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Electrofishing was carried out at 66 sites in the Słupia River system. Twenty-five fish species were noted. The most frequent were trout (Salmo trutta), three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and bullhead (Cottus gobio). Three groups of sampling sites were distinguished based on fish densities and species composition. These fish assemblages inhabited places that did not differ widely with regard to the 13 environmental parameters assessed. Although there were also no clear sequences of assemblages, the distinct influence of lakes and impoundments was evident.
W 1998 i 1999 roku przeprowadzono połowy elektryczne na 66 stanowiskach na rzece Słupi i jej dopływach (rys. 1). Złowiono przedstawicieli 25 gatunków ryb (tab. 3). Najczęściej występującymi gatunkami były pstrąg potokowy i/lub troć (Salmo trulla), ciernik (Gasterosleus aculeatus) i głowacz białopłetwy (Cottus gobio). Największe zagęszczenia osiągały: kiełb (Gobio gobio), strzebla potokowa (Phoxinus phoxinus) i troć/pstrąg. Stanowiska połowu opisano za pomocą 13 parametrów środowiskowych (tab. 1), a ich usytuowanie w dorzeczu - dalszych 5 parametrów (tab. 2). Ichtiofaunę stwierdzoną na każdym ze stanowisk scharakteryzowano przy użyciu 8 parametrów (tab. 4). Przeprowadzono analizę skupień stanowisk w oparciu o standaryzowane liczebności ryb poszczególnych gatunków. Pozwoliło to na podzielenie stanowisk na 3 grupy (rys. 2, tab. 5): 1. Stanowiska z nielicznymi rybami, małym zróżnicowaniem gatunkowym i z dominacją Salmo trutta, ciernika i głowacza (najwięcej stanowisk); 2. Stanowiska z nielicznymi rybami, ale zróżnicowanymi gatunkowo, z dominację kiełbia, okonia (Perca fluviatilis) i Salmo trutta znajdujące się z reguły w głównej rzece; 3. Stanowiska z licznymi rybami, prawie wyłącznie litofilami, z dominacją strzebli, Salmo trutta i głowacza, znajdujące się najczęściej w dopływach. Grupy te nie różniły się wyraźnie warunkami środowiskowymi. Większe różnice były między nimi w usytuowaniu w dorzeczu (tab. 6), ale mimo to nie stwierdzono wyraźnej sekwencji, czy też strefowości, typów stanowisk, czyli poszczególnych zespołów ryb (rys. 3). Zdecydowany wpływ na to rozmieszczenie ryb w dorzeczu Słupi miała obecność jezior i licznych spiętrzeń.
The Słupia River in the urbanized section within the limits of Słupsk was investigated in terms of lamprey fish presence. Among 25 studied sampling sites only 5 were inhabited by the discussed species in autumn and 4 in summer, all in the very center of the city. The investigated lamprey fish representatives preferred slightly transformed sites with considerable water oxygenation and fast water flow. No L. planeri representatives were noticed up the Szczecin-Gdańsk bridge, therefore its frequency reached 16% in summer and 20% in autumn. During the summer study 5 representa-tives of the brook lamprey were noticed, while in autumn 10, with no distinct sexual features but with developed suckers and fins, which indicated the metamorphosis starting in summer and last-ing until the next year spring spawning. The caught brook lampreys were between 130 and 176 mm long and weighed from 0.9 to 14.7 g. Average length and biomass were higher in autumn and reached consequently 156 mm and 6.3 g comparing to 142 mm and 1.2 g in spring.
Rzekę Słupię na zurbanizowanym odcinku (teren miasta Słupska) badano pod względem obecności ryb minogokształtnych. Spośród 25 wyznaczonych stanowisk jedynie w 5 miejscach jesienią i 4 latem (centrum miasta) zaobserwowano obecność minoga strumieniowego. W czasie badań w sezonie letnim pozyskano 5 przedstawicieli minoga strumieniowego, natomiast jesienią 10 osobników. Preferowały one mało przekształcone punkty pomiarowe, o do-brze natlenionej wodzie i szybkim nurcie. Frekwencja L. planeri w Słupi na odcinku miejskim wyniosła 16% latem i 20% jesienią. Złowione przedstawiciele minoga strumieniowego miały wielkość wahającą się w granicach od 130 do 176 mm i masę od 0,9 do 14,7 g. Średnie wartości długości i biomasy były większe jesienią i wyniosły 156 mm i 6,3 g przy 142 mm i 1,2 g wiosną.
