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Celem pracy było określenie zależności pomiędzy zawartością substancji organicznej TOC uzyskanej z badań laboratoryjnych a parametrami uzyskanymi z profilowań geofizycznych. Wykorzystano następujące profilowania geofizyczne: akustyczne, opornościowe, gęstościowe oraz porowatość wyliczoną z danych otworowych z odwiertu W. Skonstruowane modele cechują się współczynnikiem korelacji R z zakresu: 0,76÷0,86. Opracowane zależności zastosowano w otworze W oraz w odwiercie L położonym w badanym obszarze, uzyskując zadowalające wyniki.
The aim of this paper was to determine the relation between the laboratory measurements of the organic substance content (TOC) and parameters obtained from geophysical logs. The data from the acoustic, resistance, and density logs, and porosity calculated from well logs from the borehole W were used. Constructed models are characterized by correlation coefficients R ranging from 0.76 to 0.86. The obtained relations were applied in boreholes W and in L from the studied area, and satisfying results were achieved.
Theory of Constraints (TOC) is a philosophy of management put forth by Eliyahu M. Goldratt, which claims that each system has at least one constraint. This philosophy is applied in many functional areas of companies, ranging from production flow management, marketing, accounting or project management to being a tool of logical reasoning. In this paper, the authors show how the Theory of Constraints can be applied in supply chains, with special attention paid to TOCbased stock management principles which are implemented in the pharmaceutical industry. A practical example described by the Authors illustrates the possibility of creating hybrid solutions combining TOC with other methods
Theory of Constraints (TOC) jest filozofią zarządzania opracowaną przez dr Eliyahu M. Goldratta, która zakłada, że każdy system ma co najmniej jedno ograniczenie. Filozofia ta ma zastosowanie w różnych obszarach funkcjonalnych przedsiębiorstw począwszy od zarządzania przepływem produkcji, poprzez marketing, rachunkowość, zarządzanie projektem czy wreszcie jako narzędzie logicznego wnioskowania. Na łamach tego artykułu autorzy przedstawiają możliwość zastosowania teorii ograniczeń w łańcuchach dostaw, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zaimplementowania zasad zarządzania zapasami zgodnych z TOC w branży farmaceutycznej. Praktyczny przykład opisany przez Autorów jest ilustracją możliwości stworzenia hybrydowych rozwiązań łączących TOC z innymi metodami
Content available remote Wykorzystanie teorii ograniczeń do realizacji zasad koncepcji Lean
Złożone i dynamiczne otoczenie wymaga nieustannych zmian i doskonalenia działalności organizacji oraz rekonfiguracji procesów realizowanych w sieciach organizacji. Przed organizacjami stawiane są liczne wyzwania. Wymagania rynku powodują, że za pożądane metacechy organizacji można uznać elastyczność, jakość oraz innowacyjność. Ponadto wewnętrzne naciski na poprawę efektywności funkcjonowania organizacji wymagają ograniczania kosztów działalności, poprawy wykorzystania zasobów, zwiększenia przepustowości, integracji procesów, zarządzania wiedzą czy rozwoju kapitału ludzkiego. Przedsiębiorstwa chcąc sprostać tym wymaganiom wykorzystują różne koncepcje i rozwiązania. Należą do nich koncepcja Lean i teoria ograniczeń TOC (Theory of Constraints).
This article presents the main similarities and differences between the theory of constraints and the Lean philosophy. It also presents the possibility of using the theory of constraints and its associated methods for implementation of particular rules of Lean philosophy.
The article is a literature review in the scope of theory of constraints in manufacturing companies developed by E. Goldratt. Particular emphasis is placed on the economic sphere of such companies as opposed to the literature dedicated to solving production control problem by using DBR technique advocated by developers and active users of theory of constraints. The article aims to show the approach to the presentation of measurements developed by theory of constraints in the context of corporate net profit and return on invested money in productive activities in the real industrial plants. This is called throughput accounting that indicates the effectiveness of money processing in the production system. In addition, literature analysis aims to show the degree of utilization of theory of constraints in scientific environments in the context of efficiency measures in achieving the goal objective of making money or achieving degree of operational expenses savings in production systems.
