Arotrophora MEYRICK known as far from 10 Australian species is recorded from the Oriental region. Tortrix semifulva MEYRICK is transferred from Tortrix auct. to Arotrophora and 16 other species are described as new in this genus: Arotrophora hongsona sp.n., A. khasiasana sp.n., A. khatana sp.n., A. charassapex sp. n., A. paiana sp. n., A. khunmaei sp. n., A. cherrapunji sp.n., A. inthanona sp.n., A. gilligani sp. n., A. charopa sp. n., A. kudasanga sp. n., A. obrimsocia sp. n., A. bernardmyo sp. n., A. utarana sp. n. from the Oriental region, and A. fijigena sp. n., A. tubulosa sp. n. from Fiji. The systematic position of Archigraptis MEYRICK is proposed and the the Australian "Cnephasiini" is reconsidered.