The study was carried out in the estuarine part of the Słupia River, which, for the most part, comprises the harbour channel. The results of the present study showed that the total abundance of bacterioneuston was higher compared to bacterioplankton. In these two groups of bacteria, dead bacterial cells were dominant. The total number of bacteria, as well as the number of live and dead bacteria was similar in the entire horizontal profile. The abundance of live and dead bacteria showed distinct seasonal variation.
Badania bakteriologiczne przeprowadzono w estuariowym odcinku rzeki Słupi będącym kanałem portowym. Wodę z czterech stanowisk badawczych pobierano z błony powierzchniowej oraz warstwy podpowierzchniowej. W badanych próbach przy użyciu mikroskopu epifluoroscencyjnego oznaczono ogólną liczebność bakterioneustonu i bakterioplanktonu oraz liczebność komórek bakterii żywych i martwych. Uzyskane wyniki badan wykazały, że bakterie neustonowe były liczniejsze niż bakterie planktonowe. W obu warstwach dominowały martwe komórki bakterii. W profilu horyzontalnym stwierdzono nieomal homogenne liczbowe występowanie badanych organizmów. W bakterioustonie wysoki odsetek martwych komórek, odnotowano wiosną i latem, kiedy promieniowanie UV jest najbardziej intensywne.
A study on the response of macroinvertebrate assemblages to the restoration of hydrological connectivity of an oxbow lake through the channel excavation is presented. The study included a five-year environmental monitoring (hydrological, hydro-chemical measurements and invertebrate sampling) carried out in the years 2008–2009 and 2011–2012 in the floodplain of the Słupia River (N Poland). The results allowed for assessing ecological effects of the hydrotechnical treatments (re-opening of an old river bed, declogging and installation of wooden deflectors) applied in the oxbow restoration. The results confirmed the preliminary hypothesis that the level of hydrological connectivity determines the dynamics of invertebrate fauna communities in river-floodplain systems. Analysis of the data revealed that such reconnection considerably influenced the structure of hydrobionts by altering abiotic habitat conditions. Effects of radical changes in the habitat morphology and hydrodynamic conditions and monitoring of macroinvertebrate assemblages preformed in the restored lake indicated a significant instability of the ecosystem soon after the treatment, what was confirmed by the results of canonical analysis, in which 50% of the total variance remained unexplained. Among factors analysed, water quality parameters explained 21.4% of the total variance in macroinvertebrate communities. However, the hydrobionts showed a significant instability with respect to variable hydrological conditions (flow through the lake) what contributed to a low share of water flow along the oxbow in explaining the total variance. The analysis of long-term changes that occurred in the studied ecosystem showed that the restoration of full hydrological connectivity brought only a short-term increase in benthofauna abundance. The most distinct reorganization in the structure of macroinvertebrate communities was observed in the first year after the reconnection while the consecutive four years brought only insignificant changes, mainly the appearance of a few species, mainly molluscs. Our investigation suggests that the taxonomic composition of macroinvertebrates in the studied oxbow lake having the only one-arm opening, before the improvement of hydrological connectivity, seemed to be more stable and optimal for this kind of habitat, than after the hydrotechnical works, when the ecosystem became passable due to both-arms connections to the river channel. Therefore, semi-lotic oxbows, connected to parent rivers only with one arm, can be properly functioning aquatic ecosystems in river floodplains.
