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Szczegółowo scharakteryzowano system polityczny Republiki Malty. Omówiono konstytucję, pozycję prezydenta oraz parlament.
Malta is a small island state situated in Southern Europe. Its history reflects the cultural and ethnic variety of the archipelago. The islands, for years occupied by the Knights of St John and then by the United Kingdom, were granted independence in 1964. Based on its constitution Malta is a parliamentary representative democratic republic with the President of Malta as the head of state. Executive power remains in the hands of the Prime Minister who heads the government and the cabinet. Elections to the House of Representatives, the Maltese legislative branch, are based on the single transferable vote system, rarely seen elsewhere in the world. For years Malta has had one of the purest two-party systems. Its two main political parties are the Nationalist Party and the Malta Labor Party. (original abstract)
Content available remote Dwupoziomowy system polityczny w Europie
nr nr 2
Celem artykułu jest zarysowanie zjawiska dwupoziomowego systemu władzy w Europie, tj. występującego jednocześnie na poziomie europejskim i narodowym. Przykładem najczęściej podejmowanym w literaturze funkcjonowania tego systemu jest zarządzanie politykami publicznymi oraz systemu regulacyjnego w UE. W niniejszym artykule skupiam się na politycznych aspektach funkcjonowanie omawianego systemu. Obejmuje to kwestię legitymizacji władzy w Europie, a także wzajemnych powiązań między decydentami politycznymi na obu poziomach. Analiza dwupoziomowego systemu politycznego w Europie wymaga nie tylko identyfikacji głównych aktorów i instytucji uczestniczących w procesach politycznych. Istotne znaczenie ma wskazywanie na kanały dwustronnych relacji między poziomem europejskim a narodowym. Badania dwupoziomowych przepływów informacji i decyzji umożliwia również obserwowanie wzajemnych relacji władzy w systemie europejskim. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza nieformalnych wpływów i zakulisowych negocjacji, które wskazują na hierarchię znaczenia między poszczególnymi aktorami na scenie europejskiej. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The main purpose of this article is to outline the phenomenon of two-tier system of governance in Europe, that is the one occurring simultaneously on European and national level. The most common examples of this system are the management of public policies and regulatory regime in the EU. In this article, I focus on the political aspects of the system. This includes the legitimacy of power in Europe, as well as the interaction between policy-makers at both levels. Two-tier analysis of the political system requires not only identification of the key actors and institutions involved in the political process, but it is also important to point to the channels of bilateral relations between the European and the national level. The analysis of the information and decisions flows can demonstrate power relations in the European system. This is especially true in relation to informal influences and "behind the scenes" negotiations which could indicate a hierarchy between the different actors in European politics. (original abstract)
Niniejsze opracowanie dotyczy problemów metodologicznych, związanych z realizacją przez autora programu badawczego, którego ostatecznym efektem było przygotowanie jesienią 2005 r. na Wydziale Dziennikarstwa i Nauk Politycznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego pracy doktorskiej zatytułowanej Doktryna suwerenności w konstytucjonalizmie brytyjskim. (fragment tekstu)
This paper dwells on methodological issues related to the author's research project, the final product of which is his doctoral thesis The sovereignty doctrine in British constitutionalism. The subject matter was intended to define the interdisciplinary research area, covering the evolution of the British political system, theories of politics, the history of political ideas, comparative constitutional law and several select issues of the theory and practice of European integration. The objective was to analyze the specificity, idiosyncrasy and uniqueness of the British doctrine of sovereignty set against the history of the universal doctrine of sovereignty. Setting sovereignty as a political concept and a legal doctrine in the context of British constitutionalism results from the specific structure of the British constitution which bears no marks of a basic law and which is at the same time primarily embedded in non-statutory sources of law. To study the evolution of the British constitution and the British doctrine of sovereignty, owing to their specificity, a two-pronged approach must be taken. It would involve the study of specific cases and the findings, in turn, would provide valuable information on the nature of key political and legal processes taking place on the whole continent, such as regionalization or European integration. (original abstract)
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prezentacja potencjalnych zagrożeń płynących ze strony czynników politycznych dla możliwości stosowania skutecznej gospodarczej polityki uznaniowej na przykładzie prowadzonej w Wielkiej Brytanii polityki konsensu określanej również mianem butskelizmum.
