The article outlines the profile of editorial work of Jozef Felix (1913 – 1977) and aims at grasping his conceptual contribution to research in Slovak textual studies and his influence on the editorial practice in the 1950s when Slovak culture paid great attention to the publishing of literary heritage. The author takes into consideration the fact that J. Felix formed his vision of textual studies strategies and aims of the discipline and editorial practice under the conditions and restrictions of the period (and in confrontation with these). The article identifies basic features of Felix’s editorial approach that – since he was an editor of the section for Slovak and Czech literature at the Slovak Publishing House of Belles-Lettres –shaped the development of editorial practice in Slovakia. Drawing on Felix’s key essays on the topic, especially on his O vydávaní klasikov (Publishing the classics, 1953), Poznámky k vydávaniu Spisov Jána Kalinčiaka (Notes on publishing Ján Kalinčiak’s oeuvre, 1954), and the interview Prekladať diela našich klasikov do dnešnej slovenčiny? (Should we translate the work of our classics into Slovak? 1957), the article scrutinises his initiatory activities regarding the conceptual consolidation of textological principles, the contradictory issues pertaining to these, and the positive and negative impact these had on subsequent editorial projects. In this way, the paper contributes towards the knowledge of the history of Slovak textual studies.
The article is a continuation of the author’s paper “Jozef Felix’s theoretical contributions to textual studies” (2023) which dealt with the theoretical conception of textual studies as outlined by Jozef Felix (1913 – 1977). Complementary to it, it attempts to capture the practical utilisation of Felix’s theoretical views (the need for careful collation of sources, justification of individual editorial steps, the application of the rule of “the last hand” with regards to the selection of the source text, searching for a space between the rejection of “proofreading deposits” and the rejection of “textological purism” in the linguistic treatment of the text, etc.) in the preparation of reader editions of the Slovak literary heritage. Felix’s editorial work, through which he set textological standards, is examined in the editions of Ivan Krasko’s works in the volumes Dielo ([Works] 1954) and Lyrické dielo ([Lyrical works] 1956) and in the edition of the first volume of Jan Palárik’s Dielo v dvoch zväzkoch ([Works in two volumes] 1955) that contains Palárik’s dramatic works and essays on theatre. Felix as a practical editor seems to have been successful in fulfilling his own requirements and contributed to the limitation of arbitrary and invasive editorial interventions, yet his procedures also seem to have had unintended and unwanted consequences.
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