The article is an extensive discussion and comparison of books published by two authors in 2014, Grzegorz Ławnikowicz and Władysław T. Kulesza, devoted to the same figure from the inter-war period, Wacław Makowski. They present the political ideas of Makowski, a theorist of the state, who created a concept of social state, a state based on the solidarity principle, and, at the same time, was an opponent of liberal democracy based on the protection of human rights. Apart from bringing Makowski back from obscurity, the present author shows first of all how different two books on the same topic can be, a difference stemming from the research methodology applied, but probably also from the personality of the two authors. A rhetorical question remains whether the fact that two scholars explore the same topic for quite a while reflects well on communication between research centres in Poland.
Ustąpienie Aleksandra Prystora z funkcji premiera w 1933 r. miało związek z utratą przez niego zaufania Piłsudskiego. Historycy wiązali ten fakt ze starzeniem się Marszałka. Analiza dostępnego materiału źródłowego pozwala jednak rzucić nowe światło na kulisy tej dymisji. Okazuje się, że podjął szereg istotnych decyzji, łącząc poszczególne resorty oraz powołując nowych ministrów, nie konsultując jednak tego wcześniej z Piłsudskim. Doprowadziło to ostatecznie do konfliktu pomiędzy obu politykami. Aleksander Prystor’s resignation from the post of prime minister in 1933 was related to the fact that he lost Marshal Piłsudski’s trust. Historians associated this with the Marshal’s old age. An analysis of available source material, however, sheds new light on the inside story of this resignation. It turns out that Prystor made a number of important decisions, combining various ministries together and appointing new ministers, without consultation with Piłsudski. This led to a conflict between the two politicians.
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