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Badaniami objęto 12 profili gleb tatrzańskich z zaawansowanym procesem bielicowania z wyraźnie wykształconymi endopedonami albic i spodic. W większości badanych profili najwyższymi zawartościami analizowanych pierwiastków charakteryzowały się ich powierzchniowe poziomy organiczne. Na ogół zawartość Cd, Pb i Zn w endopedonach albic badanych gleb była niższa od analogicznych w endopedonach spodic. Według Rozporządzenia Ministra Środowiska z dnia 9 września 2002 r. w sprawie standardów jakości gleby oraz standardów ziemi [DzU 2002, Nr 165, poz. 1359], oznaczone zawartości Pb i Zn nie przekroczyły dopuszczalnych ilości tych pierwiastków określonych dla gleb terenów chronionych. Natomiast w niektórych poziomach badanych gleb oznaczone zawartości Cd przekroczyły dopuszczalne ilości tego pierwiastka, jakie zostały określone dla gleb terenów chronionych.
The study included 12 soil profiles with advanced of Tatra podzols with well-formed albic spodic horizons. In majority of the profiles, the highest contents of the analyzed elements were characterized by their organic surface horizons. In general, the contents of Cd, Pb and Zn in albic horizons of analyzed soils was lower than the corresponding spodic horizons. According to the Regulation of Minister of Environment from 9 September 2002 on standards for soil quality and standards of the land [DzU 2002 Nr. 165, poz. 1359] identified the contents of Pb and Zn did not exceed the allowable amount of these elements specified for soils of protected areas. However, in some horizons of the analyzed soils identified Cd content exceeded the permissible amounts of this element, as defined for soils of protected areas.
Paradoksy ochrony wartości kulturowo-krajobrazowych przedstawiono na kilku przykładach z terenu Tatrzańskiego Parku Narodowego. Zaniedbania zagrażające chronionym obiektom oraz działania związane z przekształcaniem przestrzeni otoczenia są podstawowymi powodami ich niszczenia.
Paradoxes protect the value of cultural landscapes provides a few examples from the area in the Tatra National Park. Negligence which threaten protected objects and a set of activities related to the transformation of the space environment are the basic reasons for their destruction.
Diatom communities in alpine-zone streams of the Tatra National Park and the Swiss National Park were heterogeneous with respect to species richness, abundance, Shannon diversity index, and ecological preference. Two groups of diatoms were distinguished. Group 1, inhabited streams in the upper Gąsienicowa Valley (Tatra Mts) and Macun Lakes region (Alps), and had high species richness and Shannon diversities (especially in the Tatra Mts streams) but low abundances. The most abundant and common diatoms were Psammothidium helveticum, Diatoma mesodon, Aulacoseira alpigena, Achnanthidium minutissimum, Psammothidium subatomoides, Psammothidium marginulatum, and Gomphonema parvulum. Group 2 inhabited Tatra Mts streams in the Five Polish Lakes Valley and lower Gąsienicowa Valley. Diatoms were highly abundant but species richness and Shannon diversities were relatively low. The most abundant were Achnanthidium minutissimum, Diatoma mesodon, Fragilaria capucina gracilis group and Tabellaria flocculosa. There was no clear difference between the diatom communities of the outlet streams of upper lakes and the inlet streams of adjacent downstream lakes. The high abundance of diatoms in the streams of the Tatra Mts suggests recent ecosystem changes related to lake eutrophication and partly by weather anomalies resulting from climate change.
