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Wyspa Sri Lanka, nazwana łzą z policzka Indii, dawna kolonia portugalska, niderlandzka i brytyjska, jest miejscem barwnych miast oraz bogatej kultury, emanującym aurą naturalnej rajskiej dżungli. To tam urodził się Geoffrey Bawa.
The main objective of this study was to identify the critical factors that affecting the implementation of environmental management systems (EMSs) of manufacturing SMEs in Sri Lanka. Out of twelve factors, management commitment, professional expertise, financial resources, stakeholders and environmental information are identified as key factors. Based on the survey results, it is proposed that the government should play an important role in promoting environmental management in SMEs. It is necessary for the government to provide active support in the aspects including mandatory policy, encouraging policy and supporting policy.
Content available remote Post-Tsunami Reconstruction in Sri Lanka: Assessing the Economic Impact
The "construction output shock" that was generated by the massive reconstruction programmes after the Indian Ocean tsunami in Sri Lanka spread through the economic system and was reflected in economic indicators due to the multiple linkages that the construction industry has with other economic sectors. On the ground, it was observed that the prices of construction materials, labour and plant rose suddenly in the affected regions making the reconstruction effort more costly. This paper considers the responses of major economic and construction indicators to the construction shock due to post-tsunami reconstruction and the amount of time needed before they returned to an equilibrium state. Empirical results indicate that the construction output shock had a significant impact on material, labour and equipment price indices in the short run but other indicators showed only a very marginal response indicating that the remoteness of the disaster would have delayed the propagation.
Dėl didžiulių atstatymo programų, prasidėjusių Šri Lankoje po cunamio Indijos vandenyne, atsiradęs statybų šokas apėmė ekonominę sistemą ir padarė poveikį ekonominiams rodikliams, nes statybos pramonė turi daugybę sąsajų su kitais ūkio sektoriais. Pastebėta, kad nukentėjusiuose regionuose statybinių medžiagų, darbo ir įrangos kainos staiga išaugo, o atstatomoji veikla pabrango. Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjama, kaip pagrindiniai ekonominiai ir statybos rodikliai reaguoja į statybų šoką, patirtą dėl atstatomųjų darbų po cunamio, kiek laiko reikia, kad rodikliai grįžtų į pusiausvyros būklę. Iš empirinių rezultatų matyti, kad trumpuoju laikotarpiu statybų apimties šokas gerokai paveikė medžiagų, darbo ir įrangos kainų rodiklius, bet kiti rodikliai kito labai nedaug, vadinasi, nelaimės atokumo atveju rodiklių sklaida būtų buvusi sulaikyta.
INTRODUCTION: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a relatively new disease in Sri Lanka and across the world. It has had a significant impact on all aspects of human life, contributing to a decline in public health. Due to an increasing number of reported and suspected cases, the quality of life in many communities has deteriorated. This study aimed to determine the public perception regarding COVID-19 prevention and work-life balance during the COVID 19 pandemic period in Sri Lanka. MATERIAL AND METHODS: It is a descriptive cross-sectional study. A cross-sectional online survey of 648 Sri Lankan citizens was conducted from the 30th of April 2020 to the 17th of January 2021. Participants were identified through the snowball sampling method. A pre-tested questionnaire was used for data collection which consisted of details of demographic characteristics, COVID-19 prevention measures, and work-life balance during the curfew period. Descriptive statistics were employed in the data analysis. RESULTS: Regarding COVID-19 prevention, 94% of the participants perceived that COVID-19 is highly contagious, and 93% believed that there is no proper established treatment plan for COVID 19. The majority of the participants rated self-quarantine (98.9%) and washing hands frequently (81.9%) as an effective measure for preventing COVID- 19. 96.8% of participants accepted to cooperate with self-quarantine if they were found to have fever and cough. The social stigma was reported as a major constrain for expressing travel history. In the aspect of work-life balance, the majority of the participants were economically unstable (53.2%) and spending time happily with their families (94.8%) during the COVID-19 curfew (lockdown) period. 95.4% of the participants have not broken any laws (laws related to curfew/ quarantine) during the COVID-19 epidemic in Sri Lanka. The monotone of activities was identified as a major cause for increasing stress during the COVID-19 lockdown period. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicated that Sri Lankans who participated in the survey have an acceptable level of awareness in COVID-19 prevention measures, and that monotony of sedentary life was the leading cause of stress throughout the lockdown period.
