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Content available remote Właściwe zadania państwa w ujęciu F.A. von Hayeka
Artykuł omawia poglądy F.A. von Hayeka na temat zadań państwa i możliwości jego ingerencji w gospodarkę rynkową. Zwraca uwagę, że Hayek jako konsekwentny zwolennik zasady rządów prawa nie widział problemu w działalności państwa na polu gospodarczym, ale w wynikającym z tego najczęściej nierównym traktowaniu podmiotów (faworyzowaniu podmiotów publicznych). Omawia też poglądy anarchokapitalistyczne na temat zadań państwa, na tle których poglądy Hayeka wyglądają na umiarkowane. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The article discusses the views of F.A. Hayek on the tasks of the state and its possible interference with the market economy. The author pays attention that Hayek, as a consistent supporter of the rule of law, saw no problem in the activities of the state in the economic field but in the resulting the most often unequal treatment of entities (favoring public entities). The text also discusses the views about the tasks of the state against which Hayek's views appear to be moderate. (original abstract)
Przedstawiono pojęcie i rodzaje wydatków publicznych oraz wydatki publiczne w nauce finansów.
In this article the author classified and characterized public expenditure. He discussed the role of the state in the economy and expressed his views regarding the limits of public expenditure, taking into consideration various theoretical opinions. The empirical material presented in the article defines the expenditure of the public sector in relation to the GDP, as well as the share of consumer spending in the domestic product of the selected "western" countries. The opinions presented in the article should facilitate an answer to the following questions: What should be the areas of interest to the present-day state? In which spheres may the private sector turn out to be competitive? What should be the extent of public expenditure in Poland?
In ensuring growth and development collaborative State-Business relations (SBRs) matters, and with economic growth comes increasing levels of employment, options for poverty reduction and hence more equitable development. Whereas it is known that SBR matters at a macro-economic level, the concept of SBR has also been employed in a more or less all-encompassing way in the literature. Accordingly, while it is clear that SBRs work, there is lack knowledge about which dimensions of SBRs are the most important. Due to the continued importance of agriculture in many developing countries, processing of the food produced in the sector is a key manufacturing activity of high economic importance to many economies. Ensuring collaborative SBRs in the food processing industry is therefore of interest to growth and development, particularly as it is a sector about which little is known about the role of SBRs. The paper attempts to examine how and why SBRs matter to and influence the growth and performance of local owned firms in the food processing sub-sector in Zambia. In particular, the paper analyses the roles and influence of government regulations and policies compared to those of business associations for the performance of the food processing sector in Zambia. The paper draws on primary data from a survey of firms in the food processing sector which was conducted between 2013 and 2014. It is shown that while the majority of the Zambian food processing firms experienced growth over the last five years, with increased employment and in a number of cases growing earnings, this seems to have happened in spite of a business environment which is not particularly supportive. The firms’ experience is that the SBRs mainly constitute institutional barriers to the performance of firms and highlight that formal government institutions and polices are incapable of assisting the firms and in most cases government institutions formulate and enact insufficient support schemes.
