In 2014, a significant upgrade was made to the Borowiec (BORL 7811) laserranging system, which is the part of Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences (SRC PAS). Two high-energy lasers modules were installed. First is the EKSPLA PL-2250, used for tracking objects equipped with retroreflectors. Second is the Continuum Surelite III, dedicated to the tracking of space debris without retroreflectors. In 2016, the BORL station joined the space debris tracking laser group and, since then, is tracking systematically inactive/defunct satellites and typical rocket bodies from LEO regime. Today, the BORL is tracking regularly about 80 different space debris objects. The paper presents the activity of the BORL laser station in observations of space debris. The results presented are from years 2016 to 2020. The sum of all passes from this period is almost 2 000, giving over 23 000 normal points. Average root mean square error (RMS) of objects with satellite laser ranging-dedicated (SLR-dedicated) retroreflectors ranges 1.5 cm-14 cm and of objects without SLR-dedicated retroreflectors ranges 8 cm-222 cm.
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The paper presents the current status and performance of the SLR station “Lviv-1831”. The present equipment allows ranging of satellite not lower than 900 km with a single shot precision about 50 mm. The team works over system upgrade and performance improvement. It includes: neutral filters wheel developing for equilibration of the amplitude of reflected pulses from different satellites, building up the shutter in the face of PMT for the spurious light pulses blocking. Also the new adjusting of the telescope optical mechanical systems was made. After that investigation the new telescope error model was built with an accuracy 20arcsec that allowed at the first time test ranging of the “shadowed” satellite passes. In the near future the team will finish installation and testing of the new PMT Hamamatsu H6780. Maiden upgrades should better the performance and ranging accuracy by the factor of 2-3.
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For our kHz Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) system in Graz, we developed a fast response, medium resolution Event Timer to determine laser firing times; and a digital Range Gate Generator to activate the Single Photon Avalanche Detector (C-SPAD). The Event Timer has a resolution of about 500 ps, and determines the Event Times within 20 ns; the Range Gate Generator produces a range gate pulse with about 500 ps resolution, and with an accuracy of better than 1 ns. Both devices are fully digital, and are implemented within an FPGA circuit. These devices can be used in the present 2 kHz SLR system, as well as in future higher repetition rate SLR systems.
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The high-quality satellite orbits of geodetic satellites, which are determined using Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) observations, play a crucial role in providing, e.g., low-degree coefficients of the Earth’s gravity field including geocenter coordinates, Earth rotation parameters, as well as the SLR station coordinates. The appropriate modeling of non-gravitational forces is essential for the orbit determination of artificial Earth satellites. The atmospheric drag is a dominating perturbing force for satellites at low altitudes up to about 700-1000 km. This article addresses the impact of the atmospheric drag on mean semi-major axes and orbital eccentricities of geodetic spherical satellites: Starlette, Stella, AJISAI, and LARES. Atmospheric drag causes the semi-major axis decays amounting to about Δa = -1.2, -12, -14, and -30 m/year for LARES, AJISAI, Starlette, and Stella, respectively. The density of the upper atmosphere strongly depends on the solar and geomagnetic activity. The atmospheric drag affects the along-track orbit component to the largest extent, and the out-of-plane to a small extent, whereas the radial component is almost unaffected by the atmospheric drag.
W pracy wyznaczono liczby Love’a dla pływów drugiego i trzeciego stopnia (liczby k2 i k3). Wyznaczenie przeprowadzono na podstawie danych SLR satelitów LAGEOS-1 i LAGEOS-2 za okres 1.01.2014-1.01.2016. Uzyskane wyniki porównano z naszym wcześniejszym wyznaczeniem dla okresu 1.01.2005-1.01.2007 w celu oceny ich zmiany w czasie oraz wskazania ewentualnych zmian systematycznych. Otrzymane wartości parametrów k2 i k3 wynoszą odpowiednio: 0,29867±0,0001 i 0,0898±0,0047 (dane LAGEOS-1) oraz 0,29858±0,0001 i 0,0867±0,0047 (dane LAGEOS-2). Różnią się one od wartości uzyskanych w naszej poprzedniej pracy [25] o –0,00293 (dane LAGEOS-1) i –0,00202 (dane LAGEOS-2) dla liczby k2 oraz o –0,0091 (dane LAGEOS-1) i 0,0057 (dane LAGEOS-2) dla liczby k3. Różnice te mogą wskazywać na wystąpienie zmiany w czasie wartości k2 i k3.
