in shaping leadership efficiency, tools proposed by the TA concept have been deployed to determine the transactional profile of an efficient manager and to formulate the development tendencies. Owing to its consistency with the partner leadership approach, the Transactional Analysis model offers a perspective of numerous references to managerial practice and provides precise development indications.
This article rests on the assumption that self-regulation of trainee translators/interpreters can be significantly enhanced by moderating classroom communication practices. This concerns, in particular, the communication exchange relating to assessment. It is argued that assessment-related communication activates complex psychological mechanisms, which can either empower or disempower self-regulation. To illustrate such mechanisms, the author briefly discusses the theory of Transactional Analysis. It is a conceptual framework proposed originally by Eric Berne to explain the intricacies of how people communicate to attain their psychological goals. Berne’s observations are adapted to the micro-cosmos of the translation/interpreting classroom in order offer its participants tools of regulating their communicative interactions. The article ends with a handful of recommended activities intended to inspire the readers to research further and train the skills discussed in the article.
Niniejszy artykuł opiera się na założeniu, że sprawności samoregulacyjne kształcących się tłumaczy pisemnych i ustnych można znacząco poprawić poprzez zarządzanie procesami komunikacji interpersonalnej w procesie edukacyjnym. W sposób szczególny dotyczy to komunikatów w funkcji oceny. Autor stawia tezę, że ten typ komunikacji wyzwala złożone mechanizmy psychologiczne (postawy i zachowania) jej uczestników, które mogą prowadzić do wzmocnienia lub osłabienia sprawności samoregulacyjnych. Aby przyjrzeć się tym mechanizmom, autor omawia skrótowo teorię Analizy Transakcyjnej. Jest to koncepcja autorstwa Erica Berne’a, za której pomocą wyjaśnia on złożoność procesów komunikacji jako niezbędnej do osiągania przez ludzi ich celów życiowych. Poczynione przez Berne’a obserwacje znajdują w artykule zastosowanie w mikroskali programu kształcenia tłumaczy. Ich celem jest wyposażenie uczestników procesu dydaktycznego w narzędzia sterowania interakcjami komunikacyjnymi. Na końcu artykułu autor zamieszcza kilka ćwiczeń, których celem jest zachęcenie czytelnika do podjęcia dalszych studiów i samokształcenia się w zakresie omawianej tematyki.
This article shows how Internet resources can be used in self-education. Increasingly, the cyberspace is used for quick acquisition of new qualifications. Recently, Internet sites offering language courses are becoming more and more popular in cyberspace activity. Rarely, however, do we come across pages that – apart from education – offer something more. This article attempts to describe one innovative site (a special portal) devoted to learning a language, which is a combination of a social community and education. This is a new way of self-educating activity. On one hand, we can study languages, and, on the other hand, we have contact with multi-culture resources. Self-education allows for communicating with people of different nationalities: talking with e.g. English, Italian or Spanish people. Each of them, apart from the exchange of language experiences, offers special, individual cultural values. At the same time we can learn and be in touch with multiculturalism. In addition, interactive pages and their attractive design allow for more effective and enjoyable learning in the comfort of people’s own home Thanks to the multilateral impact, involving intellect and emotions, even adults can learn as easy as children.
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