Content available remote "Nowe Państwo" a nowa gospodarka. Wyzwania i problemy
"Stare problemy trzeba przezwyciężać nie tylko za pomocą nowych technologii, ale również stosując zmodyfikowaną - dostosowaną do wyzwań epoki »nowej gospodarki« i sprzęgniętej z nią globalizacji - nową politykę" - napisał niezwykle trafnie G.W. Kołodko w jednej ze swoich publikacji. Czym bowiem jest wskazane w tytule "nowe państwo" jeżli nie "starym państwem" postawionym w obliczu permanentnie zmieniających się granic politycznych, społecznych, kulturowych, ale również handlowych. Owo "nowe państwo" musi zatem nadal, tak jak i "stare":koordynować działania, tworzyć instytucje i nowy porządek gospodarczy. Jednak z tą różnicą, iż wymaga to obecnie stałego dostosowywania się do coraz to bardziej zróżnicowanej gospodarki globalnej, za którą powinna podążać polityka państwa. Zatem właściwe powiązanie i wykorzystanie narzędzi polityki fiskalnej i monetarnej to jedyny warunek pozwalający na osiągnięcie przez daną gospodarkę wzrostu gospodarczego. W niniejszej publikacji zaprezentowana zostanie jedynie pewna niewielka część niezwykle ciekawego problemu, jakim jest określenie bieżących dylematów, przed którymi staje państwo, rozumiane jako podmiot gospodarczy ingerujący w gospodarczą codzienność.(abstrakt autora)
New era usually means new challenges. Today The State is faced with a permanently changing borders of political, social, cultural and commercial. It must therefore coordinate, create institutions and a new economic order. This publication will be presented only a small part of a very interesting problem,which is to determine the current State's dilemmas, operating under the "New Economy". It will be seen as an economic entity impact in economic life. The whole analysis will include a brief mention of the role and functions of the state, from the historical perspective. (original abstract)
This article explores the issue of sovereignty of States in the context of legitimacy of international law. Sovereign statehood is today increasingly challenged. The article examines if an essential incompatibility exists between international law conceived as a true, that is, legitimized, system of law and State sovereignty. To this end, it seems necessary to determine a meaning and importance of sovereignty in and for international law. The article seeks to argue that the idea of State sovereignty, deprived of orthodox positivistic justification, can still perform an important cognitive function in international law. In a world in which non-State actors suffer from a “democratic deficit”, democratic accountability and responsibility remains concentrated in States. States are, therefore, still the main source of legitimacy of political decisions. It is sovereign States that are the legal subjects assuring the public underpinnings within the international legal order. Consequently, there is no contradiction between the sovereign status of States in international society, and international law conceived as a legitimized legal order.
Szkolnictwo wyższe przynosi korzyści nie tylko osobom indywidualnym, ale i szeroko pojętemu społeczeństwu. Uczelnie wypuszczają wysoko wykwalifikowanych absolwentów, którzy zasilają rynek pracy, wspomagając tym rozwój ekonomiczny i rentowność kraju. Pomimo, że to przekonanie stanowi jeden z ważniejszych elementów polityki rządu Wielkiej Brytanii, nie do końca jest to odzwierciedlone w brytyjskim systemie finansowania szkolnictwa wyższego. Ten artykuł ma na celu analizę wysokiego uzależnienia brytyjskich uczelni od funduszy publicznych i potencjalnego ryzyka z tym związanego. (abstrakt oryginalny)
It is widely accepted that individuals as well as society benefit from higher education, which is one of the most important elements in the UK Government policy. Higher education produces highly qualified people and as a result it increases the UK's economic development and international competitiveness. Unfortunately, it has not always been reflected in the UK policy on funding higher education. With the few exceptions the British higher education is mostly publicly funded and it has been heavily reliant on state funding for a long time. This paper examines the issue of the strong dependence on the state funds and potential risks it brings on higher education institutions. It is important to remember that the identified issues may vary from institution to institution and should be treated with caution. (original abstract)
W artykule podjęto próbę zdefiniowania polityki rodzinnej w aspekcie społeczno-gospodarczym w stosunku do celów i zadań polityki społecznej. Zostały omówione zasady, funkcje, osoby, narzędzia i koszty polityki rodzinnej w oparciu o współczesne doświadczenia w krajach europejskich. Przedstawiono projekcje polityki rodzinnej, jak również społeczne opinie na temat rozwiązań stosowanych obecnie w krajach europejskich. W ostatniej części pracy, zaprezentowano model polityki rodzinnej w ścisłym znaczeniu.
