The article describes the history, development and current principles of compulsory military service in the USA. Firstly, the beginnings of this kind of service and the use of conscripts in the Civil War is presented. Then the use and evolution of conscription in both world wars, in Korean and Vietnam war are discussed. Further, the transition to voluntary armed forces and resignation from conscripts are shown. Later the current form of recruitment is described. The purposefulness of maintaining such a system and its usefulness to replenish the number of US soldiers (also in reference to the Polish Armed Forces) is assessed in the conclusion. The author has undertaken this topic so as to inform the readers and make them understand the specific character of American system of selective service and the probable use of the experience in this field in Poland. The subject of the article gains a special importance in the context of ongoing professionalization of the Polish Armed Forces and suspending the conscription service. The author suggests analyzing the principles of similar systems functioning in other European countries due to historical, political, social and economic conditions similar to Polish ones.
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Face recognition has great demands and become one of the most important research area of pattern recognition but there are several issues involved in it. Unsupervised statistical methods i.e. PCA, LDA, ICA are the most popular algorithms in face recognition that finds the set of basis images and represents faces as linear combination of those images. This paper presents a novel layered face recognition method based on CSLDA and LDA. The basic aim is to decrease FAR by reducing the face dataset to very small size through layered linear discriminant analysis. Although the computational complexity at the time of recognition is much higher than conventional PCA and LDA because weights are computed for small subspace at time of recognition but it provide a good results especially for large dataset. CSLDA of LDA is insensitive to large dataset and also small sample size and it provided 84% accuracy on Banca face database. The proposed approach is also applicable on other applications and recognition methods i.e. PCA, KDA, DLDA etc.
Rozpoznawanie twarzy jest jedną z bardziej ważnych metod graficznego rozpoznawania wzorów. Najbardziej popularnymi metodami są tu PCA, LDA, ICA gdzie twarz jest reprezentowana jako liniowa kombinacja bazowych komponentów. Artykuł prezentuje inną metodę bazującą na CSLDA i LDA. Głównym celem jest zmniejszenie FAR przez zredukowanie bazy danych do bardzo małych rozmiarów przez warstwową liniową dyskryminację. Złożoność komputerowa metody jest nieco większa, ale otrzymane rezultaty, głównie zmniejszenie błędu są zachęcające.
Summary. Reinforcement of plates with rod systems is widely used in engineering, especially in aircraft construction. For example, An-178 aircraft. Removable panels on the lower surface of the wing half, located between the rear spar and the flaps. The method of calculating stresses and deformations in composite plates reinforced with rods is developed in the work. It is assumed that the rod is elastic, attached with rivets. Rivets were considered as rigid inclusions to which unknown forces were applied. These forces were determined from the condition of compatibility of plate and rod deformations. The singular integral equations' method was used to determine stresses and strains in the plate. Integral equations were solved numerically and reduced to a system of algebraic equations. To obtain the forces and moments acting on the rivets, the equations of equilibrium of the rivets and the conditions that ensure the same displacements between the rivets in the plate and in the rods are added to these equations. Examples of calculating stresses near circular and elliptical rivets, magnitudes of forces acting on rivets depending on the rigidity of the rods are given. The reduction of the stress concentration near the elliptical hole, which is placed between two rods, was studied.
Zagadnienie miejsca i roli nauki w demokracji liberalnej można potraktować jako bardziej szczegółową kwestię społecznego i instytucjonalnego otoczenia nauki (nauki w społeczeństwie). W ostatnich latach obserwujemy niewątpliwie zainteresowanie tą problematyką, by wskazać do na prace takich autorów jak: Nico Stehr, Philip Kitcher, Frank Fisher, Mark B. Brown, Steve Fuller, Sheila Jasnoff czy Stephen P. Turner. Artykuł ma na celu problemowy przegląd dyskusji w najnowszej literaturze przedmiotu.
The role and place of science in liberal democracy may be treated as a particular account of social and institutional framework of science (science in society). In recent years might be observed a signifi cant interest in problems in question, to refer authors like: Nico Stehr, Philip Kitcher, Frank Fisher, Mark B. Brown, Steve Fuller, Sheila Jasnoff, and Stephen P. Turner. The paper aims it to cover an overview of recent developments in the debate.
Long evolution of solid timber structures has developed sufficiently reliable engineering solutions and methods of timber structures reinforcement. The experience of mass production and application of new glued timber structures has shown that the simple transfer of traditional methods of calculation and design to modern structures is not always correct. The design and reinforcement of modern are still being developed. Graphical representation of the fields of operating normal stresses and wood resistance fields show that even with simple uniaxial stretching along the fibers the limiting state initially arises not at the direction of the principal axes of symmetry but at an angle to the fibers. The current trends in management, diagnostics, design and reconstruction of buildings show that almost all problems of preserving wooden and other structures in ordinary reconstructed objects, as well as in architectural, historical and cultural monuments are based on the competence level of the personnel not only in the restoration industry, but in construction industry too.
Długotrwała ewolucja konstrukcji z litego drewna rozwinęła znacząco niezawodne rozwiązania inżynieryjne i metody wzmacniania konstrukcji drewnianych. Doświadczenie w masowej produkcji i stosowania konstrukcji z drewna klejonego wykazało, że proste przeniesienie tradycyjnych metod obliczania i projektowania na nowoczesne konstrukcje nie zawsze jest poprawne. Projektowanie i wzmocnienie nowoczesnych konstrukcji są wciąż rozwijane. Graficzne przedstawienie obszarów występowania normalnych naprężeń i obszarów oporu drewna pokazuje, że nawet przy prostym jednoosiowym rozciągnięciu wzdłuż włókien stan graniczny pojawia się początkowo nie w kierunku głównych osi symetrii, ale pod kątem w stosunku do włókien. Obecne trendy w zarządzaniu, diagnostyce, projektowaniu i rekonstrukcji obiektów budowlanych pokazują, że prawie wszystkie problemy związane z konserwacją konstrukcji drewnianych i innych rekonstruowanych w zwykłych obiektach, a także w zabytkach architektonicznych, historycznych i kulturowych opierają się na poziomie kompetencji personelu nie tylko w branży restauratorskiej, ale także w budownictwie.
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