The aim of the present work is to compare total contents of Cd, Cr, Co, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in soils which belong to different taxonomical units and have different properties and then to estimate, which of the investigated metals may constitute a threat for the environment of the Tatra National Park. Soils of the Park are especially exposed to heavy metals pollution, both for their location in mountainous area and for their strong capacities for accumulation of metals. Investigations were made on the soil material from 50 soil profiles derived from typologically differentited rocks. These soils were situated at the altitude of 926-2100 m a.s.\., in different vertical ranges. The investigations which were conducted allowed to ascertain that soils from the Tatra National Park are threatened with chemical degradation resulting from the excessive concentration of cadmium, lead and also chrome and zinc. A majority of investigated soils (including first of a11 rendzinas and lilhosols) was characterised by high accumulation indexes (Al) of cadmium, and a considerable part of soils had also high accumulation indexes of Zn, Cr, Pb, Cu and Mn. Among investigated types of soils occuring in the area of the Tatra National Park the highest level of investigated metals was estimated in rendzinas, which bad a big content of humus with strong ion-exchange capacities.
Celem niniejszej pracy było porównanie całkowitych zawartości Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb i Zn w glebach należących do różnych jednostek taksonomicznych, charakteryzujących się różnymi właściwościami oraz określenie, które z badanych metali mogą stanowić zagrożenie dla środowiska przyrodniczego Tatrzańskiego Parku Narodowego. Gleby Parku są szczególnie narażone na zanieczyszczenie metalami ciężkimi, zarówno ze względu na ich położenie w terenie górskim, jak i właściwości decydujące o dużych zdolnościach do akumulacji metali. Do badań wykorzystano materiał glebowy z 50 profilów gleb zróżnicowanych typologicznie, wytworzonych z różnych skał macierzystych. Gleby te były położone na wysokości 926-2100 m n.p.m., w różnych piętrach klimatyczno-roślinnych. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły na stwierdzenie, że gleby Tatrzańskiego Parku Narodowego są zagrożone degradacją chemiczną wynikającą z nadmiernej koncentracji w nich kadmu i ołowiu, a także chromu i cynku. Większość badanych gleb (w tym przede wszystkim rędziny i litosole) charakteryzowało się wysokimi wskaźnikami akumulacji (W A) Cd, a znaczna część również wysokimi wskaźnikami akumulacji Zn, Cr, Pb, Cu i Mn. Wśród badanych gleb, występujących na terenie Tatrzańskiego Parku Narodowego, największą zawartość badanych metali stwierdzono w rędzinach, charakteryzujących się dużą zawartością próchnicy, o silnych zdolnościach jonowymiennych.
Tourism is mostly concentrated in protected areas. The highest level of protection of nature and landscape represents national parks, which are important biosphere reserves. Tourism in national parks has to be developed with a thoughtful and considerate approach to the environment and in accordance with sustainable development values, which are based on economic, social and environmental principles. The object of the study is the Tatra National Park, whose task is to preserve and protect the original conditions of the natural environment in the protected landscape and utilise its potential for recreational, medical and sport purposes. In the last decade, the territory of the national park has been undergoing major innovations associated with the construction and improvement of tourism facilities. The aim of the article is to examine the sustainability of tourism in the Tatra National Park based on indicators developed by UNWTO (2004) in terms of visitors with an emphasis on social and environmental aspects.
Końcem XV wieku rozpoczęto na obszarze masywu tatrzańskiego zakrojone na szeroką skalę prace górnicze. Wykuto wiele sztolni i szybów, w których wydobywano rudę miedzi i srebro, a w późniejszym czasie także rudę żelaza. W XVIII wieku powstały na terenie Tatr huty i zakłady przerabiające wydobyty urobek. W niniejszym artykule w sposób przystępny połączono historię górnictwa i hutnictwa tego obszaru, elementy geologii złóż, budowę sztolni a także pozostałe w terenie ślady prac górniczych w formie projektu trasy geoturystycznej. Jest ona odpowiedzią na rosnące zapotrzebowanie turystów na informacje ukazujące historię obszaru i skrywane ciekawostki oraz niewątpliwym wzbogaceniem istniejących ścieżek i szlaków turystycznych.
In many places in the Tatra Mountains the signs of operations exist, originating from the end of XV century to the end of XIX century. It is possible to find old tunnels, adits, shafts and ruins of industrial constructions. These relicts are situated in the famous Tatras' valleys - Kościeliska and Chochołowska. It is worthy to lead here a geotourist route along the sings and history of the old mining. Additionally, route includes attractions like caves, springs, post-glacial forms and beautiful landscapes.
