Autor analizuje bariery w zakresie przepływu informacji i elastyczności, skłonności uczestników gospodarowania do dostosowań oraz możliwości takich dostosowań w aspekcie stabilizacji gospodarki Polski w procesie urynkowienia.
Autor omówił sytuację makroekonomiczną Polski i innych krajów postkomunistycznych w latach 1990-1993, objawy narastającego kryzysu przed rozpoczęciem reform gospodarczych, a także programy transformacji i stabilizacji i symptomy wychodzenia z kryzysu.
Przedmiotem monografii jest studium teoretyczne stabilizacji gospodarczej. Omówiono kryteria stabilności ekonomicznej, rodzaje systemów ekonomicznych i ich charakterystykę, procesy destabilizacji w gospodarce planowej i organizowanej przez państwo, rynkowe bariery stabilizacji gospodarczej, problemy skuteczności polityki budżetowej i systemowe uwarunkowania polityki monetarnej.
The paper is a theoretical study devoted mainly to the analysis of destabilization processes and the Methods of overcoming them. The deliberations on the system determinants of economic stabilization are based, theoretically, on the thesis that development and evolution are realized through fluctuations. Because of that, the analysis is concentrated on the hazards that result from all forms of state intervention in the adjustment processes issuing from the ranks. The thesis claiming that there are no economic systems that are free from internal disturbances enabling to attain stable equilibrium, has to be verified. In the introductory part of the paper (Chapters 1 and II), the analysis of the stabilization criteria and the typology of economic systems, from the standpoint of the distinguished stabilization criteria, are carried out. Part II (Chapters III and IV) is devoted to the analysis of the sources of destabilization in economic systems guided by the state, and in the market mechanism. The remaining part of the paper is concerned with the analysis of the acceptable ways and range of influencing the autonomic adjustment processes in order to strengthen the tendencies towards equilibrium and to limit the system - wide destabilization processes. It has been shown how the process of economic choice gets complicated as a result of state intervention in the market mechanism and how highly probable the destabilization is in consequence of limited management, even if it is verified from the standpoint of conformity with the market mechanism logic. The theoretical analysis of the barriers and methods of overcoming the destabilization processes in economic systems has been utilized for the verification of the programme of stabilization and system transformations that has been realized in Poland since 1990. (original abstract)
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