The goal of this article is to present potential threats follow from political factors for possibility of using effective economic policy on example of consensus policy conducted in Great Britain. (MP)
"Emigracyjna opinia publiczna wiązała z misją Sosnkowskiego przekonanie, że nie tylko zakończy on trwające już parę lat rozbicie ale także obejmie po Zalewskim urząd prezydenta RP, choć w tej kwestii brak było pełnej jednomyślności wśród stronnictw politycznych" W wyniku konsultacji gen. Sosnkowskiego dochodzi do podpisania Aktu Zjednoczenia 15.03.1954 z wyjątkiem SL "Wolność" oraz SPP Pragiera.
The Polish political emigration, broken up in 1947, made many at-tempts to unify. In the period under discussion, at the beginning of the fifties, in connection with the cold war and increasingly strained international relations, the emigration hoped that the country would regain independence. In that situation it was a matter of great importance to overcome the crisis. The wide-spread unification action, led by Gen. K. Sosnkowski, resulted in the Unification Act, passed in March 1954. However, in spite of the promulgation of the Act the par-ties did not come to an agreement and the political divisions of the emigration continued to consolidate in the successive years.(original abstract)
W artykule tym dokonano prezentacji tylko niektórych z wyników badań panelowych przeprowadzonych wśród osób czynnych zawodowo, zatrudnionych w krakowskich zakładach pracy , dotyczących problematyki swobód obywatelskich, wpływu społeczeństwa na funkcjonowanie aparatu władzy państwowej oraz "porozumienia narodowego". (fragment tekstu)
The paper deals with the relation between political consciousness and a political system. It is an attempt at the application of the system approach to the analysis of the political situation in Poland in the years 1988-1990. Analysing the evolution of the political attitudes in the years 1988-1990 (panel studies including 657 workers at 11 working places in Cracow) and assuming that the stabilization of the social order is possible only under the conditions of a balanced political system, the author characterizes the period of 1988-1990 as follows: 1988 - in that year the political system still possesses a considerably effective set of penalties for raising claims and quite an attractive set of prizes for declaring support; the stabilization of the social order exists thanks to the negative feedback mechanism functioning between the input and the products of the political system, 1989 - this is the time of durable destabilization and the change in the hitherto existing social order; the set of penalties far raising claims and the set of prizes for declaring support for the political system become ineffective; unblocked demands be-come ineffective; unblocked demands become more intense. 1990 - stabilization of the new political system and the new social order aiming at the positive feedback mechanism between the products of the political system and its input.(original abstract)
Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza przez kilkadziesiąt lat w drugiej połowie XX wieku sprawowała w Polsce władzę dyktatorską. Miała ona wpływ na wszystkie dziedziny życia - na politykę, gospodarkę, kulturę, edukację, wymiar sprawiedliwości. Na poziomie lokalnym najważniejszą instancją partyjną był Komitet Powiatowy. W województwie krakowskim w latach 60. XX wieku funkcjonowało 17 organizacji powiatowych. W tym artykule zostały przedstawione trzy z nich: w Bochni, Brzesku i Chrzanowie. Opisano powierzchnię każdego powiatu, ludność oraz charakter gospodarczy. Dwa pierwsze miały charakter rolniczy, a w ostatnim dominował przemysł. Autor przedstawił liczbę członków i kandydatów partii, a także ich skład społeczny. Ważnym czynnikiem był też poziom wykształcenia, jak również wiek. W powiatach bocheńskim i brzeskim partia miała stosunkowo słabe wpływy. Panowało tam silne przywiązanie do tradycji, patriotyzmu i wiary przodków. Natomiast ziemia chrzanowska jeszcze przed 1939 r. przejawiała sympatie lewicowe. Dużą część ludności stanowili robotnicy zatrudnieni w licznych zakładach (kopalnie, huty, elektrownie). Z tego terenu pochodzili znani działacze PZPR. Można tutaj wymienić Franciszka Szlachcica, członka Biura Politycznego i sekretarza Komitetu Centralnego PZPR, oraz Stanisława Spyta, przewodniczącego Wojewódzkiej Komisji Kontroli Partyjnej i członka Egzekutywy Komitetu Wojewódzkiego PZPR w Krakowie. Badania nad regionalnymi strukturami partii komunistycznej są ważnym postulatem badawczym. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The Polish United Workers Party in second half of the twentieth century exercised a dictatorship in Poland. The party controlled all spheres of public life - including those of the political, economic, and judicial. At the local level, the District Committee was an important institution of the PUWP. In the 1960s the Voivodship (regional government) of Cracow contained 17 districts. The article examines three of these: Bochnia, Brzesko and Chrzanow. The text analyzes each one's land area, population and economic character. The author describes the number of members and candidates of the PUWP, their social structure, education and age. In the districts of Bochnia and Brzesko, the party had a relatively weak influence. There was a strong attachment to tradition, patriotism and the faith of their ancestors. In contrast, Chrzanow contained strong leftist influences before 1939. A large part of the inhabitants were workers in many plants (coal mines, steel mills, power stations). From this area came a number of well-known party activists. Famous political figures from Chrzanow included Franciszek Szlachcic, a member of the Politburo and secretary of the Central Committee of the PUWP, and Stanisław Spyt, president Commission of Party Control and member of the Executive Voivodship Committee in Crakow. Research on the regional structures of the communist party in Poland is an important academic question. (original abstract)
Scharakteryzowano metodę fuzzy set, będącą narzędziem badawczym wywodzącym się z matematyki, geometrii i logiki. Przedstawiono także zastosowanie metody fuzzy set do badań systemu politycznego UE opartego na wielopoziomowym zarządzaniu (Multi-level Governance - MLG).
The political system of the European Union is specific rather than canonical, making the task of defining the system more difficult. This hardship must be felt by the research worker attempting to explain this phenomenon inherent in the system, particularly when he or she is using traditional research methods. It thus follows that new study tools are called for to make probing this phenomenon more effective. One such unconventional instrument is the fuzzy set method drawn from logic, geometry and mathematics, which combines, both, the qualitative and quantitative approach. The application of this method to study the multi-level political system of the EU yields results which otherwise would have been impossible to obtain. One such, notable, effect is demonstrating the existence of fuzzy levels in EU's political system located in between traditional levels, that is, regional, national and supranational. (original abstract)
W artykule przedstawiono kolejno Unię Europejską jako wspólnotę kulturową, społeczną, polityczną, prawną i ekonomiczną.
The processes of integration have affected different levels of Europeans' live: cultural, political, legal and economic. In the cultural sense the EU draws on the European identity arising from Greek democracy, Roman law and the Christian tradition. The social aspect marks a diversity of languages, legal systems, religions, living conditions and, at the same time, the unification of conditions, principles and mechanisms of operation of European Community structures. (short original abstract)
Szczegółowo omówiono zagadnienie arbitrażu politycznego głowy państwa w kontekście badań nad systemami politycznymi.
