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Content available remote Modele stosunków państwo-Kościół w Unii Europejskiej
Przedstawiono trzy modele stosunków państwo-Kościół: model ostrej separacji, model autonomii i współpracy oraz model Kościoła państwowego (narodowego). W 1997 roku przyjęto w Amsterdamie tzw. klauzulę kościelną, która gwarantuje uznanie Unii dla wszystkich opisanych modeli.
Contrary to the view - quite common until recently - about inevitable process of secularization, religions still play important role in political life of today's Europe and contemporary world. There are three different models of relations between the State and Church (or religious communities) in the European Union Member States. In the "sharp separation model" (such as that in France) the entire public space is described as secular and Churches, are regarded as private entities, although the State guarantees religious freedom to all. In the "autonomy and cooperation model" (for example Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania) on the one hand mutual autonomy of Church institutions and the State is emphasised, while on the other hand the State, both in the Constitution and in political practice treats Churches and religious communities as institutions of public and social life utility. In that model the State supports, either directly or indirectly, activities of the largest Churches and religious communities. The model of "national Church" (the United Kingdom, Greece, Denmark) features strict relationship between the institution of State and the Church which has played crucial role in the history and largely influenced the way the identity of a given society evolved. In political practice such formal relationships are becoming less and less binding over the recent years. The attitude of the European Union which regards all these models and equally rightful, refusing to priorities any of them over the others seem very fair and right. (original abstract)
Do niedawna teoria sekularyzacji uchodziła za najbardziej stabilną, empirycznie ugruntowaną teorię, o dużej mocy eksplacyjnej, według której modernizacja społeczna jest związana z procesami erozji religijnej i upadkiem Kościołów ludowych. Z perspektywy socjologicznej Kościoły chrześcijańskie są przedstawiane często jako "przegrani" modernizacji społecznej (im bardziej społeczeństwo zmodernizowane, tym bardziej zsekularyzowane). (fragment tekstu)
In modern day societies religion loses its influence on social life. This applies also to individual choices of people, where the sacrum doesn't play a significant role anymore. Therefore religion loses its credibility as a source of truth. In that sense secularization may be understand as a socio-cultural transformation. On the other hand, it would be too early to proclaim the death of religion. The religious factor still plays an important role in many life spheres. Therefore to make an effective research on religious phenomena we have to reject the thesis of a global secularization and look at this problem facing the complexity of the whole. There are many subjects in a "secularized world" who deliver an evidence for religious productivity of the society and the individuals. New forms of religiosity and spirituality are just one of them. We witness now a true renaissance of religious needs. These new forms of religiosity make a specific object of study for the research of religion. The sociology of religion is evolving into a new shape to follow these changes in its object of interest. As we speak more of human spirituality than religiosity we also have to see the change within the research of religion itself.(original abstract)
Przedstawiono ogólną charakterystykę instytucji kościoła. Dokonano przeglądu stanowisk w kwestii identyfikacji kościoła jako grupy interesu. Zdaniem autorki można je sprowadzić do trzech typów: kościół jest jedną z wielu grup interesu; jest specyficzną grupą interesu; nie jest grupą interesu. Poruszono także problem kategoryzacji kościoła jako grupy interesu oraz omówiono status prawny kościoła.
