The article is related to the issue of pupil humor aimed at teachers in the setting of lower secondary schools and is based on an analysis of pupils’ written narratives. The data are categorized according to various situational modes in which the teachers find themselves as objects of humor – unintended comic mode, mode of pupil snare and mode of teacher joke. The analysis shows a number of functions of the school humor, especially in terms of acceptable expression of hostile feelings among pupils and teachers.
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Teachers take advantage of the protection guaranteed to public functionaries while performing or in relation to their official duties. According to the survey, teachers often fail to react to acts of violence at school including violence directed to themselves as they do not feel competent enough to act against people demonstrating aggressive behavior. They are also not fully orientated in the mechanisms of the protection guaranteed to public functionaries as well as in its scope. Low legal awareness on the matter results in the fact that teachers not always know that they often balance just within the law and some of their activities (or omissions) are even against the law. They are also not fully aware of the fact that legal liability arising from the specificity of their profession is by nature broader than in the case of other professions. Should they be aware of such liability, there will always be numerous questions and doubts. This article constitutes an attempt to find the answers to the above questions. Simultaneously through a short description of typical crimes committed against teachers and offences committed in relation to the duties performed by teachers the article is a compendium of basic legal knowledge on the matter.
Artykuł poświęcony jest zagadnieniu prawnej odpowiedzialności nauczycieli. Niewłaściwe wypełnianie obowiązków zawodowych w każdej grupie zawodowej łączy się z ryzykiem poniesienia odpowiedzialności przez jej przedstawicieli. W związku z nienależytym wykonywaniem obowiązków pracowniczych lub dokonaniem określonych czynów sprzecznych z prawem również wobec nauczycieli mogą być wyciągane określone konsekwencje prawne. Przepisy dotyczące zasad prawnej odpowiedzialności nauczycieli mają zróżnicowany charakter i uregulowane zostały w wielu aktach prawnych. Zasady odpowiedzialności dyscyplinarnej znajdują odzwierciedlenie w Karcie Nauczyciela, reguły odpowiedzialności materialnej i porządkowej zawarte są w Kodeksie pracy, w kwestii cywilnoprawnej odpowiedzialności odszkodowawczej zastosowanie mają ustawa o systemie oświaty oraz ewentualnie Kodeks cywilny, natomiast odpowiedzialność karna i odpowiedzialność za wykroczenie, jaką może ponieść nauczyciel, wynika z naruszenia przez niego przepisów Kodeksu karnego lub Kodeksu wykroczeń.
The article is devoted to the issue of the legal responsibility of teachers. Improper fulfillment of the obligations arising out of employment in each occupational group entails a liability risk by its representatives. The improper performance of an employee’s duties or acting in a way contrary to the law, and this includes teachers, may be subject to certain legal consequences. Legislation concerning the legal responsibility of teachers is varied in nature and have been regulated in a number of legal acts. Disciplinary responsibility has been defined in the Teachers’ Charter, the rules of material and ordinal responsibility are contained in the Labour Code, civil liability is regulated in particular by the Educational Act and the Civil Code, and any possible criminal liability and liability for an offense which a teacher may be subject to arise from the violation of the Criminal Code or Code of Offenses.
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Amonashvili’s humane pedagogy, as the author terms his concept, is an attempt radically to overcome the authoritarian style of education while emphasizing its moral-spiritual aspect. The pedagogical ideas embodied in human pedagogy have won considerable support from teachers. Amonashvili has found an adequate way of communicating with the wider teaching community. Thanks to his prolific publishing and educational activities, as well as institutional and organizational tools, an extensive community of teachers and schools has been established – both in Russia and in several neighbouring countries – implementing this pedagogical theory in practice. Human pedagogy can offer a significant source of inspiration, however it cannot be mechanically transplanted from the specific Russian cultural milieu into other countries.
Everyone who studies the New Testament Bible must take into account its Aramaic backgro- und that results from several factors: – the Aramaic language was very popular in Roman Palestine during the rst century A.D.; – the Aramaic was Jesus’ mother tongue;– Jesus’ teaching was being recorded in Aramaic and then it circulated among the people; – the oldest Church consisted of Aramaic speaking communities. It is worth remembering that the New Testament authors, when working on the Greek Gospels, they were following their Aramaic language habits. The e ects of them were aramaisms in the Greek texts, Aramaic sentence constructions and even Aramaic words rendered by Greek letters. The aim of this paper was to investigate the Aramaic words referring to the God/Christ in the Greek text of the New Testament. Three Aramaic words were analysed: – Messias (John 1:41; 4:25); Greek equivalent is Christos;– Rabbouni (John 20:16; Mk 10:51); Greek equivalent is Didaskale;– Abba (Mk 14:36; Rom 8:15; Gl 4:6); Greek equivalent is ho patēr.The last term is semantically di erent from its Greek equivalent. Being derived from everyday language, it reveals the truth about God in a surprising way.