Water eutrophication still causes many environmental and social problems, and so better quantification of the amount of nutrient loads discharged into surface waters is required. The basis for eutrophication analysis is data gathered in the frame of State Environmental Monitoring (SEM). In Poland, these measurements are carried out at the frequency of 6-12 times per year and serve as the basis for calculating the amount of nutrient input discharged to the sea. This article presents the results of the analysis of the representativeness of one measurement make two-hourly per day of the variability of total nutrient concentrations. For this purpose three cycles of field studies were carried out in accordance with plant growing season. The measurements were taken in November 2013, February 2014, and June 2014 in the Słupia River, at the site where it flows through the village of Charnowo (river profile). The analysis showed a significant change in the amount of total nutrient concentration during the day (up to 60% for total nitrogen and total phosphorus). This trend was maintained regardless of the stage of plant growth. Therefore, both the date for water sample collection and the time the measurement was taken become important for the subsequent evaluation of nutrient loads discharged into the sea. It is reasonable to assess the level of nutrient loads discharged into the sea not on the basis of a single measurement but based on the continuous registration of nutrients – this allows us to assign a daily average. It is also important from the point of view of the calibration of mathematical models, which are now an essential tool for analysing and forecasting environmental changes, and for which access to detailed data is very important.
The study determined the numbers and distribution of culturable heterotrophic and proteolytic bacteria and the level of leucine aminopeptidase activity in the water of the Słupia River within the town of Słupsk (Northern Poland). River Słupia is 138.6 km long and flowing into the Baltic Sea. The average water discharge of the river is 15.5 m³ s⁻¹ and its slope is about 1.3% which gives it a mountainous character. The numbers of culturable heterotrophic bacteria was determined on iron-peptone agar (IPA) medium and the numbers of culturable proteolytic bacteria was assayed in IPA medium enriched with gelatin. Potential leucine aminopeptidase activity was carried out with the use of fluorescently labelled model substrate MCA-leucine. The numbers of heterotrophic bacteria ranged between 0.33 to 183.0  10³ cells cm⁻³ (maximum in spring, minimum in winter); the abundance of culturable proteolytic bacteria ranged 0.50 to 31.8  10³ cells cm⁻³ and the maximum was noted in spring, the lowest in summer. The activity of extracellular leucine aminopeptidase ranged from 2.34 to 6.87 μM MCA dm⁻³ h⁻¹ and the highest value was noted in spring while the lowest were noted in winter and summer. The values of bacteriological parameters and of leucine aminopepidase activity tended to be higher below the sewage treatment plant. The bacteriological parameters for River Słupia were compared with the relevant data for other river ecosystems.
Annual changes in abundance, biomass, and taxonomic composition of potamoplanktonic ciliates were assessed in the 139 km long, coastal (Baltic coast) river (the Słupia River, Northern Poland) having mean annual flow – 18 m³ s⁻¹and flowing through several natu ral lakes and reservoirs. The samples were taken from one site, once a week from December 2005 to December 2006, then concentrated by sedimentation and counted and measured under an inverted microscope. Ciliate production was assessed with relevant published formulas. Mean annual abundance and biomass amounted to 6448 cells l⁻¹ and 6.60 μg C l⁻¹, respectively. During the year two distinct peaks of biomass were observed: a spring peak in April and May, and a winter one in December. Spring peak was formed by prostomatids and oligotrichs, whereas winter one by peritrichs. Three aforementioned orders contributed altogether to 64% of abundance and 82% of ciliate biomass. Prevalence of prostomatids seemed to be characteristic for the studied river. Most of ciliates were surprisingly small, fraction below 20 μm contributed 77% of the mean annual abundance. Domination of small ciliates indicated high mean annual potential growth rates ranging from 0.6 d⁻¹ to 0.7d⁻¹. The river is characterised by a narrow variability of the water level and numerous through-flow lakes. As a result ciliate community in the river resembled communities encountered in lakes – free-swimming organisms dominated and sessile forms and those detached from sediments contributed not more than one fifth of ciliate biomass.
An experiment was performed in the Osokowy Staw oxbow lake (the Słupia River, northern Poland). The old riverbed was reconnected with the riverine system and periphyton communities on nylon artificial substrate were surveyed before and after engineering works. Then, ANN (Artificial Neural Network) architectures were designed and trained in order to create models of interactions between 18 macrozooperiphyton, microzooperiphyton and phytoperiphyton taxa in the changing ecosystem. Calculations were performed using StatSoft Software Statistica 6.1 with the implemented neural network module.Neural network models allowed a quantitative insight into periphyton dynamics and indicated trophic relationships, both predatoryprey and competitive. Thus, we see ANN as a good technique for modelling multidimensional, nonlinear relations between epiphytic organisms and as a promising method for creating overall models.
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