The article considers a question - whether Church is a group of interest, and if this is the case, what kind of group it belongs to. This question is rarely brought up directly. Rare statements on this subject given by sociologists, economists, philosophers, ethics teachers and lawyers, usually formulated as of secondary importance, demonstrate a significant divergence of opinions. We can divide them into the following types: Church is one of many groups of interest, Church is a particular group of interest, Church is not a group of interest. If one reduces Church to a group of interest, it is regarded as public, extraeconomic and of considerable size. It demonstrates the features which can classify the group both as inclusive and exclusive group of interest. Consequently, the legal status of Church especially in relation to State ranges from a system of State church through a system of complete separation between Church and State till the system of moderate separation between the two. Searching the explanation of this pluralism, it is worth formulating two hypotheses: 1.Inserting Church into the practice and theory of group behaviour or excluding it from this area is historically and culturally conditioned. Negative experience of individuals or whole societies both local and national ones which were connected with Church or anti-secularity of church people show the tendency to classify Church as a one of numerous groups of interest, fighting for special privileges for its own organization. The processes of secularization are also very favourable context for the reduction of Church to a group of interest. 2.Deeply rooted reasons for regarding Church as a group of interest should be understood in terms of accepting or refusing the premises about the interest-oriented human nature and the whole society. The utilitarian a priori in philosophical anthropology, in social and political philosophy, finds its reflection in "interest-oriented" identification of Church. The final conclusion of the presented considerations, implying that the institution of Church is not a group of interest, is based on accepting indeterministic premise of understanding social reality. It does not mean that a historical presence of Church in the society cannot take the typical for a group of interest character. (original abstract)
W artykule przedstawiono rozważania dotyczące problemu chrześcijaństwa i przyszłości cywilizacji i kultury.
The history of Christianity and Catholicism is at the same time the history of secularization of social culture and individual human life. Once a religion of more or less isolated followers Christianity has come a long way, throught the age of ideological and politycal (even economic) domination in the Roman Empire and in the Middle Ages to the universal religion of the world, which imbued almost all human culture with the marks of its presence. At the same time, however, entangled with all aspects of human life and combining more and more its religious sacrum and the worldly profanum, Christianity provokes the questions about the sacrum's further existence. In response there are theories of the death of God or the post-Christian age as a future alternative of the existing form of Christianity, and Catholicism in particular. This study is concerned with the question whether these theories are sensible. (original abstract)
Content available remote Poland : a Case-Study in Secularization
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza religijności w Polsce przeszło dwadzieścia lat po upadku komunizmu i transformacji systemu totalitarnego w system demokracji zachodniej. Przytoczone w ramach tejże analizy argumenty wydają się wskazywać na to, iż pomimo pewnego spadku liczby wiernych uczestniczących w praktykach religijnych i życiu Kościoła, ewentualne przejawy sekularyzacji w Polsce nie dokonują się według wzorca, z jakim mamy w ostatnim czasie do czynienia na Zachodzie. Opisany w artykule przykład polskiej religijności wykazuje silne przywiązanie do sacrum w jego przedmodernistycznym sensie. Co więcej, Polska stanowi tu pewien model, chociaż niedoskonały, postoświeceniowej, liberalnej demokracji, jednakże wyraźnie otwartej na to, co transcendentne. (abstrakt oryginalny)
This article analyses religiosity in Poland, twenty-five years after the collapse of communism and the country's transition to democracy. It argues that although Church attendance figures are declining in Poland, the country does not adhere to the normal secularization model that is apparent in most Western countries. The paper argues that Polish belief still has an attachment to a pre-modern sense of the sacred. More importantly, it claims that Poland can provide a model, albeit an imperfect one, of a post-enlightenment, liberal democracy that is open to the transcendent. (original abstract)