Since the production is aimed at fulfilling specific needs of demanding customers and not at filling warehouses, the production volume should reflect the volume of orders. In times of fight for the client every order has to be performed on time. What is more, in times of fight for shortening the delivery cycle, meeting safe deadlines, that is distant in time, is not enough. Companies are forced to meet short deadlines with keeping the product price competitiveness condition. It is hardly possible without a advanced planning support system. Currently, advanced planning systems are coming into use, however their cost exceeds the possibilities of small and medium enterprises and algorithms used often require great customization to industries’ needs and conditions of unit and small-batch production. Such conditions lead to a need for simplified methods. The methods used so far are not capable of finding the global optimum of such big data ranges. For this reason computer tools for applying to the industrial scale are needed. The above method basis on the data so far collected in ERP system.
For TOC (Theory of Constraints) implementation in a production system, the determination of the system’s bottleneck is a crucial step. Effective bottleneck identification allows setting priorities for the improvement of a production system. The article deals with a significant problem for the manufacturing industry related to the location of a bottleneck. The article aims for a detailed analysis of methods for bottleneck identification based on a comprehensive literature review and the design of a generalised methodology for bottleneck identification in the production system. The article uses two research methods, first, the combination of a narrative and scoping literature review, and second, the logical design. Several methods for bottleneck identification are reviewed and compared, finding some being similar, and others giving new insights into the evaluated production system. A methodology for bottleneck identification is proposed. It contains several detailed methods arranged in coherent steps, which are suggested to be followed when aiming for the recognition of a production system’s bottleneck. The proposed methodology is expected to be helpful in the practical TOC implementation. The presented methodology for the identification of bottlenecks in a production system is a practical tool for managers and experts dealing with TOC. However, it is still a conceptual proposal that needs to be tested empirically. The proposed methodology for bottleneck identification is an original concept based on the current literature output. It contributes to the production management theory as a practical managerial tool.
tom R. 74, nr 6
W artykule została zaprezentowana metodyka wyznaczania rozkładu parametru TOC na danych sejsmicznych 3D na podstawie inwersji genetycznej. Zaprezentowany schemat obliczeń zastosowano na danych sejsmicznych pochodzących z obszaru północnej Polski. Głównym celem przeprowadzonych badań było rozpoznanie dwóch, wyinterpretowanych horyzontów sejsmicznych (z których pierwszy odpowiadał powierzchni stropowej ogniwa Jantaru, a drugi stropowi formacji z Sasina), pod kątem wyznaczenia stref potencjalnych sweet spotów. Wyinterpretowany rozkład parametrów fizycznych takich jak: prędkość i gęstość, oraz parametrów petrofizycznych takich jak: porowatość, nasycenie, a także TOC w obrębie kolejnych sekwencji skalnych, ma ścisły związek z parametrami sejsmicznymi, takimi jak czasy przejścia fal odbitych od poszczególnych granic sejsmicznych oraz ich charakterystyk amplitudowych i częstotliwościowych [1, 8]. Zaprezentowana metodyka wyznaczania rozkładu parametru TOC była realizowana na podstawie zmienności amplitud pola falowego, pola prędkości fal podłużnych oraz pomiarów labolatoryjnych TOC w otworach wiertniczych. Uzyskane wyniki w postaci map i rozkładów przestrzennych pozwalają zidentyfikować obszary perspektywiczne o podwyższonych wartościach TOC, a ich dokładność uwarunkowana jest rozdzielczością danych sejsmicznych.
The article presents the methodology for determining the distribution of TOC parameter on 3D seismic data, based on genetic inversion. The presented calculation scheme was applied on seismic data from the northern area of Poland. The main goal of the study was to recognize two seismic horizons (the first of which corresponded to the top surface of the Jantar Member and the second to the top of the Sasino Formation), in terms of designating the zones of potential sweet spots. The interpreted distribution of physical parameters such as: velocity and density and petrophysical parameters, such as: porosity, saturation and TOC within successive rock sequences, is closely related to seismic parameters, such as transition times of waves reflected from individual seismic boundaries and their amplitude characteristics and frequency [1, 8]. The presented methodology for determining the distribution of the TOC parameter, was based on the variability of the wave field amplitudes, the field of longitudinal wave velocities and laboratory TOC measurements in wellbores. Obtained results in the form of maps and spatial distributions allow to identify perspective areas with increased TOC values, and their accuracy is conditioned by the resolution of seismic data.
Teoria ograniczeń stała się powszechnym narzędziem wspomagającym podejmowanie codziennych decyzji menedżera produkcji. Jej łatwość w przyswojeniu i absolutnie zdroworozsądkowe podejście do rozwiązywania problemów natury organizacyjnej nastawione na osiągnięcie poprawy zysku netto oraz zwrotu z inwestycji przyczyniło się do wzrostu konkurencyjności wielu firm i korporacji międzynarodowych. Kluczowym staje się więc zrozumienie przewodnich zasad ekonomicznych stosowanych przez teorię ograniczeń służących właśnie do wspomagania decyzji w zakresie rachunkowości zarządczej. Teoria ograniczeń definiuje zbiór miar i wskaźników określających działalność systemu produkcyjnego w ujęciu finansowym. Całość określa się mianem rachunkowości przerobowej. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono ogół stosowanych wskaźników rachunkowości przerobowej oraz dokonano przeglądu literatury w zakresie jej stosowania.
