Arylamines are known bladder carcinogens deriving from tobacco smoke and environmental pollution. Arylamines are metabolised by NAT1 and NAT2 polymorphic enzymes in reactions of carcinogen activation and detoxification. We analysed genetic polymorphisms in both NAT1 and NAT2 genes in 56 bladder cancer patients and 320 healthy patients. Peripheral blood lymphocytes were collected from each subject and genotyped for NAT1 (six alleles) and NAT2 (four alleles) by PCR-RFLP. A weak association between NAT1 and NAT2 genotypes and bladder cancer risk was found when the genotypes were estimated separately (odds ratio OR 1.2, 95%CI 0.7-2.0, and OR 1.3, 95%CI 0.7-1.9, respectively). Almost all NAT1 genotypes possessing at least one ?risk? *10 allele were more frequent in the bladder cancer group than in the control group. There was also an increased frequency of ?risk? genotypes along with increased cigarette smoking in bladder cancer patients. The coincidence of NAT1-fast/NAT2-slow appears as a potential risk factor for urinary bladder cancer (OR 1.5, 0.8-3.0), as compared with the other genotype combinations.
Demarketing of tobacco products includes methods aimed at changing the consumer behavior and the marketing environment. The main strategies consist of price manipulation, anti-smoking advertising, regulations restricting or banning tobacco advertising, limitations of distribution or consumption of tobacco products, and warning messages on packages and advertisements. These measures influence either directly or indirectly the following psychosocial and environmental variables: health beliefs, social attractiveness of smoking, accessibility of tobacco products and associated behaviors. The article presents a review of international research on the demarketing of tobacco and its effects for the formation and change of health behavior.
In recent years a new subgroup of necrotic potato virus Y (PVY) isolates has spread in the Polish fields. To counter this infection, the PVY resistance was introduced into selected potato and tobacco cultivars. Plants were transformed by agroinfection with pROK2 derived binary plasmids, carrying an appropriate fragment of the PVY genome (patent applied for). Kanamycin resistant plants were screened by PCR for the presence of PVY cDNA inserts, positive transformants were tested for virus resistance by inoculation with sap from infected plants, followed by observations of disease symptoms and virus accumulation analysis. Several resistant potato and tobacco clones were identified and their phenotypes were preliminarily characterised.
Preliminary investigations were carried out on the transformation of high susceptibility tobacco cultivars. The plants were transformed by being infected with Agrobacterium tumefaciens with binary PROK2- derived plasmids carrying a PVY casette in the sense and antisense orientations and with a plasmid carrying the lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) coat protein gene. Kanamycin resistant plants were obtained following transformation. PCR testing of a selected group of regenerants revealed the presence of a transgene. Disease symptoms were absent from 52% of transgenic plants inoculated with PVYN. This was confirmed by ELISA values.In the T1 generation of transgenic plants, 510 (78%) showed no symptoms after inoculation and 155 (22%) showed typical PVYN symptoms. Among 510 symptomless plants 213 (36%) were selected as highly resistant, 207 (31%) as partially resistant and 89 (11%) as tolerant. Forty kanamycin resistant plants of T2 generation were tested with PVYN. Two plants showed vein necrosis, five - vein clearing and 33 plants showed no disease symptoms. ELISA tests allowed to identify 33 plants (84,6%) totally resistant to PVYN. The preliminary data reported here showed more resistant plants in T2 generations.
In plant tissue cultures, somaclonal variation is often observed. It can be an effect of the changes in the individual chromosome number or in the ploidy level. Flow cytometry, a fast and accurate method for the estimation of the nuclear DNA content, can be applied to study these changes. The DNA content in differentiated tissues of Nicotiana tabacum cultured in vitro was estimated using Partec CCA flow cytometer, starting from explant, through callus, up to regenerated shoots. The explant constituted stem segments of N. tabacum plants, non-transformed and transformed with gfp gene. Flow cytometric analysis showed differences in the proportion of 2C, 4C, 8C and 16C cells in plant tissue in different culture stages. Among the regenerated plantlets originated from non-transformed and transformed plants, diploid, tetraploid and mixoploid forms were observed. The transformation did not influence the share of cells representing different ploidy levels in the investigated plant material.
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