The article presents the results of a study of current trends operation of industrial enterprises in Ukraine. There are high degree of dependence on foreign trade situation, the low level of production equipment and the demand for domestic products. It proves the relevance of the strategy of import substitution. The authors present this strategy as an opportunity to enhance the image of Ukrainian industrial machine-building enterprises in international markets over the coming decade. (original abstract)
Autor przedstawił rozważania na temat działalności przemysłowej oraz jej powiązań z rozwojem gospodarczym, głównie w krajach rozwijających się, a także celów industrializacji w postępującym procesie rozwoju gospodarczego. Scharakteryzował również główne strategie industrializacji w krajach rozwijających się, z uwzględnieniem zastosowania tych lub podobnych strategii w krajach wysoko uprzemysłowionych.
The paper is the effect of deliberations concerning the problems of structural changes in industry, processes of industrialization, processes of development, and economic growth. The problem presented in the title of the paper is of special importance. Because of its significance it has been a subject of many authors' studies for years. The paper is composed of three parts connected with one another by the main purpose presented in the title. Part one deals with the industrial activity and its relation to the economic development, mainly in the countries of the so-called South, that is the developing countries. Fart two of the paper concerns the purposes of industrialization in the process of economic development. Part three, the last one, comprises a short characterization of the main strategies of industrialization in developing countries, paying regard to the application of the same or similar strategies of industrialization as in industrialized countries. (original abstract)
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