Theory of Constraints has become a common tool to support every day decisions of production manager. Its ease of assimilation and absolutely commonsensical approach to solving problems of an organizational nature aimed at achieving improvement in net profit and return of investment has contributed to the competitiveness of many companies and international corporations. Thus it is crucial to understand the guiding economic principles of theory of constraints used for supporting decision in the field of management accounting. Theory of Constraints defines a set of measures and indicators to clarify the activities of the production system in financial terms. The whole is called throughput accounting. This article presents factors used in throughput accounting in general and comprises a review of the literature in terms of its use.
tom R. 12, nr 2
Artykuł przedstawia zastosowanie Teorii Ograniczeń (TOC) do rozwiązania problemu harmonogramowania z technologicznie zamiennymi maszynami. Przeanalizowano wpływ maksymalnej wielkości zlecenia produkcyjnego na czas realizacji zbioru wszystkich zleceń. Przeprowadzono eksperymenty komputerowe z użyciem oprogramowania typu APP oraz opisano wyniki i wnioski.
The paper presents the application of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) which was used to solve flexible job-shop scheduling problem (FJSP). The influence of maximum order quantity for production order on total production time for jobs were investigated. The computer experiments with using APP software and achieved results and conclusions have been described.
Autorka pragnie skupić się na problemie wydajności i wykazać znaczenie narzędzi służących poprawie efektywności procesu produkcyjnego na przykładzie zakładu wytwarzającego beton komórkowy. Tezą postawioną w niniejszym referacie jest możliwość usprawnienia organizacji i logistyki produkcji poprzez wykorzystanie metody zarządzania, jaką jest Teoria Ograniczeń (ang. Theory of Constraints - TOC).
The author would like to focus on the issue of productivity and demonstrate the importance of tools improving the efficiency of the production process on the example of cellular concrete production company. The thesis of this article is the ability to improve the production organization and logistics by using one of the management methods called Theory of Constraints (TOC).
tom S 2
Due to the high exploration cost, limited number of wells for source rocks drilling and scarce test samples for the Total Organic Carbon Content (TOC) in the Huizhou sag, the TOC prediction of source rocks in this area and the assessment of resource potentials of the basin are faced with great challenges. In the study of TOC prediction, predecessors usually adopted the logging assessment method, since the data is only confined to a “point” and the regional prediction of the source bed in the seismic profile largely depends on the recognition of seismic facies, making it difficult to quantify TOC. In this study, we combined source rock geological characteristics, logging and seismic response and built the mathematical relation between quasi TOC curve and seismic data based on the TOC logging date of a single well and its internal seismic attribute. The result suggested that it was not purely a linear relationship that was adhered to by predecessors, but was shown as a complicated non-linear relationship. Therefore, the neural network algorithm and SVMs were introduced to obtain the optimum relationship between the quasi TOC curve and the seismic attribute. Then the goal of TOC prediction can be realized with the method of seismic inversion.
This paper aims to enhance the productivity of a chilled beef production line by comparing two techniques; standard time calculation and simulation. The best improvement method was obtained using the work-study principle, a network diagram, and bottleneck identification. Two methods for improvement are proposed based on the ECRS, the Theory of Constraint (TOC), and line balancing concepts. A simulation model is developed to mimic the actual production line. The simulation results are verified, validated, and compared. Some workstations were combined, and the allocation of the workers was arranged. The present production line efficiency was 46.21%, which increased to 67.09% and 79.71% from the suggested methods. It showed that using the standard time calculation gives a different result from the simulation. In summary, the simulation model along with the application of TOC and ECRS, provides accurate information and improves overall productivity.
Methane is an atmospheric trace gas, which is estimated to contribute about 20% to global warming. Coal mining used to be regarded as attributing considerably to the anthropogenic emissions of that potent greenhouse gas. Recently discovered methanotrophic abilities of coalbed rocks brought a new argument to the discussion about the environmental impact of the mining industry. In the present work, we determined the methanotrophic activity and maximum capacity (V_max) of methane oxidation originating from rocks surrounding seam 385/2 of the "Bogdanka" coal mine. Methane oxidation rates ranged from 0.231uM CH_4 g day in the rock from the middle of the seam to 0.619 uM CH_4 g day in the bottom rock (4.4 m depth). Methanotrophic activity and VmaJ increased with the distance to the coal body and with decreasing TOC content. Initial and terminal redox conditions (Eh>320 mV, pH 7.60-8.62) confirmed the oxic character of the methane oxidation process.
