Wykonano równoległe badania bakteriologiczne próbek wody w kąpieliskach zgodnie z metodyką Państwowego Zakładu Higieny, stosowaną przez stacje sanitarno-epidemiologiczne w Polsce i metodykę opracowaną przez zespół specjalistów niemieckich w nadmorskich Landach Republiki Federalnej Niemiec. Porównano wytyczne kontroli sanitarnej jakości wody w kąpieliskach, obowiązujące w Polsce z wytycznymi EWG.
For the purpose of this work was the comparison of the obligatory diretive lines using by sanitary - epidemic station in Poland and confrontation with EWG Guideline and comparison of the bacteriological examinations methods of surface waters using in Poland and northern Lands of Germany. The parallel examination of 120 water samples, according to PZH method and the method, using broth's Brila - MUG, preparated by the group of german specialists, were performed. The equivalent results in 60% of tested sampels were obtained. If confirmed on purpose the preparating of uniform directive lines and evaluation criterium for maritime and inland bathing waters, according to EWG Guidline, and as well as taking into consideration possibility of application the method with Brila MUG broth to bacteriological examination of maritime bathing waters at first.
Przedstawiono wyniki analiz pozostałości chlorowych pochodnych węglowodorów (HCB, HCH, DDT z metabolitami oraz PCB) głównie w tłuszczu około nerkowym i nerkach saren obu płci, pozyskanych w województwie szczecińskim.
Concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbon derivative residues in the organs of male and female roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) obtained from Szczecin Province in 1995 were estimated. Perirenal fat and, in several cases kidneys, were analyzed. One of the purposes of our work was to determine y-HCH residues, DDT and metabolites, HCB and six main homologues and chlorinated isomers of biphenylene derivatives (PCB). The level of concentration of the individual chemicals in perirenal fat did not exceed 36 ng/g. The results of perirenal fat determinations were statistically analyzed. The analysis showed that the concentration of HCB and SDDT residues were higher in the female than in the male roe deer. Fat PCB residues for both sexes did not differ significantly. Renal concentrations of all studied chemicals were much lower, max. 5 ng/g. Sex did not affect the amount of the residues in kidneys. In comparing these results with our earlier data we may conclude that roe deer from Szczecin Province accumulated comparable amounts of the chemicals.
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