WSTĘP: Choroba koronawirusowa 2019 (COVID-19) jest stosunkowo nową chorobą na Sri Lance i na całym świecie. Wywarła znaczący wpływ na wszystkie aspekty życia ludzkiego, przyczyniając się do pogorszenia stanu zdrowia publicznego. Ze względu na rosnącą liczbę zgłaszanych i podejrzewanych przypadków, jakość życia w wielu społecznościach uległa pogorszeniu. Badanie to miało na celu określenie opinii publicznej na temat zapobiegania COVID-19 i równowagi między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym w okresie pandemii COVID 19 na Sri Lance. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Przekrojowe badanie internetowe na 648 obywatelach Sri Lanki zostało przeprowadzone od 30 kwietnia 2020 r. do 17 stycznia 2021 r. Uczestnicy zostali zidentyfikowani za pomocą metody doboru próby kuli śnieżnej. Do zbierania danych wykorzystano wstępnie przetestowany kwestionariusz, który zawierał szczegółowe dane dotyczące cech demograficznych, środków zapobiegania COVID-19 oraz równowagi między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym w okresie godziny policyjnej. Do analizy danych wykorzystano statystyki opisowe. WYNIKI: Jeśli chodzi o zapobieganie COVID-19, 94% uczestników uznało, że COVID-19 jest wysoce zaraźliwy, a 93% uważało, że nie ma odpowiedniego ustalonego planu leczenia COVID 19. Większość uczestników oceniła samodzielną kwarantannę (98,9% ) i częste mycie rąk (81,9%) jako skuteczny środek zapobiegania COVID-19. 96,8% uczestników zgodziło się na współpracę z samodzielną kwarantanną, jeśli wykryto u nich gorączkę i kaszel. Piętno społeczne zostało zgłoszone jako główne ograniczenie w wyrażaniu historii podróży. W aspekcie równowagi między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym większość uczestników była niestabilna ekonomicznie (53,2%) i spędzała szczęśliwie czas ze swoimi rodzinami (94,8%) w okresie godziny policyjnej COVID-19. 95,4% uczestników nie złamało żadnych przepisów (przepisów dotyczących godziny policyjnej/kwarantanny) podczas epidemii COVID-19 na Sri Lance. Monotonność działań została zidentyfikowana jako główna przyczyna rosnącego stresu w okresie blokady COVID-19. WNIOSKI: Wyniki wskazują, że mieszkańcy Sri Lanki, którzy wzięli udział w ankiecie mają akceptowalny poziom świadomości w zakresie środków zapobiegawczych COVID-19, a monotonia siedzącego trybu życia była główną przyczyną stresu przez cały okres blokady.
Disasters cause substantial damage around the world. This causes serious environmental and economic burden on normal living conditions, reconstruction and general waste collection processes. Within this context, waste management has emerged as a critical issue in responding to a disaster. Thus, this paper addresses post disaster waste management strategies adopted in developing countries and applicability of best global practices in respect of challenges encountered. Comprehensive literature review and field survey among national level institutes in Sri Lanka were conducted to gather information and semi-structured interviews were used as a method of data collection. The findings revealed that strategies, issues and challenges are varying according to type of disaster, magnitude, location, country etc. Further, poor implementation of prevailing rules and regulations; poor standards of local expertise and capacities, inadequate funds, lack of communication and coordination are identified as key issues encountered.