Celem opracowania jest poznanie zmian cech fizyczno-chemicznych wód trzech wywierzysk tatrzańskich: Chochołowskiego, Lodowego i Olczyskiego. Skład chemiczny wód wywierzysk istotnie się różni w zakresie średnich stężeń Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, HCO3– i SO42– (ANOVA). Za pomocą analizy składowych głównych (PCA), na podstawie relacji: wydajności, temperatury wody i składu chemicznego wody, wyznaczono dwa lub trzy czynniki (PCA), które wyjaśniają większą cześć zmian składu chemicznego wody w ciągu roku. Wykazano, że wywierzyska Olczyskie i Lodowe charakteryzują się podobnymi zmianami składu chemicznego wody, a Chochołowskie – odmiennymi.
The aim of this paper is to examine the variability of physical and chemical characteristics of vaucluse springs (Chochołowskie, Lodowe and Olczyskie) in the Tatra Mts. The concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, HCO3–, SO42– in water of the Chochołowskie, Lodowe and Olczyskie vaucluse springs are significantly different (ANOVA). Using principal component analysis (PCA) based on the relationship (discharge, water temperature and chemical composition), three or two factors have been determined.
Celem badań prowadzonych w latach 2008-2009 było rozpoznanie wpływu ścieków wytwarzanych w czterech schroni-skach turystycznych na terenie Tatrzańskiego Parku Narodowego na stężenia związków biogennych w potokach, do których ścieki te były odprowadzane. Próbki ścieków oraz wód rzecznych powyżej i poniżej zrzutu ścieków były pobierane na ogół raz w miesiącu. W laboratorium oznaczano stężenia NH4+, NO2, NO3- i P043-. W potokach, do których ścieki były odprowadzane bezpośrednio z mechaniczno-biologicznych oczyszczalni (Sucha Woda, Chochołowski Potok), wyraźnie wzrastały stężenia NH4+ i PO43-. W wypadku potoku Roztoka, do którego docierały nieoczyszczone ścieki po kilkusetmetrowej wędrówce jednym ze żlebów, wzrastały stężenia NO3-. Najmniejszy wpływ zrzutu ścieków stwierdzono w schronisku nad Morskim Okiem, co należy jednak wiązać z cyklicznym charakterem pracy oczyszczalni. Największe ładunki związków biogennych docierały do potoków w czasie sezonu turystycznego (od maja do września). Pomimo dobrych warunków rozcieńczania stężenia niektórych form związków biogennych w potokach były nawet kilkaset razy wyższe kilkadziesiąt metrów za zrzutem ścieków niż przed nim. W latach 2010-2011, z inicjatywy spółki prowadzącej schroniska tatrzańskie - Schroniska i Hotele PTTK „KARPATY" Sp. z o.o., dokonano gruntownej modernizacji oczyszczalni ścieków działających przy schroniskach Murowaniec i na Polanie Chochołowskiej, a dla schroniska w Dolinie Pięciu Stawów Polskich wybudowano nową, mechaniczno-biologiczną oczyszczalnię ścieków z chemicznym strącaniem fosforu.
