The development of a technology that increases the service life of valve seats in CNG/LNG-powered vehicles requires the appropriate selection of material and the technology of its application. Commercially used valve seat materials show accelerated wear under operating conditions, especially in natural gas vehicle engines. The authors developed a new material concept and a new technological concept for the protection of the valve seat in CNG/LNG-powered vehicles. This article aims to present the first stage of tribological research. Two materials were used in the research: Stellite 6 alloy and Fe3Al intermetal. A commonly used material for valve seats of combustion engines is Stellite 6. The Fe3Al is the new proposed material coating for the protection of the valve seats of internal combustion engines. This article compares the abrasive wear resistance of these materials. The abrasion tests were performed on a T-11 pin-on-disc tester, and the counter-sample was steel S235JR. The test conditions were similar to those prevailing during the operation of the valves in the head of the internal combustion engine, without the influence of temperature. The obtained results indicate that the Fe3Al intermetal is characterized by a lower coefficient of friction and lower wear intensity than Stellite 6. The results confirm that the Fe3Al phase is a prospective material to be used as a protective material on the valve seat of vehicles.
The influence of nitrogen ion implantation on the tribological properties of Stellite 6 cobalt alloy was investigated. The tribological tests were conducted using a pin / ball on disc in the atmosphere of engine fuels. In the study, cobalt alloy was implanted with 60 keV nitrogen ions at the fluence of 1∙1016 and 5∙1016 N+/cm2. The wear trace was measured using the Form Talysurf Intra Taylor Hobson profilometer. The results demonstrate that nitrogen ion implantation affects the friction coefficient and wear. The effect of nitrogen ion implantation depends on the environment in which the tribological test is carried out, the sample temperature and the presence of friction products in the friction node.
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Technologia ultraszybkiego napawania laserowego stanowi rozwinięcie metod deponowania powłok funkcjonalnych przy użyciu wiązki lasera. Charakteryzuje się ona wysokimi prędkościami procesu, pozwalając uzyskiwać znaczne szybkości chłodzenia oraz niewielkie wymieszanie z podłożem, co prowadzi do dużej czystości materiału powłoki i lepszych własności nałożonej warstwy w porównaniu z konwencjonalnym napawaniem laserowym. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono technologię ultraszybkiego napawania laserowego w aplikacji dla przemysłu lotniczego. Zaprezentowano opracowane stanowisko do realizacji procesu oraz weryfikację technologii na komponencie podwozia samolotu, modyfikowanym w ramach projektu AMpHOra. Uzyskane rezultaty wskazują, że otrzymane tą technologią powłoki mogą stanowić alternatywę względem powłok elektrolitycznych z twardego chromu.
Ultra-High-Speed Laser Cladding technology is one of the developments of functional coating deposition methods with usage of laser beam. It is characterized by high cladding velocities, allowing to obtain a significant cooling rates and low dilution, which leads to high purity of the clad and thus increase of properties of the deposited coating in comparison with the conventional laser cladding. In this paper a technology of Ultra-High-Speed Laser Cladding has been shown in case of applications for the aviation industry. The developed setup for the process has been presented and verification of the technology on the airplane chassis component for AMpHOra project has been discussed. The obtained results shown indicate that the coating received via this technology may compete with hard chrome plating.
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This paper describes results of a repair process of crankshaft pulley hub made of low-carbon steel using laser cladding method. Widely used Co-based alloy powder (Stellite 6) was applied as cladding material. After laser cladding process crankshaft pulley hub has been subjected to grinding to nominal size. Non-destructive testing (dye penetrant inspection) as well as microscopic and chemical composition examination of surface layer and substrate were performed on the cross-section of a control specimen, cut from pulley hub. Produced layer was non-porous and metallurgically bonded with steel substrate. On the cladding weld a much higher micro- hardness relatively to substrate material has been measured.
W artykule opisano proces regeneracji piasty koła pasowego wału korbowego wykonanej ze stali niskowęglowej. Wykorzystano do tego celu metodę laser cladding. Jako materiał napawany zastosowano proszek stopu na bazie kobaltu (stellit 6). Po napawaniu piastę koła pasowego poddano szlifowaniu aż do uzyskania nominalnych wymiarów. Próbkę wyciętą z piasty poddano nieniszczącym badaniom penetracyjnym, badaniom mikroskopowym i składu chemicznego warstw powierzchniowych, a także badaniom mikrotwardości. Wytworzone warstwy napawane zbadano pod względem porowatości i jakości metalurgicznego związania ze stalowym podłożem. Wykonano również pomiary mikrotwardości wytworzonych warstw i podłoża. Na napoinach stwierdzono znacznie większą mikrotwardość niż na materiale podłoża.
Nowadays, high-precision machines require lightweight materials with very high strength. Ion implantation is used to improve the mechanical strength of the material. A further paper presents the influence of manganese and nitrogen ion implantation on changes of microhardness of the surface layer of cobalt alloy. Samples were analyzed with the SEM-EDS Phenom ProX microscope. Microhardness was assessed with the Vickers method, and the loads of 1 gf (0.00981 N) and 5 gf (0.049 N) was applied using a FM-800 from Future-Tech microhardness meter. At a load of 1 gf, the penetration depth of the implanted specimens was reached not exceeding 0.5 um. At this depth, all samples showed an increase in microhardness compared to the unimplanted sample. The highest increase in microhardness was achieved after implantation of Mn ions with dose D=1∙1017 Mn+/cm2 and energy E=175 keV. The increased load on the indenter to 5 gf reduced the microhardness differences between implanted and unimplanted samples.
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