Stichines nelaimes visame pasaulyje pridaro daug žalos. Tai labai pasunkina aplinkosauginê ir ekonominê situacijâ iprastomis gyvenimo salygomis, atstatant aplinkâ ir vykdant bendruosius atlieku rinkimo procesus. Šiame kontekste atlieku tvarkymas išryškejo kaip esmine problema, reaguojant i stichine nelaime. Taigi šiame darbe nagrinejamos atlieku tvarkymo po stichiniu nelaimiu strategijos, taikomos besivystančiose šalyse, ir geriausiu pasauliniu praktiku taikymas, imantis kilusiu iššūkiu. Siekiant surinkti informacija išsamiai apžvelgta literatura ir tiesiogiai ištirtos Šri Lankos valstybines institucijos, o duomenims rinkti pasitelktas pusiau strukturiniu interviu metodas. Iš rezultatu aišku, kad strategijos, problemos ir iššūkiai skiriasi priklausomai nuo stichines nelaimes pobudžio, masto, vietos, valstybes ir pan. Be to, nustatyta, kad pagrindines problemos yra prastas visuotiniu taisykliu ir reglamentu taikymas, prasti vietines patirties standartai ir menkos galimybes, lešu trūkumas, komunikacijos ir koordinavimo trūkumas.
INTRODUCTION: Gaming disorder is defined as a pattern of gaming behaviour characterised by impaired control over gaming, prioritisation of gaming over other activities to the point where gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and persistence or escalation of gaming despite negative consequences. Given the increasing global interest in videogames, particularly among adolescents and young adults, this study investigated the prevalence of gaming disorder and its associated factors among Sri Lankan adolescents and young adults, with a focus on factors associated with gaming addiction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted involving 401 Sri Lankan adolescents and young adults who played video games, through an anonymous online survey using snowball sampling. The survey comprised four sections: demographic data, influencing factors for game playing, the seven-item Game Addiction Scale and a validated depression scale (nine-item Patient Health Questionnaire). SPSS IBM (version 27) was used for data analysis, which includes means, standard deviations, frequencies, percentages, Pearson’s correlation and chi-square tests. RESULTS: A total of 401 gamers participated, comprising adolescents (10-18 years; 9.5%) and young adults (19-35 years; 90.5%). The majority were non-gaming addicts (71.57%), and among the gaming addicts, 8.48% were classified as monothetic gaming addicts, while 19.5% were classified polythetic gaming addicts. Slightly more males were game addicts (52.63%) than females. There was a low positive correlation between videogame addiction and depression (r=0.321). More than half of the sample believed that visual triggers (58.6%) and frequent reward systems (56.1%) influenced their gameplay. There was a significant association (p <0.05) between gaming addiction and the three observed characteristics: visual triggers, audio triggers, and frequent rewards. CONCLUSIONS: Just under one-tenth of the study population sampled was classified as having a gaming addiction, with males having a slightly higher prevalence than females. The positive correlation between gaming disorder and depression suggests a consequential and potentially life-threatening outcome, wherein depression emerges as a serious consequence of addiction to gaming. When the structural characteristics of videogames, such as auditory, visual and frequent reward systems were considered, game addicts were more influenced by them.
Piper zeylanicum Miq. (Piperaceae) an endemic species of Sri Lanka is reported and described and illustrated as a new record for India from Nilgiri District of Tamil Nadu.
Information Technology (IT) industry in Sri Lanka can be considered as one of the fast growing industrial sectors in current competitive, technological oriented and rapidly changing business environment. Generally, IT industry performance depends on knowledge management (KM) in firms in the industry. The concept of staff turnover (ST) has become as more important aspect in the context of knowledge management. As limited research studies are shown in literature about staff turnover and knowledge management in IT industry in Sri Lanka, this research explore the impact of staff turnover on knowledge management in IT companies in Sri Lanka. The survey method has been adopted using structured questionnaire in Likert scale to collect data. Respondents from different job categories and companies for the sample have been selected using stratified sampling method. After descriptive analysis of basic features of respondents of the survey, the causal relationship between staff turnover and knowledge management is analyzed using correlation analysis. The major finding emulating from the study is that there is a positive relationship between high staff turnover and weak knowledge management. Further, the study shows that organizational factors such as managerial style, lack of recognition, lack of competitive compensation system and toxic workplace environment significantly influence employee knowledge management. However, possible learning environment in the firm also directs employee turnover in IT industry in Sri Lanka.