The goal of the research carried out in the years 2008-2009 was to identify the impact of sewage generated in four tourist shelters located within the boundaries of the Tatra National Park on concentrations of bio-genous compounds in streams to which this sewage was discharged. The samples of sewage and river water upstream and downstream of the sewage discharge points were taken on average once a month. The concentrations of NH4+, NO2, NO3- i P043-were determined in the laboratory. In streams to which the sewage was discharged directly from the mechanical biological treatment plants (Sucha Woda, Chochołowski Potok), the concentrations of NH4 and P043- grew significantly. In the event of the Roztoka stream, to which the untreated sewage was discharged having first flown through a several hundred meters long chute, the concentrations of NO3 increased. The smallest impact of the sewage discharge was identified in the Morskie Oko shelter, what should however be related to the cyclical character of the treatment plant work. The largest loads of biogenous compounds were flowing into the streams during the tourist sea-son (between May and September). Despite good conditions for dilution, the concentrations of some forms of biogenous compounds in streams were even hundreds of times higher several dozen meters downstream of the sewage discharge point than upstream of it. In the years 2010-2011, at the initiative of the company managing the Tatra shelters - Schroniska i Hotele PTTK „KARPATY" Sp. z o.o., a throughout modernization of the sewage treatment plants of the Murowaniec and Chochołowska Valley shelters was carried out, and in the Five Lakes Valley shelter a new mechanical biological treatment plant with Chemical precipitation of phosphor was built.
The main goal of the presented work was to prepare an up-to-date digital map of plant cover of the Skoru.niak Reserve and the Roztoka Valley in Polish High Tatras, using photogrammetry, GPS survey and GIS analysis of data gathered from CIR (Color InfraRed) aerial photos (scale 1:10.000). The generation of digital orthophotomap based on the CIR aerial photos and DTM for other working groups in the project, was additional aim of this study. Before the photogrammetrical flight was undertaken, the 34 GCPs were placed in the area of research. Their precise location was measured using Differential GPS methods (the TPN base station in Zakopane). Further work showed the need of measuring additional 14 GCPs, first pre-selected on the enlarged aerial photos and then measured during the field campaign (DGPS). The CIR aerial images with stereo overlay were taken during a photogrammetric flight on September 30th 2002 over the Tatra National Park. The aerotriangulation process made by OPGK Krakow, resulted in 23 stereomodels, which were next used for the 3D mapping of plant cover, using digital photogrammetry station DEPHOS. Types of the plant cover were distinguished with the use of prepared photointerpretation key and the ground truth survey. Generally, three types of polygon features were distinguished: FOREST, NON_FOREST and UNCLASSIFIED. The types were divided next into 11 classes and 38 objects. The total area of 149 objects which belong to the FOREST type was 1.626 hectares (58% of the research area). The 150 objects from the NON_FOREST type, covered an area of 615 hectares (22% of research area). Objects put into UNCLASSIFIED type (snow, shadow areas) covered as much as 20% of the research area. Polygon objects were next encoded (numbers) and the corrected topology of the thematic cover was created (ArcInfo ESRI). The obtained polygon layer was used for GIS spatial analysis with the use of DTM. The final product of the aerial photos processing was an orthophotomap (2.96 GB TIFF), compressed with Enhanced Compressed Wavelet (ECW) algorithm using ER Mapper (ERM), with almost no loss of information, but with the output file with the size of 114.8 MB only. The results of the presented research proved that geomatic technologies integration have an important place in environment studies. The geodata gathered in the project may be used in further GIS spatial-temporal analysis of the plant cover of the Tatra National Park. The presented paper was a part of a scientific research project: .Time and spectral scales of Western Carpathians Norway spruce forest dynamics. granted by KBN 6 P04 F03021