Autor artykułu koncentruje się na ukazaniu patologii we współczesnym życiu politycznym, naukowym i religijnym. W oparciu o liczne przykłady stwierdza, że w praktyce uprawiania polityki dominują: populizm, koniunkturalizm, fałsz i obłuda, składanie obietnic bez pokrycia, lekceważenie zasad moralnych, doktrynerstwo partyjne, brak troski o dobro ogółu, a nawet skłócanie Polaków. Cechy te określa za Karolem Irzykowskim mianem kundlizmu. Nasilające się objawy patologii w nauce dostrzega w obniżaniu poziomu kształcenia, wartości publikacji i konferencji naukowych, zaniku obiektywnej krytyki, koniunkturalnym doborze recenzentów, znacznym obniżeniu autorytetu uczonych i zdarzających się plagiatach. Do trudnych problemów Kościoła i życia religijnego zalicza: postępującą laicyzację, nowe ruchy i sekty religijne, różnorodne tendencje rewizjonistyczno-reformatorskie i ścieranie się liberalizmu i fundamentalizmu. Jako rażące zjawiska patologiczne wymienia rozluźnienie norm moralnych kleru (a w tym wysoko postawionych dostojników): współpracę ze służbami bezpieczeństwa PRL, przypadki pedofilii, homoseksualizmu, molestowania seksualnego, nieprzestrzeganie celibatu, zdarzające się politykierstwo, wielkopański styl życia i głoszenie poglądów sprzecznych z duchem ewangelii. W walce z tymi nasilającymi się zjawiskami patologii autor proponuje opracowanie i konsekwentne realizowanie globalnego programu permanentnego wychowania obywatelskiego. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The Author concentrates on revealing pathology in nowadays political, scientific and religious life. On the basis of numerous examples, he states that politics is dominated by: populism, opportunism, deceitfulness, hypocrisy, empty promises, disregard to moral rules, party doctrinairism, lack of care about public welfare, or even dividing the Poles. He names these characteristics after K. Irzykowski with a Polish name "kundlizm". He sees declining standards of education, value of publications and scientific conferences, vanishing of impartial criticism, opportunistic choice of peer reviewers, declining esteem of academic profession and occurring plagiarism as general and intensifying symptoms of pathology in science. The Author classifies such problems as: progressing secularization, new organizations and sects, different revisionist-reformatory trends and clash of liberalism and fundamentalism as most difficult problems of church and religious life. He lists occurrences of pathology in declining moral standards (including high officials): cooperation with Security Service of People's Republic of Poland, cases of pedophilia, homosexuality, sexual harassment, disobeying celibacy, involvement in politics, extravagant lifestyle and proclaiming opinions contradictory to the Gospel. As a remedy to these intensifying occurrences of pathology, the Author suggests preparing and executing a global program of permanent civic education. (original abstract)
Celem przeprowadzonej analizy jest próba identyfikacji znaczenia wymiaru życia religijnego współtworzącego w Polsce kulturowy kontekst otoczenia organizacji, a tym samym - potencjalnie kształtującego postawy wobec środowiska pracy i pracy jako takiej. Autor stawia tezę, iż obserwowana współcześnie w Polsce jego całkowita nieobecność w wymiarze aktywności zawodowej jest efektem dwóch czynników: 1. społecznego dziedzictwa erozji etosu pracy, 2. żywiołowej adaptacji przypadkowej innowacji organizacyjnej Fredericka Winslowa Taylora o globalnych konsekwencjach kulturowych. Przedstawiona hipoteza nie jest konsekwencją teorii akcentujących prostą zależność między modernizacją a sekularyzacją. Obserwowana we współczesnej Polsce „nieobecność" religijnego wymiaru egzystencji człowieka w organizacjach utylitarnych jest konsekwencją społecznego dziedzictwa erozji etosu pracy oraz żywiołowo rosnącego uprzedmiotowienia aktorów życia organizacyjnego w wymiarze globalnym. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The aim of the conducted analysis is an attempt to identify the significance of the religious dimension of life which co-creates the cultural context of the organization's environment in Poland and at the same time it potentially shapes the attitudes towards the workplace and the work itself. The author puts forward the thesis that its complete absence in the dimension of professional activity, which has been observed in Poland at present, results from two factors: 1. socially inherited erosion of the work ethos, 2. incidental adaptation of accidental organizational innovation by Frederick Winslow Taylor with global cultural consequences. The presented hypothesis is not a consequence of the theories emphasizing the simple interdependency between modernization and secularization. „Absence" of the religious dimension of human existence observed in contemporary Poland in utilitarian organizations is a consequence of socially inherited erosion of work ethos and increasing objectification of actors of organizational life on a global scale. (original abstract)
Przedstawiono dylematy dotyczące delimitacji obszarów metropolitalnych jako obiektów przestrzennych. Określono miejsce obszarów metropolitalnych w teorii gospodarki przestrzennej. Omówiono rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy obszarów metropolitalnych oraz nowe kierunki rozwoju tych obszarów. Dokonano charakterystyki hiszpańskiego i polskiego układu osadniczego, głównie w ujęciu retrospektywnym. Zaprezentowano także studia przypadków dotyczące działań zmierzających do integracji rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego dwu obiektów: obszaru metropolitalnego Barcelony i Wrocławskiego Obszaru Metropolitalnego.
