Przedstawiono zasady przekształcania skali nominalnej w porządkową oraz przekształcanie skali porządkowej w przedziałową. Na zakończenie omówiono przekształcenie skali nominalnej w przedziałową.
It is usually assumed that the transformation of the scale of measurement from a weak to a stronger one is impossible, as it requires the increase of the amount of information included in statistical data. In spite of this, the article presents some approximation methods of amplifying the scale of measurement. As a criterion of the best transformation of nominal scale into ordering scale, the maximization of rank correlation between the nominal characteristic and ordering reference characteristic is adopted. In order to transform the ordering scale into the interval scale the expected ordering statistics and standardized means and medians of classes can be used. The transformation of nominal scale into interval scale can be based on the maximization of the coefficient of determination between the quality characteristic and interval reference characteristic. The suggested procedures were illustrated by the numerical examples. (original abstract)
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Celem niniejszego opracowania jest wyodrębnienie za pomocą metod taksonomicznych grup pm1stw UE o podobnym stopniu zagrożenia ubóstwem i wykluczeniem społecznym. Analiza zostanie przeprowadzona przy użyciu znanych i często stosowanych w badaniach empirycznych metod, opartych na podobieństwie taksonomicznym obiektów wielocechowych: metody Warda i metody k-średnich.
In this paper the taxonomic methods have been used to separate similar groups regarding the level of poverty and social exclusion. An analysis has been made using known and often used methods based on the taxonomic similarity of the multivariable objects: Ward method and k-means method. These two procedures have given different results of the classification. These results have been evaluated by using one of the compatibility classification coefficient (original abstract)
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