Everyone who studies the New Testament Bible must take into account its Aramaic backgro- und that results from several factors: – the Aramaic language was very popular in Roman Palestine during the rst century A.D.; – the Aramaic was Jesus’ mother tongue;– Jesus’ teaching was being recorded in Aramaic and then it circulated among the people; – the oldest Church consisted of Aramaic speaking communities. It is worth remembering that the New Testament authors, when working on the Greek Gospels, they were following their Aramaic language habits. The e ects of them were aramaisms in the Greek texts, Aramaic sentence constructions and even Aramaic words rendered by Greek letters. The aim of this paper was to investigate the Aramaic words referring to the God/Christ in the Greek text of the New Testament. Three Aramaic words were analysed: – Messias (John 1:41; 4:25); Greek equivalent is Christos;– Rabbouni (John 20:16; Mk 10:51); Greek equivalent is Didaskale;– Abba (Mk 14:36; Rom 8:15; Gl 4:6); Greek equivalent is ho patēr.The last term is semantically di erent from its Greek equivalent. Being derived from everyday language, it reveals the truth about God in a surprising way.
The paper presents considerations on teachers’ educational leadership. What forms the basis of this consideration is the thesis that contemporary educational processes are more and more often reduced to management strategies in which teachers are treated as clerks and functionaries of the educational system. However, according to the author, the teaching profession primarily comes down to the personal dimension and consists in perceiving teachers as professionals who are ethically committed to facilitating students’ development. The paper presents problems connected with teachers’ educational leadership in the personal dimension based on the responsibility rule. What has been presented includes the essence of educational leadership, the notion, models and standards of this leadership as well as the selected teaching skills determining personal and responsible educational leadership
Artykuł prezentuje rozważania o przywództwie edukacyjnym nauczyciela. Podstawą rozważań jest teza, że we współczesnej rzeczywistości procesy edukacyjne sprowadzane są coraz częściej do strategii zarządzania a nauczyciel traktowany jest jako urzędnik/funkcjonariusz systemu oświaty. Praca nauczyciela, zdaniem autorki, ma jednak przede wszystkim wymiar osobowy i jest pochodną rozumienia nauczyciela jako profesjonalisty, etycznie zaangażowanego we wspieranie rozwoju ucznia. W artykule przedstawiono problematykę przywództwa nauczycielskiego w wymiarze osobowym opartym na zasadzie odpowiedzialności. Przedstawiono istotę przywództwa, pojęcie, model i standardy przywództwa edukacyjnego. Scharakteryzowano wybrane kompetencje nauczycielskie determinujące osobowe i odpowiedzialne przywództwo nauczyciela
The article presents analysis of those fragments of Jesus’ ministry in the Gospel of Mark that were directed exclusively to the addresses referred to as “Disciples and/or the Twelve. The frames for these teachings are contained in the Parable of the Sower (Mk 4,11-20) and in the Mission Speech (Mk 16, 15-17). The parable and its explanation, that may be called Jesus’ programme speech, assume their final and appropriate meanings when combined with the Mission Order. The Mission Order, on the other hand, interpreted in the light of expla-nation of the Parable of the Sower, takes into consideration variants of the Sower’s identity present in the Parable, circumstances of Gospel preaching and reactions to the conveyed contents.
Tylko minimalną uwagę zwraca się na złożoność i potencjał wiedzy psychologicznej w skuteczności przywództwa w edukacji na Słowacji. Celem artykułu jest analiza powiązań między przywództwem transformacyjnym a osobowością słowackich nauczycieli. Grupa badawcza składała się ze 113 nauczycieli szkół podstawowych i średnich w Republice Słowackiej. Poczucie umiejscowienia kontroli określono za pomocą kwestionariusza Origin/Pawn/Pešiak (De Charms, 1976), a poszczególne typy zachowań lidera transformującego za pomocą Inwentarza zachowań lidera (LPI, Kouzes & Posner, 2017). Zależności między zmiennymi poddano współczynnikowi korelacji Pearsona. Średnie wartości poszczególnych monitorowanych typów zachowania wybranego modelu lidera transformacyjnego były bliższe wartościom poniżej średniej. Korelacje między obserwowanymi typami zachowań a sposobem interpretowania przyczyn zdarzeń były znaczące i pozytywne.