This research aims to discover potential of hyperspectral remote sensing data for mapping high-mountain vegetation ecosystems. First, the importance of mountain ecosystems to global system should be stressed: due to environmental fragility and location of plant species and communities at the upper levels of habitats, mountainous ecosystems form a very sensitive indicator of global climate change. Furthermore, a variety of biotic and abiotic factors that influence spatial distribution of vegetation in the mountains are producing diverse mosaic of habitats leading to high biodiversity. Mountain plants developed specific adaptations to survive at the fringe of life (pigment content, plant tissue structure etc.). These adaptations have direct impact on their reflectance properties which can be acquired and quantified using hyperspectral imagery interpretation techniques. These changes are characterised by a large number of closely spaced spectral channels. Application of remote sensing techniques allows vegetation research and mapping in areas that are otherwise inaccessible. This could be due to low accessibility of terrain, very short vegetative period and unstable weather conditions. Mapping vegetation and its condition is often constrained or even prevented using traditional, field mapping techniques. To protect a delicate balance in mountainous environments vegetation cover (a perfect indicator of all the other components of biosphere) should be researched in detail and mapped with sufficient level of accuracy. This is of particular importance for the proper management as both anthropogenic pressure and local disturbances (avalanches, solifluction after extensive rainfalls) can have significant impact on vegetation, leading to disturbance, and eventually – disintegration of plant cover. It is anticipated, that vegetation mapping and condition analysis can be achieved using hyperspectral, high ground resolution imagery and digital and field remote sensing techniques. Artificial Neural Network (NN/ANN) algorithms use whole object characteristics (spectral, structural and/or textural properties, where the relationship between pixels are also taken into account). These relationships among the spatial patterns of the image frequently appear over natural biotopes and plant communities with closed coverage. Traditional classification methods that use parametrical approaches do not show satisfying results. The implemented neural network is the fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM) simulator. For training the neural network, particular layers of the covering vegetation classes were used that were identified via field mapping while the aircraft was operating. In the same time separate field data was collected for validation purposes too. For hyperspectral data compression the Minimum Noise Fraction transformation (MNF) was used. This method may be especially useful to separate and classify vegetation or land cover units. The High Tatras are located within the MAB Biosphere Reserve and encompasses alpine and subalpine zones of the Tatra National Park (TPN). The area extends within: 49°10’30’’–49°16’00’’ N and 19°45’30’’–20°07’30’’ E rectangle, encompassing approximately 110 km2 . However, in this publication only Polish part of the Tatra Mountains (so called “High Tatras”) was analysed (Figure 15). Vegetation in the area has been well researched (since the 1920’s), however most of the research has been carried out on transects or glades. Plant species have been well identified and described, however detailed maps of vegetation are available only for selected areas. The most of the research area is covered by natural and seminatural key units: peaty and boggy communities, avalanche meadows, tall herb communities ( Adenostylion ), grassland communities after grazing, subalpine dwarf scrub communities, willow thicket ( Chamaenerion angustifolium-Salix silesiaca community), mountain-pine scrub on silikat substrate ( Pinetum mugho carpaticum silicicolum ), mountain-pine scrub ( Pinetum mugho carpaticum silicicolum ) in a complex with epilitic lichen communities, mountain-pine scrub on calcareus substrate ( Pinetum mugho carpaticum calcicolum ), montane spruce forest ( Plagiothecio-Piceetum ) and lakes. Assessment of neural networks and Imaging Spectroscopy for vegetation classification of the High Tatras In this study a DAIS 7915 hyperspectral data was classified that was acquired on 04 August 2002 by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in the frame of the HySens PL02_05 project. This instrument is a 79-channel imaging spectrometer operating in the wavelength range 0.4-12.5 μ m with 15 bit radiometric resolution. After preprocessing the obtained ground resolution was 3 meters. The classification procedures (Figure 21) began with a preparation of reference layers of 42 dominant classes for the fuzzy ARTMAP teaching (Figure 22A). This stage based on terrain acquired data. For validation’s map Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) was used; in the first step, basing on field sampled polygons and endmembers obtained from DAIS data (corresponding to the key areas from the ground mapping) a pre-validation map was created. In the second step, basing on terrain mapping validation polygons of each analysed class were reselected (Figure 22B, Table 4). Parallel to this procedure, an exploration from all 79 bands covering the VIS-TIR regions of the spectrum was made. The first step was a band’s information analysis and the reselection of 60 spectral bands was made (Figures 23 and 24). The second step was to reduce the data dimensionality to 40 original and 20 MNF bands. For the actual classification of the plant communities, a fuzzy ARTMAP simulator was used. In order to obtain the desired results 