This paper introduces a framework for capacity development for disaster risk reduction in the built environment. The framework was developed as a part of an ongoing research which aims to strengthen the capacities of individuals and institutions in the built environment to ensure that disaster risk reduction meets its mission and goals in a sustainable way. It is presented as a matrix that identifies four stages of capacity development against six groups of stakeholders in the built environment. The stages and the stakeholder groups were derived through a series of expert interviews and a comprehensive literature review. The four stages are named as Analysis, Creation, Utilisation and Retention. This paper in its latter sections focuses on the first stage, Analysis, and presents some of the initial findings of the research. Analysis attempts to capture capacity gaps in the relevant context in order to identify required capacity development. The study reviews literature on Sri Lanka and discusses such capacity gaps. Problems in the regulatory structure, deficiencies in necessary laws and regulations including problems in their implementation, and lack of required resources and skills have been identified as the major capacity gaps in the country.
Šiame darbe pristatoma sistema, leidžianti ugdyti gebėjimą mažinti nelaimių keliamą riziką užstatytoje aplinkoje. Sistema sudaryta vykdant nuolatinį tyrimą, kuriuo siekiama didinti užstatytoje aplinkoje veikiančių individų ir institucijų gebėjimus, idant nelaimių keliamos rizikos mažinimas darniai atitiktų jo misiją ir tikslus. Sistema pateikiama kaip matrica, kurią sudaro keturi gebėjimų ugdymo etapai ir šešios užstatytoje aplinkoje veikiančios interesų grupės. Etapai ir interesų grupės buvo nustatytos apklausiant ekspertus ir išsamiai apžvelgiant literatūrą. Keturi etapai pavadinti "Analizė", "Kūrimas", "Panaudojimas" ir "Išlaikymas". Tolesnėse šio darbo dalyse aptariamas pirmasis etapas "Analizė" ir pateikiamos kelios pradinės tyrimo išvados. Analize siekiama užfiksuoti atitinkamame kontekste esančias gebėjimų spragas, kad būtų aišku, kuriuos gebėjimus reikia ugdyti. Tyrime apžvelgiama literatūra apie Šri Lanką ir aptariamos tokios gebėjimų spragos. Nustatyta, kad pagrindinės šalies gebėjimų spragos yra šios: problemos reglamentavimo struktūroje, būtinų įstatymų ir reglamentų trūkumai, įskaitant jų įgyvendinimo problemas, ir reikiamų išteklių bei įgūdžių stoka.
There has been an increase in the occurrence of natural disasters and their impact has aroused the interest of many stakeholders to incorporate different strategies on disaster management. Although disasters may end many opportunities and lives, the lives of survivors do not cease in the disaster affected areas. The impact of natural disasters and the consequent partial reconstruction efforts have specifically presented many challenges to women. In this context, the main research investigates the empowerment of women during post disaster reconstruction particularly in Sri Lanka.Among the factors that influence women's empowerment, existing policies and frameworks is one of the important factors that can play a major role within the post disaster reconstruction in Sri Lanka. Hence, in order to gain an understanding of the existing framework of women's empowerment, this study investigates the national and international policies and frameworks that exist within the post disaster context in Sri Lanka. The study found that even though polices are gender neutral, they are not gender sensitive. In addition, it was found that having a single policy or framework for the whole country is unlikely to be a success, therefore, any frameworks should have room to be adopted to the local situation.
