Background: The accession of Poland to the European Union in 2004 facilitated increased exports of food products. It revealed a significant competitive advantage of Polish foreign trade in agri-food products compared to the countries of the ≫old EU≪. After nearly 10 years of Polish membership in the EU, the food sector has still a considerable potential, fostering a further increase in exports. Objectives: The purpose of the paper was an attempt to establish the current determinants for the possibility to increase the exports of the Polish food sector and to identify potential opportunities and potential threats in the future. It was also decided to give an answer to the question whether any of the group factors has a greater impact on the development of exports than the other, and which issues play only a minor role in the development of international exchange. Method: The analysis used involved the review of the relevant literature and forming a group of experts to specify the key factors of success in the food sector export. Basing on the experts research the STEEPVL analysis was carried out. Results: It turned out that apart from a number of organizational, financial and marketing factors the most important are: the level of the IT infrastructure and the fluctuation of the demand on the international markets for the goods offered by the sector. Conclusion: Therefore, the focus on the new distribution channels, integrated company management IT systems and changes in the demand on the market is the key challenge for securing the current potential and for the further development of the sector.
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Food allergies are a serious problem of modern society. That have contributed to the creation of a separate sector that is involved in the production of foods targeted specifically for it. The aim of the article is an attempt at distinguishing the key success factors that determine not only the success but also the development of safe food production in Poland. To effect the main purpose of the paper, primary as well as secondary materials were used. The basis for the evaluation, apart from papers, making up the literature of the subject, were the results of the research conducted amongst a group of experts among whom the questionnaire was conducted. It related to multi-plane and multi-aspect conditions for the development of safe food in Poland. Then, the STEEPVL analysis and Key Success Factors method were conducted. Analyses show, that the producers of safe food which is targeted at allergic people, to develop their own businesses do not need the organizational and technological support, but mainly financial. Finding the competitive advantages is primarily at the level of skill to raise funds for small and medium-sized enterprises from the pool of national aid and the EU.
Alergie pokarmowe stanowią istotny problem współczesnego społeczeństwa. Przyczyniły się do powstania odrębnego sektora, zajmującego się wytwarzaniem żywności skierowanej specjalnie do tego segmentu rynku. Celem artykułu jest próba wyodrębnienia kluczowych czynników sukcesu determinujących rozwój produkcji bezpiecznej żywności w Polsce. W pracy wykorzystano materiały pierwotne i wtórne. Oprócz dostępnych opracowań wchodzących w zakres literatury przedmiotu, zebrano także zespół ekspertów, wśród których przeprowadzono badania ankietowe, dotyczące wielopłaszczyznowych i wieloaspektowych uwarunkowań rozwoju produkcji bezpiecznej żywności w Polsce. Do analizy wykorzystano metody ilościowe i jakościowe, a także Metodę Kluczowych Czynników Sukcesu oraz STEEPVL. Z analiz wynika, że producenci bezpiecznej żywności, przeznaczonej dla osób z alergią, do tego, aby rozwijać własną działalność, nie potrzebują wsparcia organizacyjnego i technologicznego, ale głównie wsparcie finansowe. Szukanie przewag konkurencyjnych odbywa się przede wszystkim na płaszczyźnie umiejętności pozyskania funduszy dla małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw z puli środków pomocy krajowej oraz unijnej.
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