Here is an overview of the key issues related to the methodology of research concerning political systems, exemplified by the political arbitration of the head of state. Increasingly, political system research focuses on single institutions rather than entire systems. However, the specific trait of all approaches applied by political science is a particular method "from the detail to the general". Put differently, particular phenomena and problems (for instance, the head of state as an arbiter) lead to further generalizations, encompassing the whole political system. This is why, research focusing on the substrates of political systems, amongst other things, is so vital in the study of politics. The methodology of research dealing with political systems involves the use of several detailed methods, including the dogmatic, historical and comparative method. There is no doubt, however, that the one that stands out in terms of its significance is the neo-institutional method, which today plays a key role in the description and analysis of political systems. It is also this method which to the highest degree identifies the approach taken by political science. All the other methods (including the dogmatic and comparative ones) are typical of other disciplines. One has to bear in mind, however, that political science research focusing on political systems has always been closely related to research typical of law, both disciplines being "almost identical," with "almost" acting as the key word here. (original abstract)
Federalizm jest kategorią złożoną, trudną do jednoznacznej interpretacji, dlatego mamy do czynienia z różnymi modelami i sposobowymi jego rozumienia. Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje w zarysie różne modele federalne, które teoretycy amerykańscy przewidzieli w ewolucji systemu federalnego Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki Północnej: dualistyczny, kooperatywny, konkurencyjny oraz federalizm asymetryczny. (fragment tekstu)
The composite and original character of federalism finds expression in the term pluribus unum, so it should not be surprising that there is not one but many models of this system to consider. Depending on the solutions that find application, there will be a variety of ways that competencies are allocated between the constituent political units of a federation and a central government. Central governments normally possess competencies in defence and international politics, though we must bear in mind that the constituent units can also function in the international arena while having representation in decision-making bodies at the central-government level. As a conceptual category, federalism is difficult to qualify, in theoretical as well as in practical terms, and we therefore must consider various models and ways of understanding it. The article presents an outline of those models that American theorists foresaw in the évolution of the federal system of the United States - dualistic, cooperative, competitive, and asymmetrical federalism. It also presents two selected applications of these models on the specific example of a particular country’s political system, both of which are important not only from the point of view of the evolution of federalism as a political system. (original abstract)
W artykule przedstawiono system władzy na Białorusi po referendum 1996 roku. Opisano również formalnoprawne podstawy autokracji (białoruski superprezydencjalizm). Zaprezentowano system polityczny i życie społeczne oraz ekipę Łukaszenki i jej styl rządzenia.
Since the controversial referendum of November 1996 Belarus has a government in which nearly all power is concentrated in the hands of the President. This article tries to explain how that kind of personal dictatorship is functioning within the framework of a modern state. The analysis is focused on the hierarchical structure of executive power and coercive forces which make it possible for the president Lukashenko to control the state, economy and public life. In this respect such institutions as the President's Administration, National Security Council, State Control Committee, the government as well as bicameral parliament, wholly subservient to Lukashenko, are the subject of special consideration. It is followed by the description of condition of the judiciary and of the local government system. The characteristics of the Lukashenko's ruling elite and in-tra-elite rules of the game make it clear why the political system of Belarus is stagnant. The last part of the article is focused on the impact of a specific political style of the president on social mood and behaviour of Belarussian society. In this context a particular stress is laid on the state of economy, implications of integration of the Belarus Republic with Russia and the activity of opposition forces. The course and results of last parliamentary and presidential elections in Belarus show that the consolidated autocracy severely limits the right of citizens to change their government and to start necessary reforms.(original abstract)
W opracowaniu przedstawiono rolę i znaczenie powstania i funkcjonowania systemów autorytarnych i dyktatorskich, metod i skutków ich działania oraz strat jakie społeczeństwa ponoszą w wyniku ich istnienia. W artykule wskazuje się na próby podejmowania działań prewencyjnych mających na celu eliminacją "ścieżek zagrożeń" dla ochrony najcenniejszych wartości ludzkich, tj. godnego życia bez strachu oraz swobodnego korzystania z efektów swej pracy - dóbr materialnych i kulturowych stanowiących istotne zasoby wartości osobistych oraz wkład w ogólnospołeczny rozwój jednoczącej się Europy i Świata.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The study presents the role and importance of arising and functioning of authoritarian and dictatorial systems, methods and consequences of their workings as well as losses which societies suffer as a result of their existence. In his article, the author indicates attempts at undertaking preventive actions, aimed at elimination of threat paths. In order to protect the most precious human values - i.e. decent life devoid of fear and free use of one's own work effects - material and cultural goods which constitute significant resources of personal values as well as a contribution to general social development of uniting Europe and the world.(original abstract)
Scharakteryzowano europejską przestrzeń polityczną postrzeganą jako europejski model władzy w postaci wielopoziomowego współdecydowania oraz omówiono jej wymiary.