Stichinių nelaimių padaugėjo, taigi dėl jų poveikio daug interesų grupių susidomėjo, kaip nelaimėms valdyti pasitelkti įvairias strategijas. Nors nelaimės atima daug galimybių ir gyvybių, išlikusieji tebegyvena nelaimės nuniokotose teritorijose. Dėl stichinių nelaimių poveikio ir po jų vykstant daliniams atstatymo darbams, ypač daug sunkumų kyla moterims. Atsižvelgiant į tai, pagrindiniame tyrime nagrinėjamas didesnių teisių suteikimas moterims vykstant atstatymo po nelaimių darbams, ypač Šri Lankoje. Be kitų veiksnių, kurie daro įtaką suteikiant didesnes teises moterims, svarbi yra politika ir gairės, o jų reikšmė Šri Lankoje atstatant nelaimės nuniokotas vietoves gali būti didžiulė. Taigi siekiant suprasti esamas didesnių teisių suteikimo moterims gaires, šiame tyrime nagrinėjama nacionalinė ir tarptautinė politika bei gairės, Šri Lankoje taikomos darbų po nelaimių kontekste. Tyrime nustatyta, kad net jei politika pirmenybės neteikia nė vienai lyčiai, į lytims svarbius klausimus ji neatsižvelgia. Be to, nustatyta, kad visoje šalyje taikant vieną politiką arba gaires vargu ar galima tikėtis sėkmės. Taigi visose gairėse reikia numatyti galimybių jas priderinti prie vietinės situacijos.
This report presents the beautiful and cultural places in Sri Lanka attracting tourists. Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is an island nation in South Asia, located in the Indian Ocean enrich with beautiful white sandy beaches, lush green landscapes varying from rainforests to peak wilderness sanctuaries, Buddhist monasteries and accented by a cultural history dating back thousands of years. Sri Lanka has been a popular place of attraction for foreign travelers as early as the 410’s AD/CE, the Chinese traveler Fa-Hien in the twelfth century and the Italian explorer Marco Polo claiming “best island of its size in the world”. Tourism in the island nation is the third largest foreign exchange earner. The airport and seaports have been closed to tourists for several months due to the pandemic. Discussions are underway to reopen the airport to tourism under a phased programme in January 2021.
Content available remote Tamil Power-Sharing Propositions in Sri Lanka
The article is concerned with the proposals for power-sharing solu-tions issued by Tamil political organisations in Sri Lanka between the years 1951 and 2008. The author explores the different solutions of-fered by each of these proposals, and analyses their influence on the political developments taking place in the country. The article brings special attention to how the discourse introduced by the Tamil pro-posals influenced the final shape of the Indo- Sri Lankan Accord of 1987 and how some of the solutions, originally recommended by Tamil associations, were implemented in the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka.
This article gives an overview of the 26 year long ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka and examines physical reconstruction and economic development as measures of conflict prevention and postconflict reconstruction. During the years of conflict, the Sri Lankan government performed some conflict prevention measures, but most of them caused counter effects, such as the attempt to provide “demilitarization”, which actually increased militarization on both sides, and “political power sharing” that was never honestly executed. Efforts in post-conflict physical reconstruction and economic development, especially after 2009, demonstrate their positive capacity as well as their conflict sensitivity. Although the Sri Lankan government initially had to be forced by international donors to include conflict sensitivity in its projects, more recently this has changed. The government now practices more conflict sensitivity in its planning and execution of physical reconstruction and economic development projects without external pressure.