Roztoka Odrzańska is the last section of the Odra River estuary. Both in 1996, and in 1999 concentrations of Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd and Hg in the surface waters of Roztoka Odrzańska were within the limits for I class of purity. Maps of the heavy metal distributions in bottom sediments resemble those of TOC distribution in the < 0.20 mm fraction. Overall, 58.3% of the bottom sediments of Roztoka Odrzańska in 1996, as regards concentrations of Cd, Zn, Pb, Cu and Hg, belonged to class IV of purity; 14.6% belonged to class III; 18.8% belonged to class II and 8.3% to class I at all research stations. The excessive pollution the Roztoka Odrzańska sediments is controlled mainly by Cd and Zn concentrations and, to a much lower degree by Pb. Analyses in 1999 showed similar average concentrations of Cu, Zn and Pb, but less than half the content of cadmium. Concentrations, though, of cobalt (1.8x) and especially mercury (22.7x) were higher than the 1996 average levels. The observed concentrations fall within the concentration limits recorded in 1996 for Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd and Co, but they exceed these limits considerably for Hg.
tom Vol. 31, No. 4
Persistence and adaptation are the main characteristics that have allowed FARC and Hezbollah to become perhaps the most successful proxy groups in recent years. Both Iran and Venezuela have sponsored the military, political and criminal actions of these alleged insurgent organisations. The main objective of this research was to identify and conceptualise the mitotic evolution of FARC and Hezbollah from purely armed organisms into consolidated political organisations in Colombia and Lebanon, and how this evolution has presented a criminal convergence in Venezuela based on drug trafficking and money laundering. This article is based on a comparative case-study of published research papers, documents, and official statements of FARC and Hezbollah, by applying a rational perspective that allows their performance to be deduced. The research results showed a constant mutation of these hybrid threats. Thus, not only was the political and military success of these organisations established but also the strategic support of a criminal dimension which converged in Venezuela, where the FARC drug trafficking and Hezbollah money laundering were amalgamated. Consequently, the investigation exposes the possible consequences of the FARC-Hezbollah criminal convergence in the Americas and its destabilising effects in the next decade.
Methods This work is based on the study of 76 belemnites and bulk samples, collected from section Dobravitsa-1, located at 60 km to the north of Sofia. Elemental measurements were performed with an ICP-OES instrument (Perkin Elmer, Optima 3000), following microwave digestion (MLS Ethos 1600). Stable isotope data from belemnites (ä13Ccarb and ä18Ocarb) and rocks (ä13Corg) were collected by Finnigan Mat 251/252 and Finnigan Mat Delta E mass spectrometers. TC and TOC measurements were realized with a CS-200 Carbon/Sulfur Analyzer. Overview of results (Fig. 1) We have documented a negative ä13Corg excursion from a background of c. -25.74‰ of the Upper Pliensbachian to -28.63‰ in the base of the Lower Toarcian Tenuicostatum Zone. The ä13Corg record displayed upwards a shift to -25.43‰ in the Falciferum Zone, a fall to -27.41‰ in the Dispansum Zone and rise to -25.83‰ in the Pseudoradiosa Zone. Two smaller rises of ä13Corg were detected in the Aalenian. The ä13Ccarb and ä18Ocarb signatures provided coeval positive C isotope excursions and negative O isotope shifts localized in the Lower Toarcian. The samples produced the following values: Upper Pliensbachian (ä18O from -0.47 to -2.16‰, ä13C from +0.74 to +2.73‰); Toarcian (ä18O from -1.01 to -3.94‰, ä13C from -0.03 to +3.21‰); Aalenian and Lower Bajocian (ä18O from -1.0 to -2.86‰, ä13C from +0.02 to +1.47‰). The extreme values came from the base of the Tenuicostatum Zone, as well as from the Falciferum and Bifrons zones. The TOC contents is low, mostly <0.5 wt%, with maximum of 1.25 wt% in the Pseudoradiosa Zone. The S values range from 0.05 to 2.24 wt%. Both TOC and S show fluctuations that correlate with the isotope curves. The Mn values compose a flat temporal trend (range from 224 to 568 ppm) with an apparent rise to 1263 ppm in the Bifrons Zone. The TC values (varying from 2.72 to 9.97 wt%) are inferring short-term depositional changes. Summary Stable carbon and oxygen isotope data (ä13Corg, ä13Ccarb and ä18Ocarb) are used to appraise the pattern of their stratigraphic variations in an Upper Pliensbachian – Lower Bajocian succession of the Western Balkan Mts. (Bulgaria). A section, which is composed of alternating offshore ferruginous marls, shales and limestones, and divided into 15 ammonite zones (from the Spinatum Zone to the Discites Zone), has been sampled. Several coeval excursions were found to be superimposed on the O and C isotope trends that are pursued by concomitant variations of the organic-carbon (TOC), total-carbon (TC), S and Mn contents. The observed variations seem to be of both global and local significance. Some of them show a synchronicity with other similar events widely recorded in coeval strata in Europe (Jenkyns et al. 2002).
