The article discusses the problem of visual perception in the framework of poetic view of the world. The issue of perception and cognition of reality has been outlined in the perspective of selected philosophical analysis of the Enlightenment (Diderot, Condillac). Literary material, illustrating these considerations, is represented by fragments from Stanisław Trembecki’s work.
From the beginning, literature occupied an important place in “Vilnius Daily” (so-called scholar magazine’s pages). The editors of the journal (including Jan and Jędrzej Śniadecki, Euzebiusz Słowacki, Filip Nereusz Golański, Leon Borowski, Ernest Groddeck, Kazimierz Kontrym) who were recruited from the circle of the University of Vilnius are alumni in “the age of lights”. Being heirs to the enlightenment ideals of aesthetics, they appreciated the literary output of their immediate predecessors. These preferences are clearly visible in the literary content of “Vilnius Daily”’, obviously adhering to classical and sentimental tastes. Without a doubt Stanisław Trembecki enjoyed the highest popularity among the Stanislawow creators in those pages. We also encounter there the works of Elżbieta Drużbacka, Ignacy Krasicki, Franciszek Karpiński and Ludwik Kropiński. The Vilnius magazine, appreciating their creative achievements, showed thereby the continuation of eighteen-century literary tradition.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie portretu Wojciecha Miera wyłaniającego się z poezji jemu dedykowanych, b ądź zawierających wzmianki o nim. Analizie zostały poddane wiersze Stanisława Kostki Potockiego, Ignacego Potockiego, Wincentego Dunina, Stanisława Trembeckiego oraz poezja anonimowa doby Oświecenia. Zaakcentowane zostały poglądy poetów na umiejętności literackie starościca buskiego, jego talent oraz wybory estetyczne, jakich dokonywał w swoich poezjach. Poruszony został również obraz filozoficznych przekonań W. Miera, jaki został utrwalony w omówionych utworach, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem rysu libertyńsko-epikurejskiego jego światopoglądu.
Article’s aim is to present Wojciech Mier’s profi le emerging from poetry dedicated to or mentioning him. Analysed were poems of Stanisław Kostka Potocki, Ignacy Potocki, Wincent Dunin, Stanisław Trembecki and anonymous poetry of Enlightment. Stressed were poets’ views on literary skills of Busko’s starosta’s son, his talent, aesthetic choices made in his poetry. Mentioned were also Mier’s philosophical beliefs perpetuated in elaborated works with particular consideration of libertine-epicureic feature of his world-view.
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