This paper presents an analysis of the Benchmark for Evaluation And Validation of Reactor Simulations (BEAVRS) performed using SCALE 6.1.2 and PARCS 3.2 computer codes. The benchmark specifi cation contains a detailed design, operational data and measurements for a real 4-loop Westinghouse pressurized water reactor (PWR). The lattice physics simulations were prepared using TRITON depletion sequence and NEWT neutron transport solver (SCALE package). The 238-neutron group library based on evaluated nuclear data fi le – ENDF/B-VII nuclear data libraries was applied. A set of branch and burnup calculations was prepared, and group constants in the form of PMAXS fi les were generated with GenPMAXS. The full-core models were prepared using the PARCS nodal-diffusion core simulator. The PMAXS libraries were used with PARCS to investigate the core operation. The hot zero power measurement data, including control rod worths and critical boron concentrations, were compared using simulations, and satisfactory results were achieved. The fi rst fuel cycle was simulated, and acceptable agreement with boron letdown curve and measurements were obtained. Finally, conclusions and recommendations for future research were presented.
Dokonano przeglądu technik dostępowych i systemów komunikacji morskiej wykorzystywanych aktualnie lub planowanych do użycia, zarówno do łączności między statkami, jak i statkami i lądem, w celu wspierania określonych usług, często ukierunkowanych na poprawę bezpieczeństwa na morzu oraz e-nawigację. Przegląd obejmuje zarówno rozwiązania naziemne, jak i przykładowe rozwiązania satelitarne. W pierwszej grupie systemów zaprezentowano zarówno proste instalacje portowe z transmisją jednoetapową, jak i znacznie bardziej złożone rozwiązania wieloskokowe, wykorzystujące topologie kratowe. Wskazano podstawowe cechy funkcjonalne takich systemów, także ich mocne strony oraz ograniczenia.
The paper presents an overview of popular technologies and systems currently developed or employed in maritime communication. These solutions are used to provide both ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communication for the purpose of supporting specific services, often dedicated to maritime safety and e-navigation. The overview includes both terrestrial and example satellite solutions. In the first group of systems both simple single hop harbour installations as well much more complex multihop solutions, involving mesh topologies are considered. Functional features of such communication systems together with their advantages and limitations are also presented.
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