The author seeks to characterize European political space in the making which also serves the purpose of describing the complex nature of the European Union in the area of multi-level decision-making. The European political space is a structure of the European model of power represented by multi-level decision making. This space is shaped on the basis of domestic patterns of political agents' behavior with the simultaneous involvement of EU institutions - it is also related to national (state) political systems. From the point of view of organization, this is indeed a comfortable situation as it does not upset the rules of political sovereignty (state autonomy); however from the point of view of functionality, the European political space fuels and "conserves" natural ethnic conflicts. This means that not only are national political systems not "conducive" to the process of European political space construction, but in fact they contribute to its destruction. (original abstract)
W rozważaniach o systemie politycznym Rosji naczelne miejsce zajmuje kwestia systemu rządów państwa. Spełnia on bowiem doniosłą rolę zarówno w rozwoju państwa, jak i w kształtowaniu stosunków politycznych. Opisano rolę konstytucji Federacji Rosyjskiej 1993 r. w wyborze systemu rządów oraz silną prezydenturę jako fundament systemu konstytucyjnego Rosji. Autor szczegółowo przedstawił również zabiegi umacniające system rządów Federacji.
Currently the Russian system of government is being modeled by a democratic constitution - enacted during a decade of tumultuous change -as well as the historical past - bereft of a democratic tradition. The latter has been dominated by the myth of a strong leader personified by the institution of the president. At this point in time, the president's prime concern is the centralization of power. He pursues this goal, however, taking care to maintain the federal shape of the state.(original abstract)
Wybory parlamentarne z października 2007 r. przyniosły zmianę podmiotów władzy. Partia Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, będąca głównym podmiotem koalicji (utworzonej z Samoobroną i Ligą Polskich Rodzin) rządzącej w latach 2005-2007, poniosła porażkę, ustępując miejsca Platformie Obywatelskiej. W opracowaniu podjęto dwa zagadnienia: właściwości procesu delegitymizacji politycznej w ujęciu teoretycznym oraz praktyczne mechanizmy delegitymizacji politycznej, skutkujące alternacją władzy w 2007 r. (fragment tekstu)
The article describes the process of political delegitimisation. The theoretical part discusses the following particular components of the issue: - transformation of social practice, social consciousness and political behaviour; - subjects of delegitimisation, including the social and political systems, the ruling party (or coalition), government institutions, leaders, political decisions and their consequences; - economic, political, social and cultural reasons for delegitimisation in the political system; - the forms of delegitimisation, be they consistent or inconsistent with the principles of the political system, verbal or nonverbal, whole or partial. The empirical part of the paper describes the political delegitimisation of a coalition consisting of three parties: Law and Justice, Self-defence, and the League of Polish Families. This coalition existed from the autumn of 2005 until the autumn of 2007. Three areas are considered: - verbal - coalition members used emotionally charged language, dividing Poles into the categories of "good" and "bad"; - the normative and behavioural spheres of the political system, the goal of which were to centralise and concentrate political power even at the cost of democratic principles and institutions; - particular political activity which created and strengthened dissatisfaction with the ruling coalition. (original abstract)
W artykule przedstawiono analizę sposobów reprezentacji rzeczywistości III Rzeczypospolitej przez prawicę. Ogół wypowiedzi polityków prawicy na tematy polityczne podzielono na trzy wzajemnie przenikające się stanowiska, które szczegółowo omówiono w pracy.