5000 and 10 000 iterations were used while training the Neural Net. Each set of image bands and reference layer contained a detailed DEM of analysed area. Classification accuracy was measured using ENVI software’s algorithms based on test and training sets. The overall accuracy was measured throughout a pixel by pixel comparison post classification images to ground truth map (prepared from SAM and field’ verified mapping). The final results of the High Tatras polygon are shown in Tables 5-24, and the classification images present in Figures 28-35. Generally, the forty-band set of input data offered higher accuracy (1-2%) than the twenty-MNF-band set (Tables 23 and 24). In the first case, the overall accuracy value achieved was 88.6%, and kappa coefficient was 0.8740. In the case of 20 MNF bands, the overall accuracy was 82.6%, and kappa coefficient 0.8310. Two of fourt-two analysed classes weren’t classified properly: Salicetum herbaceae in a complex with Empetro-Vaccinietum (class# 6) and grassland communities after grazing in a complex with ruderal communities (#32). The worst classification results were achieved in the range of 44-80% for Oreochloo distichae-Juncetum trifidi scree form with Juncus trifidus (#14), Festuca picta community (#30), Vaccinium myrtilus community in a complex with tall herb communities (#36) and willow thicket – Chamaenerion angustifolium-Salix silesiaca community (#37). The best results were achieved for: Oreochloo distichae-Juncetum trifidi typicum (#8); Oreochloo distichae-Juncetum tri fi di sphagnetosum (#11), Oreochloo distichae-Juncetum trifidi subalpine anthropogenic form (#16), Caricetum fuscae subalpinum (#21), Empetro-Vaccinietum in a complex with Pinetum mugho (34), mountain-pine scrub on silikat substrate (38) and waters Hyperspectral data showed significant potential for discriminating different vegetation types. The use of an artificial neural network is a proper method for mapping plant communities; it should be a supporting tool for traditional vegetation mapping. The increased number of bands while classification is being done (more than 40) does not offer a significantly better overall accuracy, but the worst results are not so low like in the case of twenty-MNF band sets. The processing time of MNF-transformed data was significantly shorter while provides less accurate classification results (3-6% less overall accuracy compared to using forty-band sets). A long training time is the most inconvenient aspect of this kind of classification.
Content available remote Not European Wildcats, But Domestic Cats Inhabit Tatra National Park
The European wildcat Felis silvestris silvestris is one of the most endangered mammals in Poland. In 1954, when the Tatra National Park (TNP) was established in the highest part of the Polish Carpathians, the wildcat was considered a rare species but nevertheless present in this region. However, its occurrence was never properly recorded there. The aim of this study was to verify whether wildcats occur in the TNP using genetic methods to distinguish wildcats from domestic cats F. s. catus. Between March and May 2015, hair samples were collected from 40 lure sticks treated with valerian, a cat attractant, in a region of the park with presumed high habitat suitability for wildcats. Neither wildcats nor hybrids with domestic cats were identified using control region haplotype sequencing and analysis of different nuclear markers. However, thirteen samples indicating the presence of the domestic cat in the protected area were collected. The Bayesian clustering analyses of microsatellite and SNP genotypes revealed no evidence for any admixture with wildcats. While our study cannot prove the absence of wildcats in the study area, it strongly suggests that wildcats are at least very rare in the region and a continued rigorous monitoring is recommended.
Hyperspectral remote sensing is still being discovered as a tool about analytical possibilities for the research on areas about diversifi ed character, like mountain areas. This study investigated the relationship between spatial variability of surface temperature of the Gąsienicowa Valley (the Tatra Mountains) and chosen components of the natural environment, such as: near-surface lithology layers, soil surfaces, land cover types, altitudes, slopes and aspects. Image of the surface radiation temperature was processed basing on the Digital Airborne Imaging Spectrometer (DAIS 7915) data. Thematic layers were: acquired from the Tatra National Park GIS Office (geology, lithology and soil layers), generated from DTM (altitude, slopes and aspects) and created from the DAIS RGB compositions data (land cover). The analysis of relationship between components and surface temperatures were measured by the power connection index (Richling, 1983) and connection index (Zagajewski, 2003). It has been stated that the greatest power of connections occurred between the radiation temperature and the soil surface, however on the majority surface of the Gąsienicowa Valley temperature responses most strongly to the land cover type.