The valorization of sewage sludge (SS) has been presented originating from four wastewaters treated in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) located in the Wielkopolska province. In the SS samples collected in two successive years, the quantity and quality of humic substances (HSs), fulvic and humic acids (FAs, HAs), amounts of organic carbon (TOC), organic matter (OM), labile carbon (CL), and water extracted organic carbon (WEOC) were determined. It was investigated how the defined parameters depend on the size of the installation and select those which in a routine SS analysis facilitate rapid assessment of their quality and suitability for application in the natural environment. Regardless of WWTP size and the year of analysis, SS was characterized by a significant share of easily decomposable compounds such as FAs and WEOC. The statistical analysis showed significant usefulness of CL, FAs, and HAs in the evaluation of SS quality and usability.
Content available remote Wykorzystanie outsourcingu w zwiększeniu produktywności systemu
tom R. 12, nr 2
W pracy przedstawiono problem zarządzania realizacją planowanych zleceń produkcyjnych przy uwzględnieniu ograniczeń zasobowych systemu. Proponowana koncepcja nawiązuje do teorii ograniczeń - TOC (ang. Theory of Constraints), podkreśla znaczenie ekonomicznych aspektów szeregowania zadań produkcyjnych w zarządzaniu przepływem produkcji przy uwzględnieniu zasobu krytycznego „wąskiego gardła” w systemie. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na możliwość zwiększenia produktywności systemu przy wykorzystaniu zewnętrznych zasobów technologicznych (maszyn, urządzeń, itp.). W prezentowanym eksperymencie zilustrowano sposób planowania obciążenia systemu dla uzyskania maksymalnego efektu ekonomicznego (zysku).
In this paper a problem of production orders planning under assumed limits of enterprise is presented. This concept is connected with Theory of constraints (TOC). The basic idea lies behind the TOC principles is the need to manage the organisation constraints. This means concentrating on controlling the bottleneck resources. This paper provides a planning method of production orders sequence in the system where workflows have to pass through bottleneck. The model specification of system and planning procedure, as well as illustrative example is presented.
Persistence and adaptation are the main characteristics that have allowed FARC and Hezbollah to become perhaps the most successful proxy groups in recent years. Both Iran and Venezuela have sponsored the military, political and criminal actions of these alleged insurgent organisations. The main objective of this research was to identify and conceptualise the mitotic evolution of FARC and Hezbollah from purely armed organisms into consolidated political organisations in Colombia and Lebanon, and how this evolution has presented a criminal convergence in Venezuela based on drug trafficking and money laundering. This article is based on a comparative case-study of published research papers, documents, and official statements of FARC and Hezbollah, by applying a rational perspective that allows their performance to be deduced. The research results showed a constant mutation of these hybrid threats. Thus, not only was the political and military success of these organisations established but also the strategic support of a criminal dimension which converged in Venezuela, where the FARC drug trafficking and Hezbollah money laundering were amalgamated. Consequently, the investigation exposes the possible consequences of the FARC-Hezbollah criminal convergence in the Americas and its destabilising effects in the next decade.
In conditions of unit and small batch production a very important role is played by time of product availability for the customer. Despite using modern management techniques setup time still play an important role in the production cycle time. In the examined companies the relation between rearmament times to processing times is still high. The above researches inspired the author to prepare the method of setup times’ reduction through proper arrangement of tasks in the operational production plan. Optimization of the daily production plans is based on two-level division of scheduling and arranging tasks. The method was validated in conditions of the production practice for unit and small batch manufacturing. An example of arranging tasks for the laser cutter was given. The presented method is one of elements of the computer aided expert system for SME.
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