Simeon speaks about God who has unlimited power, caring for the chosen people and deciding everything that concerned Simeon, and above all the Messiah. The Messiah is the saviour who is compared with light, he is also the subject of controversy; the two parts of Simeon’s blessing show us two different aspects of the Messiah: he it is who brings redemption and the teachings coming from God, he is also the cause of spiritual re-birth for many; for others he is the cause of ultimate downfall, especially for those who do not want so unite under his banner or follow him. The person, of the Holy Virgin is one of sorrow, suffering together with Her Son. The theological ideas contained in Simeon’s hymn are near in meaning to what, in the original Church, was represented by John’s tradition.
The main subject of the article is the thematic and morphological-syntactic analysis of the pericope Luke 2:25-35, which is part of the story about the presentation of Jesus in the temple (Lk 2:21-40). The text of Luke 2:25-25 is set in the context of two parallel childhood stories of Jesus and John (Luke 1-2). The study consists of two parts. The first is the presentation of the context of Luke 2:25-35 in relation to the description of Luke 2:21-24. The second stage is an analysis of Luke 2:25-35 in relation to the theology of Luke. The analysis of the text of Luke 2:25-35 shows the literary and theological relationship of Luke 1-2 with other texts of Luke-Acts.
The article presents an analysis of three figures of Lucan version of the infancy narrative: Zechariah (Luc 1,5-23.57-79), Simeon (Luc 2,25-35), and Anna (Luc 2,36-38). There at least two thing that make these people alike: they are all in their old age and they pray to God. Even though the material concerning these personages is not fully comparable, it is possible to capture some similarities in their prayer: historical perspective, eschatological dimension, and universalism. All these three people not only pray to God but also the bear a witness to God.
Perykopa Łk 2,33–35, która stanowi fragment ewangelicznej sceny ofiarowania Jezusa w świątyni jerozolimskiej, zawiera drugą część słów wypowiedzianych przez Symeona. Mają one charakter prorocki i zapowiadają los, który spotka Jezusa. Syn Boży doprowadzi wielu ludzi do upadku i do powstania oraz stanie się dla nich znakiem sprzeciwu. Bezpośrednim adresatem proroctwa Symeona jest Maryja, której życie jednoczy się ściśle ze zbawczym posłannictwem Jej Syna. Dlatego, jako Matka Bolesna, będzie doświadczała cierpienia, które jak miecz przeniknie Jej duszę.
Pericope Luke 2:33–35, which is a part of the Gospel scene of Jesus’ sacrifice in the Jerusalem temple, contains the second part of the words spoken by Simeon. They are prophetic and foretell the fate of Jesus. The Son of God will lead many people to fall or rise and become a sign of opposition to them. The direct addressee of Simeon’s prophecy is Mary, whose life connects closely with the salvific mission of her Son. Therefore, as a Sorrowful Mother, she will expe¬rience suffering that will penetrate her soul like a sword.
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