In the paper, an attempt to define the family policy in its socio-economic aspect in relation to the aims and tasks of the social policy, in the wider context - of the public policy, has been presented. Rules, functions, subjects, instruments and costs of the family policy on the basis of contemporary experiences in the European countries have been discussed. The projections of the family policy, as well as social opinions about solutions currently used in the European countries have been also described. In the last part of the paper, a set of elements of the family policy model in its strict meaning and the scope of its evaluation have been presented. (short original abstract)
Strategiczne dokumenty Unii Europejskiej, w tym Traktat lizboński, w istotny sposób determinują politykę turystyczną państw członkowskich. Turystyka staje się jedną z dziedzin wspieraną, koordynowaną lub uzupełnianą przez ośrodki decyzyjne Unii Europejskiej. W myśl Traktatu lizbońskiego działania Unii koncentrują się na zachęcaniu do tworzenia korzystnego środowiska dla rozwoju przedsiębiorstw w sektorze turystyki oraz do wspierania współpracy między państwami członkowskimi, w szczególności przez wymianę dobrych praktyk. Wykaz konkretnych inicjatyw w zakresie turystyki zawiera dokument Europa - najpopularniejszy kierunek turystyczny na świecie - nowe ramy polityczne dla europejskiego sektora turystycznego.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The Treaty of Lisbon and strategic EU documents significantly determine the tourism policy of both the Union and the Member States. Tourism becomes one of the areas supported, coordinated or supplemented by the EU decision-making centers. Under the Treaty of Lisbon EU activities focus on encouraging the creation of a favorable environment for business development in the tourism sector and promotion of cooperation among the Member States, in particular through the sharing of good practice. The list of specific initiatives in the area of tourism is indicated in the document "Europe, the world's No 1 tourist destination - a new political framework for tourism in Europe".(original abstract)
Omówiono problematykę kapitału społecznego zarówno w refleksji teoretycznej jak i w badaniach polskich socjologów. Scharakteryzowano rolę państwa i jego instytucji w budowaniu kapitału społecznego. Zwrócono także uwagę na rolę kapitału ludzkiego i kapitału społecznego w środowisku pomocy społecznej.
The paper writed by Jerzy Krzyszkowski concentrates on social capital and its meaning and practical use in social policy and social care. The subject is analysed in the context of debate in the social sciences and policy making by the World Bank. In the introduction an author has given a short overview of the theoretical underpinning of social capital by Pierre Bourdieu in France and James Coleman and Robert Putnam in the United States. In the second part of the paper social capital has been presented not only as a new intellectually stimulating theoretical concept but practical alternative for traditional social welfare as well. Special attention has been given to social capital as an instrument of combating poverty and exclusion. Social services and social workers seem to be a good instrument to build social capital at local level so that social cohesion and community values could be used in social policy at local level. At the times of globalisation and community decline social capital could be considered as a good staring point of building civil society that is extremely important in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. (original abstract)
nr nr 7
Artykuł ma charakter teoretyczny i oparty jest na publikacjach naukowych polskich i zagranicznych autorów. W pierwszej jego części dokonano konceptualizacji podstawowego terminu, a następnie poszukano odpowiedzi na zawarte w tytule pytanie. Ostatnia część szkicu jest podsumowaniem jego głównych spostrzeżeń. (fragment tekstu)
This article refers to the civic society which is defined as a formal or informal group or an organization whose aim is to fulfill social needs. The concept of civic society is often used both in economics and sociology. The aim of the author is to show whether between the civic society and the government complementary or competitive relations occur. It was noticed that the existence of civic society influences the country's development. (original abstract)
nr nr 385
W niniejszym artykule omówiono zasadę suwerennej równości oraz zadłużenie a immunitet państwa. Na koniec postawiono pytanie czy zadłużenie może prowadzić do utraty suwerenności?