Kalatówki is located in the midlle of the Tatra National Park. It has been a popular place for tourist trips since over 100 years. Different types of tourist activity influence environment in many ways, both direct and indirect. Tourism and skiing are most important activities in the Kalatówki area. Tourism causes changes in soils’ physical parameters (bulk density, particle density, soil moisture, porosity, porosity indicator and TOC) on tourist routes and resting-places. Higher heavy metals contents (chromium, copper, iron, lead, zinc) in soils around cable railway mechanisms are connected with skiing infrastructure influence. Minimizing the negative tourism influence on environment of Kalatówki region is possible only thanks to changes in touristic infrastructure and tourists’ attitudes.
W okresie zimy 1997/98 r. (grudzień-luty) przeprowadzono badania zawartości Zn, Ni, Pb i Cd w pięcioletnich pędach i szpilkach świerka pospolitego z obszaru Tatr Zachodnich. Otrzymano następujące wartości: dla pędów Ni 0,3-5,5 mg/kg, Zn 58 + 128 mg/kg, Pb 5,7+19,1 mg/kg, Cd 0,2-3,0 mg/kg, dla szpilek Ni 0,7+7,0 mg/kg, Zn 12+97 mg/kg, Pb 0,2-4,2 mg/kg i Cd 0,1+4,1 mg/kg. Stwierdzono istotną zależność pomiędzy zawartością niklu i cynku w pędach i szpilkach. Koncentracja ołowiu w szpilkach świerka malała ze wzrostem wysokości nad poziom morza.
During winter 1997/1998 since December till February, the content of Zn, Ni, Pb and Cd in five year-old shoots and needles of Picea abies was examinated, in Western Tatra mountains area. The results are as follows: for shoots Ni 0.3-5.5 mg/kg, Zn 58-128 mg/kg, Pb 5.7+19.1 mg/kg, Cd 0.2*3.0 mg/kg, and as for needles: Ni 0.7-8-7.0 mg/kg Zn 12-97 mg/kg, Pb 0.2-4.2 mg/kg and Cd 0.05-4.1 mg/kg. Between the content of Ni and Zn in shoots and needles of Picea abies was a significant dependence. The content of Pb in needles of Picea abies was decreasing as the height above sea level was going up.
This paper presents analysis of plant cover condition in Gasienicowa Valley in the Tatra Mts. depending on various trampling intensity. Measurements were taken with ASD FieldSpec 3 spectrometer (its spectral range is 350-2500nm) on 8 dominant plant species of alpine swards: Juncus trifidus, Oreochloa disticha, Agrostis rupestris, Deschampsia flexuosa, Festuca airoides, Festuca picta, Luzula alpino-pilosa, Nardus stricta. These plant species were located: 0-5m, 5-10m and more than 10m distant from a touristic trail (control point). Spectral characteristics as well as vegetation indices were analyzed with ANOVA test, which showed differiential resistance to trampling of investigated plant species. The most resistant species were: Nardus stricta and Deschampsia flexuosa, whereas Oreochloa disticha and Festuca airoides appeared to be vulnerable to trampling. However, all vegetation indices for plant species were in its optimum range, so it proves that they are in a good condition. The analysis of vegetation indices enabled choosing those groups, which are the most useful in the research of mountain vegetation condition. They are: NDVI, ARVI, EVI from the broadband greeness group and mSR705 and mNDVI from narrowband greenness group (measuring chlorophyll content and cell structure), as well as WBI, NDWI, NDII from canopy water content group. The most important factor that effects investigated plant species condition is water content. The research showed that hyperspectral analysis is useful in studying human impact on vegetation cover and needs to be developed.
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