The article analyses how reality is constructed i n political discourse by right-wing entitities. The theoretical assumptions grow out of the belief that for clarification of what politicians do it is essential to analyse political discourse that constructs their identity, social and political relations and knowledge systems about the country's situation. Discursive orientation in the social sciences, especially political science, questions positivistic beliefs about reality in relation to political entities and the language they use. Language is not simply a transparent tool for describing the world, but actively creates and reproduces its processes. The article does not attempt to consider all discursive processes at work in the construction of reality. It focuses on how the Right has depicted Third Republic through the lense of anti-communism, which has been a central element of its identity since 1989. Since then, the sheer number of right-wing parties has given rise to a glut of diverging and conflicting definitions of the country's reality. The article looks at the three dominant narratives about Third Republic. The first suggests that since 1989 there has been a completely new political system fraught with problems resulting from the country's political heritage. The second discusses the hybrid character of a system dominated by burdens inherited from its predecessor. The third, however, emphasises the continuity between PRL and the Third Republic, which did not manage to interrupt the events of 1989. The political projects, reform ideas and their instruments initiated are a direct extension of the differences in the definitions of reality discussed. (original abstract)
Artykuł podejmuje temat jednej z najistotniejszych debat politycznych toczonych obecnie na Filipinach. Od 1987 r., kiedy po upadku reżimu Ferdinanda Marcosa w szybkim tempie przyjęto konstytucję, nieustannie pojawiają się pomysły radykalnego przekształcenia ustroju politycznego. Artykuł opisuje z perspektywy historycznej polityczny kontekst tej debaty. Ponadto wskazuje główne argumenty zwolenników i przeciwników zmiany konstytucji. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The article focuses on one of the most crucial political discourses in the Philippines. Since the 1987 Constitution was enacted in grate haste after collapse of Marcos' regime, there has been an ongoing debate on fundamental reshape of the political system. The article considers Philippines struggles with the redefinition of the central figure in that system - the President. It presents political context of the constitutional debate in a historical perspective. Moreover, it indicates the most important arguments of adherents and opponents of the constitutional change. It focuses on the constitutional position of the president and his relations with other major political actors. (original abstract)
Zrozumieć eksplozję społeczną to poznać relacje pomiędzy systemem społecznym i systemem politycznym, a w szczególności zasadę organizującą sposób ich wzajemnego funkcjonowania. Relacjami tymi od drugiej połowy XX w. rządzi proces inkluzji politycznej będący skutkiem upolitycznienia kwestii socjalnej. Polityczność kwestii socjalnych nie jest bowiem ich immanentną cechą, ale zostaje im przydana w toku ewolucji systemu politycznego. (fragment tekstu)
W artykule omówiono znaczenie pojęć „tranzycja” i „transformacja” oraz przedstawiono przebieg okresu tranzycji w Polsce. Zaprezentowano związek demokratycznej transformacji systemowej w Polsce z procesem globalizacji i integracji europejskiej.
The authors begin the article with a term introduced by D. Rostow, tranzycja, which he defines as a period of transition from an autocratic form of government to a democracy. This period ends with the implementation of the pillars of democracy, including a free market, free and competitive elections, citizen freedoms like freedom of speech, media, the establishment of sovereign civil laws and the like. However, transformation (Latin transformatio - transformation, metamorphosis) applies to the process of system changes, the social system, the economy, social affairs in a given ideological direction (democratic or, alternatively, autocratic) and demands the use of an adjective characterising the process. In our view, Poland's democratic transformation leads from the end of the transition to the choice of democratic form made by civil society. The transition in Poland ended with a decision on free elections and the success of reforms leading to a free market economy and the reorientation of foreign policy expressed by Minister K. Skubiszewski. The implementation of decisions made in the final phase of transition is the fruit of the democratic system's transformation and Poland's present social-political and economic system is the result of three simultaneous processes: transformation-integration-globalisation. Political and social-economic transformation towards democracy in Poland has brought the country closer to participating in the European integration process. Poland has been forced to adjust to democratic and free-market requirements created by the European Union. Integration processes in today's world is one factor behind the speeding-up of globalisation. The country heading in that direction, Poland's system transformation should therefore remove barriers which keep society from crossing over to a state ruled by global tendencies - a civil society with a relational character, highly mature, and above all well-informed. Everything, even today's whirling social development leads to a relational civil society. This process nonetheless must find support in conscious policy, not only the social-political aspects, but also the educational ones, which will leave a mark on the contemporary consciousness. (original abstract)
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