The participation of state in modern International relations leads necessarily to the limitation in realization of determined sovereign rights. Though to varying degree, this affects all countries, including the superpowers. The international law as well as national legal systems and regulations have given rise to effective mechanisms precluding the transformation of limited execution of sovereignty into the entirely different quality of infringing on sovereignty itself. One of the consequences of the principle of sovereign equality inherent in international law as well as the principle of good will consists in the moral obligation of debtors to cooperate in solving the indebtedness problem. However, it would be too early to consider the existence of legal obligation in this field. On the other hand, the legal consequence of contemporary interpretation of the principle of sovereign equality, and - especially - the good will principle, lies in the recognition of absolutely valid right of states to maintain their sovereignty. In consequence, such economic and financial obligations which infringe on sovereignty, are null and void from the view-point of International law.(original abstract)
The paper focuses on the assessment of capital expenditures on secondary vocation¬al and general education, examination efficiency and the results of the key final examinations at the primary level. Higher expenditures are incurred in secondary vocational education. At the same time, outcomes achieved in this area of education are lower. It is proposed to implement a vocational education model, already legally sanc-tioned in extramural forms of education. The adoption of such solutions should actually enrich the human capital of society. This should provide a more careful secondary education and contribute to a significant improvement in the occupational mobility of society, due to a relatively fast process of acquiring new skills
The reasons for the introduction of employee participation in the country are de-pendent on different social interests and actors of industrial relations. Forms of participa¬tion occurring in Polish enterprises in the period of economic transformation were close¬ly associated with the processes of privatization and commercialization. Polish accession to the EU has resulted in the emergence of two new forms of participation: employees councils and employees’ representatives in the European Works Councils. The main objective of this paper is to determine the role of the state in the development of employ¬ee participation in Poland and to define the reasons for introducing forms of participation by trade unions, employers' organizations and the state.
Content available Państwo w poglądach polskich merkantylistów
Już na początku XVI w. w Polsce rozpoczął się powolny proces odchodzenia od ładu feudalnego, co związane było ze zmianą sposobu myślenia i nowym spojrzeniem na proces gospodarowania oraz na rolę państwa w tym procesie. W polskich realiach doktrynie merkantylizmu towarzyszyły ostre spory o kształt państwa i o uprzywilejowaną pozycję szlachty w życiu gospodarczym.
The slow process of leaving feudal order started at the beginning of the 16th century also in Poland. It was connected with the changer of the way of thinking and new look at the process of management and the role of a state in that process. In Polish reality, the doctrine of mercantilism was accompanied with the strident dispute about the form of the state and the privilieged position of peerage.
W artykule omówiono pojęcie „społeczeństwo obywatelskie” oraz zaprezentowano kontrowersje jakie się wokół niego pojawiają. Ukazano funkcjonowanie społeczeństwa obywatelskiego w Polsce po 1989 r. oraz po wyborach w 2005 r., kiedy to wybory wygrała partia postulująca wzmocnienie roli państwa.
This article examines relations between the Law and Justice government and civil society in Poland between 2005 and 2007. It shows that civil society was treated by the ruling political elite as if it were in competition with the state and hence as a potentially threatening factor. This government stance was made possible by an existing climate of mistrust, a tendency towards social divisions, and the specific language used by the ruling elite. The article also stresses that these poor government-civil society relations resulted in the growth of negative social capital. (original abstract)
W artykule przedstawiono podsumowanie dwóch lat sprawowania władzy przez Prawo i Sprawiedliwość. Omówiono skutki sprawowania rządów przez PiS oraz opinie i poglądy społeczeństwa na ten temat. Zaprezentowano również cele i cechy polityki PiS dostrzegane przez obywateli.
