Oszacowano skłonność do konsumpcji w Polsce przy założeniu różnych postaci funkcji konsumpcji: keynesowskiej funkcji konsumpcji, funkcji konsumpcji wynikającej z teorii cyklu życia Modiglianiego oraz funkcji konsumpcji zgodnej z teorią dochodu permanentnego Friedmana. Oszacowania dokonano metodą najmniejszych kwadratów na podstawie danych makroekonomicznych za lata 1995-2008. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The paper presents estimation of propensity to consume in Poland in the span of 1996-2008. Three forms of consumption function were assumed: simple consumption function of Keynes, consumption function consistent with life-cycle hypothesis of Modigliani and consumption function consistent with permanent income theory of Friedman. The marginal propensity to consume based on the consumption function of Keynes was 56,5% while the marginal propensity to consume estimated with assumption of permanent income theory was 66,5%. Permanent income theory of Friedman better explains changes of consumption than simple consumption theory of Keynes. In the paper the share of consumption expenditures in the disposable income of individual types of households was also presented. (original abstract)
Omówiono rolę kredytów konsumpcyjnych i oszczędności w kształtowaniu się konsumpcji gospodarstw domowych w latach 1991-1993.
Consumption is modified by numerous factors. They may be divided into economic (prices, income) and non-economic (e.g. customs, religious factors). Loans and savings can be distinguished among the former ones. In the article the author discusses these categories as they decide about households' purchasing power and, which follows, their consumer demand. Various forms of loans and savings were presented. The solutions adopted in Poland served as an example. (original abstract)
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