Studium podejmuje polemikę z twierdzeniem, iż „Eklezjastes” Stanisława Herakliusza Lubomirskiego, poetycki przekład „Księgi Koheleta”, został przez autora opracowany na podstawie tłumaczenia „Biblii” Jakuba Wujka. Autor wykazuje, że parafraza Lubomirskiego powstała w oparciu o tekst „Wulgaty”. W tym celu poddaje analizie translatologicznej fragmenty „Eklezjastesa” wskazane w literaturze przedmiotu jako dowody zależności dzieła od translacji Wujka (Argumenty 1–8) oraz przedstawia przesłanki świadczące o pracy Lubomirskiego na tekście łacińskim (Argumenty 9–12).
The study challenges the statement that Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski’s “Eklezjastes” (“Ecclesiastes”), a poetic translation of “Ecclesiastes”, is effectuated from Jakub Wujek’s translation of the Bible. The author of the paper suggests that Lubomirski’s paraphrase was based on the Vulgate. To prove it, he carries out a translatological analysis of fragments from “Eklezjaste”s treated in the literature as evidence for the text’s dependency on Wujek’s translation (Arguments 1–8) and lists factors that conform Lubomirski’s work on the Latin text (Arguments 9–12).
In 1683 Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski was one of the most important politicians in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. He was part of anti-royal opposition, which was against alliance with Austria and war against Ottoman Empire. Lubomirski’s letters date before Warsaw Sejm indicates that he supported war against Muscovy. During Sejm he fulfilled his role as Grand Marshal, but at the same time he worked towards French interests. When the king and his supporters managed to defeat political opposition, Lubomirski switched sides and claimed that he never supported the king’s opponents. He then participated in signing a treaty with Austria and also enlisted few military units to take part in war against the Turks. After 1683, Sejm - for the time being - limited his political activities. Despite political defeat, he managed to achieve some personal successes – became owner of the town of Jazdów (Ujazdów), while his brother Hieronim was nominated for the office of Crown Court Marshal.
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