Only minimal attention is paid to the complexity and potential of psychological knowledge of the effectiveness of educational leadership in Slovakia. The aim of this study is to analyze the interrelationships between transformative leadership and personal causality among Slovak teachers. The research group consisted of 113 primary and high school teachers in the Slovak Republic. The level of personal causality was determined using the Origin-Pawn questionnaire (De Charms, 1976) and individual types of a transformative leader’s behavior were determined using the Leader Behavior Inventory (LPI, Kouzes & Posner, 2017). The relationships of the variables were subjected to a Pearson correlation coefficient. The average values of individually monitored types of behavior in the selected model of the transformative leader were closer to below-average values. Most often, our respondents tended to support the heart and enable growth. The correlations between the observed types of behavior and personal causality were significant and positive.
Artykuł ukazuje chrystologię uroczystości Najświętszego Ciała i Krwi Jezusa Chrystusa. Po dokonaniu analizy teologicznoliturgicznej tekstów euchologijnych i czytań biblijnych formularza mszalnego z tejże uroczystości wynika, że w jej centrum jest Osoba i zbawczy czyn Jezusa Chrystusa. On, ustanawiając Eucharystię, pozostał z nami pod postaciami chleba wina. W czasie Ostatniej Wieczerzy Jezus w sakramentalny sposób zawarł i utrwalił na zawsze wydarzenia swojej śmierci i zmartwychwstania. Eucharystia jest przede wszystkim obecnością i czynem zbawczym Chrystusa. Te aspekty pojawiają się w imionach i określeniach Jezusa. W tekstach liturgicznych i biblijnych omawianego formularza są one następujące: Jezus, Chrystus, Syn Człowieczy, Nauczyciel, Baranek bez skazy, Chleb Żywy, Kapłan. Uroczystość Bożego Ciała jest świętowaniem tajemnicy obecności Chrystusa pod postaciami chleba i wina. Jest to rzeczywistość realna i naznaczona Jego nieskończoną miłością do wszystkich ludzi.
This article shows the christological dimension of the solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. The sources of research were biblical and liturgical texts intended for the celebration of this solemnity. The analysis and exegesis of the source texts very strongly emphasizes that in the centre of the Corpus Christi celebrations there is the Person and the saving act of Jesus Christ. During the Last Supper, in a sacramental manner Jesus established and memorialised the events of his death and resurrection forever. The Eucharist is above all the presence and saving act of Christ. This presence, hidden under the figures of bread and wine, is real. The names and titles of Jesus which appear in the liturgical texts emphasize the presence and the saving action in the liturgy of „here” and „now”. The following names and titles are used in the texts: Jesus, Christ, Son of Man, Teacher, Lamb without blemish, Bread of Life, Priest. The texts of the Mass form for this celebration give a clear message that Christ comes to man as the most basic and at the same time indispensable food – life-giving Bread.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie zjawiska oporu jako kategorii poznawczej w szkolnej edukacji polonistycznej oraz zaakcentowanie niebagatelnego znaczenia nowoczesnych technologii cyfrowych i medialnych w zwalczaniu narastającej niechęci uczniów do czytania lektur szkolnych. Należy zauważyć, że współczesne media mogą mieć pozytywny wpływ nie tylko na zwiększenie poziomu atrakcyjności zajęć szkolnych, ale przede wszystkim na efektywniejszy rozwój intelektualny ucznia oraz kształtowanie jego zainteresowań czytelniczych. Tekst stanowi ponadto próbę charakterystyki przyczyn, skutków oraz sposobów ujawniania się oporu w obszarze edukacyjnym. W prowadzonych badaniach opór potraktowano jako kategorię interdyscyplinarną, dlatego zjawisko to jest opisywane z perspektywy różnych dziedzin nauki: psychologii, socjologii oraz filozofii.
The purpose of the paper is to present the phenomenon of resistance as a cognitive category of teaching the Polish language at schools as well as to emphasize the importance of modern digital and media technologies to eradicate the growth of students’ resistance against obligatory reading list. It is important to notice that contemporary media may not only have a positive influence on the growth of lesson attractiveness but also on more effective intellectual student development and development of his/her reading interests. The article is also the attempt to characterize the causes, effects and measures of exposing the resistance in educational area. In scientific research, resistance is treated as an interdisciplinary category, thus, the phenomenon is described from the perspective of different scientific fields: psychology, sociology and philosophy.
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