Enriched with biodiversity, cultural, and historical significance, the northern province has a high ecotourism potential. However, the province has not been achieved its full potential for ecotourism development even after the armed conflict. A one-year study was conducted from April 2020 to May 2021 to investigate the ecotourism potential. Data were collected through an online questionnaire survey and field visits. The ecotourism potentiality was evaluated using Pralong’s method selecting 20 prominent places. Potentiality map for the northern province was produced using ARC GIS 10.3 software. According to the survey, the majority (89%) answered that there is a high potential for the northern province to develop as an ecotourism destination. However, there are several hindrances for this namely lack of community and institution participation, lack of infrastructure, lack of transportation, and the lack of accessibility. According to the analyzed map, the Jaffna district has the highest potentiality for ecotourism development, followed by Mannar, Killinochchi, and Mullaittivu. The Vavuniya district has a low potential for ecotourism development. Therefore, necessary infrastructure development and promotional activities should be operationalized to improve the area as an ecotourism destination. Hence, the northern province has an amazing ecotourism potential for future ecotourism developments in Sri Lanka.
This study was conducted using secondary data from the Meteorological Department obtained from five stations in Ratnapura District: Ratnapura, Eheliyagoda, Balangoda, Lellopitiya and Embilipitiya. The objective of the study was ‘to identify rainfall trend and variability analysis in the study area and to find the impact of climate changes on rainfall variability in the study area’. The average rainfall in the selected stations are: in Embilipitiya - between 112 mm to 170 mm, in Balangoda - from 170 mm to 230 mm, Lellopitiya – from 230 mm - 290 mm and both Ratnapura and Eheliyagoda - 290 mm to 360 mm. To identify the rainfall variability, the moving average technique was employed, using 7 years of data. According to the result of this study, climate change has impact on rainfall variability in the Ratnapura District.
The little known reduviine species, Tiarodes elegatis Stål, 1863, is redescribed based on the material from Sri Lanka. The characters of male genitalia are reported for the first time. The dorsal habitus, head, male genitalia and other diagnostic morphological features are illustrated.
The paper aims to present the structure of weather types at two meteorological stations Galle and Nuwara Eliya (Sri Lanka). The weather type is determined as a generalized characteristic of the weather by features and gradation of selected meteorological elements. All available data on daily average, maximum and minimum air temperature, the average daily total cloud amount and the daily precipitation amount come from OGIMET database and have been used to designate weather types. The analysis was performed for the period April 2002 - March 2012. The weather types were designated based on the modified A. Woś (2010) classification of weather types. The frequency of groups, subgroups, classes, and types of weather were determined. Additionally, determined frequency of sequences of days with the same weather type. The analysis allows to conclude, that the structure of weather types at both stations was poorly differentiated. There were very stable weather conditions. In Galle, the most frequent was very warm, partly cloudy weather, without precipitation (920) and in Nuwara Eliya warm, partly cloudy weather without precipitation (820).
Content available remote Sri Lanka - nie tylko herbata
Artykuł prezentuje walory turystyczne Sri Lanki, ze szczególnym naciskiem na walory przyrody nieożywionej. Przedstawiono w nim zarys dziejów historycznych i geologicznych Cejlonu oraz scharakteryzowano formy ochrony przyrody na wyspie. Część geoturystyczna artykułu opisuje bogactwa mineralne Sri Lanki, przede wszystkim eksploatację, handel i obróbkę kamieni szlachetnych i półszlachetnych w okolicach Ratnapury. Zaprezentowano także wybrane geologiczne walory antycznych miast - dawnych stolic Syngalezów oraz innych obiektów położone w tzw. "trójkącie historycznym ", jak również geoatrakcje związane z wybrzeżem Oceanu Indyjskiego.
The paper presents tourist attractions of Sri Lanka, especially those based on the inanimate nature. It contains outlines of history and geology of Ceylon, as well as brief description of nature protection forms. The main part of this paper shows mineral resources of the island, particularly exploitation, stone dressing and trade of gems in the Ratnapura area. Additionally some geotourist attractions of ancient cities located in the "cultural triangle" were presented, as well as those that are connected to the Indian Ocean coast.
New genus Palpotreta is proposed within the subfamily Ototretinae and one new species P. ramicornis sp. nov. from Sri Lanka is proposed as new to science. Illustrations of diagnostic characters are given.
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