Metropolitan areas constitute a particular form of spatial organization and they are perceived as the highest degree of its urbanization. Their functioning in the contemporary world raises a lot of doubts and misgivings among others also those related to the quality of life on their areas. The economic advantages of metropolitan areas embrace easy access to extensive labour market which satisfies the needs of the employees and employers, relatively high incomes from employment and business, the stability of macroeconomic indicators, access to education and knowledge on a high level and high culture. At the same time on these areas suffer from unemployment enclaves, social pathologies of block of flats areas, social exclusion, crime rise and the accumulation of negative impact on the natural environment and the related social and economic costs. The author's intention was not answering all the questions arising in the face of these problems and contradictions. The purpose of the research is an attempt to identify and pinpoint the nature of metropolitan space and to confront experiences of the two countries: Spain and Poland. Spain is an attractive country for research reasons for each scholar preoccupied with analyzing the processes of political transformation in East and Central European countries. Especially Poland and Spain are commonly perceived as similar in various aspects including the demographic plane, socio-economic plane and the countries' territorial organization. There are also other common features in the socio- -cultural sphere (domination of Catholic religion with the parallel secularization of society) and in terms of historical conditions (world power ambitions unfulfilled due to internal conflicts in the 17th and 18th centuries). At the same time one may observe a certain shift in time of the phenomena occurring first in Spain and then after a few or a dozen years in Poland. These circumstances encourage to extrapolate the trends appearing in Spain 10 to 15 years earlier than in Poland. It involves mostly the phenomena and processes of qualitative character but to some extent also quantitative ones. On these grounds one may analyze the issues connected with regionalization of the country including the increase in empowering the regional or local communities and also in metropolitan areas. The results of such research may facilitate the prediction of processes and phenomena which we could not have guessed otherwise. Due to the so-formulated research task, among the research methods utilized by the author the most prevalent ones are the descriptive and the comparative analysis and uncomplicated statistical methods. Such an approach is justified by the author's conclusion that in social sciences the most basic research tool becomes the description which is used more widely and more often than more analytical methods. Numerical analyses of the phenomena in contemporary descriptions constitute a background for a deeper scrutiny which uses interview techniques and draws from descriptions attempting to discover what determines the specifics of a locality and community. The greatest cognitive difficulties in research usually concern the identification of crucial terms analyzed further. Hence, as first were presented the essential dilemmas related to delimitation of metropolitan areas as economic and spatial entities. Within the context of articulating the basic terms, it was vital to present fundamental concepts of delimitation and typology of metropolitan areas. A separate requirement was determining the position of metropolitan areas in the field of spatial economy. Additionally, the author aimed at finding out the economic aspects of functioning such complex socio-economic objects as metropolitan areas. In the following part of the monograph the author presented some information on the shape of the contemporary system of metropolitan areas on the global scale. New conditions and directions of their development have been discussed within this context. The characteristics of the Spanish and Polish settlement system have been conducted mainly in a retrospective sense. The purpose of this research was an endeavor to find a solution to the problem concerning the possibility of using Spanish experiences for the analyses carried out for Polish conditions. The final parts of the book contain case studies of spatial objects which are similar in terms of analogous activities initiated in them. These activities are leading to the integration of development. The areas in question are metropolitan areas of Barcelona and Wroclaw. The undertaken activities were bottom-up in nature, independent of the legal and administrative system which itself is inadequate within the functional structure. (original abstract)
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