The goals and features of the policy implemented by the Law and Justice Party (PiS) from 2005 to 2007 saw a departure from the rules of liberal democracy. As the majority of society observed this, Civic Platform (PO) prevailed in the 2007 elections, while PiS received only about a third of the votes. What views and opinions were conducive to achieving such results and what the probable effects of the manner of exercising power were in the previous term are two questions worth answering. At least three issues come into play when answering the first. One is that our society is growing more and more satisfied. The most unsatisfied part of the electorate was concentrated around PiS, but the rest of voters were not motivated to any significant extent to take protest-like actions. The second issue is the social approach to democracy, partly supporting the evolution towards non-liberal democracy presented by PiS leaders. Their vision grants authorities great freedom of action and a significant part of the electorate cannot find reason to defend liberal democracy. The third issue involves certain basic slogans presented by PiS, including those concerning the fight against crime by means of tightening punishment and introducing capital punishment. These are also supported by the majority of society. When answering the second part of the question, it must be remembered that the level of conflict in society has increased, a more and more dichotomous image of the world has supplanted older ones, there is little social trust, and the negative image of the system transformation period that has existed during the Third Republic of Poland has been consolidated. (original abstract)
Banki rządowe funkcjonują w większości krajów. Ich zadaniem jest wspieranie polityki gospodarczej i społecznej państwa. Działalność tych banków zazwyczaj przybiera formę instytucji specjalistycznych. Istotne jest, aby ich potencjał został efektywnie wykorzystany zwłaszcza w czasie kryzysu. W artykule omówiono działalność tego typu instytucji.
Tematem niniejszego artykułu nie jest szczegółowa ocena realizacji „IV RP” czy ocena stanu budowanej wtedy rzeczywistości, tylko próba zastanowienia się nad stosowaną metodą, próbą odpowiedzi czy „IV RP” można było stworzyć, stosując metodę zrywania z ideą rozwoju ciągłego. Celem artykułu jest ponadto podkreślenie wyłaniających się niebezpieczeństw i zagrożeń wynikających z tego typu prób wprowadzenia „przyspieszonego” rozwoju. (fragment tekstu)
The article presents ways of achieving a "good state", which in Poland has been associated with the the so-called Fourth Republic. Methods for implementing this idea given contemporary political circumstances in Poland are considered. An attempt is also made to answer the question of whether a "good state" can be created by rejecting the idea of continuous development. Finally, I discuss the dangers and risks facing those that would attempt to implement "accelerated" development. (original abstract)
W prezentowanej analizie skoncentrowano się na kilku najważniejszych aspektach IV RP, aspektach ustrojowych, politycznych i społecznych. Pominięto sprawy polityki międzynarodowej i gospodarczej – a więc te, których racjonalnie obronić się nie da, a które stanowią tylko konsekwencję wyborów w płaszczyźnie ustrojowej, politycznej i społecznej. (fragment tekstu)
The concept of the Fourth Republic was created due to the weakness of the Third Republic. However, the revolution introduced by Law and Justice was not going to so much fix Poland's problems as to create the groundwork for the right to take over the country. That there arę constructive proposals interspersed with self-serving ideas to be exploited by Poland's Right in the blueprint for the Fourth Republic is why it should be treated as the most potent attempt the Right has madę in recent Polish history to take control of the country. This control would of be a nationalistic, undemocratic and Catholic character. (original abstract)
W artykule omówiono ideę i politykę „IV Rzeczypospolitej”. Źródłem zwycięstwa wyborczego „obozu IV RP” był kryzys rządzenia, który doprowadził do kształtowania postawy określanej w niektórych publikacjach jako „nie-odpowiedzialność”. Omówiono główne przejawy tej postawy w sferze społecznej, politycznej i administracyjnej. Podano również przykłady działań „obozu IV RP” ukierunkowanych na zmianę ładu instytucjonalnego bez zmiany konstytucji. Na koniec zaprezentowano tezy będące kluczem do rozwiązania omówionych problemów.
This article discusses the idea and politics of "the Fourth Republic". The basic source of electoral victory for "the Fourth Republic" camp can be traced to the government crisis that has been unfolding in Poland since the second half of the 1990s. This has resulted in the establishing and shaping of a stance condemned in some publications as irresponsible. At the same time, institutionalising irresponsibility has led to the emergence of a "soft nation" syndrome. To overcome it, complex institutional change respecting procedurally and substantially the principle of the division of power is essential. Law and Justice (PiS) won over a significant populist electorate by appealing to their hopes and aspirations, but it also moved towards authoritarianism while leaving the most important institutional shortcomings unaddressed. No problems were solved and all the country's weaknesses were compounded. (original abstract)
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