In this paper, we present the estimated Love numbers for degree 2 and 3 (k2 and k3). The determination was based on the Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) data of LAGEOS-1 and LAGEOS-2 satellites obtained within the period of January 1, 2014 until January 1, 2016. The results were compared with our previous determination of these parameters for the period from January 1, 2005 until January 1, 2007 to examine whether any systematic differences and time evolution occur. The adjusted values for the k2 and k3 parameters are, 0.29867±0.0001 and 0.0898±0.0047 (LAGEOS-1 data), respectively and 0.29858±0.0001 and 0.0867±0.0047 (LAGEOS-2 data). The discrepancies between the k2 and k3 values obtained in our previous paper [25] and this analysis are: –0.00293 (LAGEOS-1 data) and –0.00202 (LAGEOS-2 data) for k2 and –0.0091 (LAGEOS-1 data) and 0.0057 (LAGEOS-2 data) for k3. The obtained discrepancies in the k2 and k3 values may indicate their change over time.
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The HY-2A satellite is the first ocean dynamic environment monitoring satellite of China. Centimeter-level radial accuracy is a fundamental requirement for its scientific research and applications. To achieve this goal, we designed the strategies of precise orbit determination (POD) in detail. To achieve the relative optimal orbit for HY-2A, we carried out POD using DORIS-only, SLR-only, and DORIS + SLR tracking data, respectively. POD tests demonstrated that the consistency level of DORIS-only and SLR-only orbits with respect to the CNES orbits were about 1.81 cm and 3.34 cm in radial direction in the dynamic sense, respectively. We designed 6 cases of different weight combinations for DORIS and SLR data, and found that the optimal relative weight group was 0.2 mm/s for DORIS and 15.0 cm for SLR, and RMS of orbit differences with respect to the CNES orbits in radial direction and three-dimensional (3D) were 1.37 cm and 5.87 cm, respectively. These tests indicated that the relative radial and 3D accuracies computed using DORIS + SLR data with the optimal relative weight set were obviously higher than those computed using DORIS-only and SLR-only data, and satisfied the requirement of designed precision. The POD for HY-2A will provide the invaluable experience for the following HY-2B, HY-2C, and HY-2D satellites.
Cel: Celem artykułu jest ocena wykorzystania teorii agencji przez polskich autorów w artykułach z zakresu rachunkowości opublikowanych do końca 2020 roku. Metodyka/podejście badawcze: Badanie przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem strukturyzowanego przeglądu literatury, który jest uznaną metodą przeprowadzania analiz literatury, również z zakresu rachunkowości. Wyniki: Wyniki przeglądu wskazują na niewielkie wykorzystanie relacji agencji w badaniach empirycznych. Zarówno w badaniach teoretycznych, jak i empirycznych najczęściej podejmowano zagadnienia w ramach sprawozdawczości finansowej. W większości publikacji teoria agencji stanowi tło teoretyczne do przeprowadzanych rozważań, brakuje natomiast badań koncentrujących się na wpływie relacji agencji między właścicielem a zarządzającym lub między pracownikami różnych szczebli na rachunkowość. W badaniach empirycznych analizowano praktycznie wyłącznie bodźce zewnętrzne wpływające na podejmowanie decyzji, występuje natomiast luka dotycząca opracowań skupiających się na cechach indywidualnych człowieka. Ograniczenia/implikacje badawcze: Strukturyzowany przegląd literatury obejmuje lata 1993–2020 oraz prace wyłącznie polskich autorów. Oryginalność/wartość: Oryginalność artykułu dotyczy wskazania niedostatków publikacji polskich autorów na tle dorobku światowego, w szczególności w obszarze rachunkowości zarządczej oraz w zakresie badań behawioralnych. Tym samym autorzy wskazują kierunki dalszego rozwoju badań już prowadzonych przez nielicznych polskich autorów. Wskazówki dotyczą rozwinięcia badań z zakresu rachunkowości behawioralnej, które pogłębią wiedzę o wpływie relacji pryncypał – agent na decyzje podejmowane przez ludzi przy tworzeniu informacji sprawozdawczej i zarządczej.
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Precise orbit determination is an essential task when analyzing SLR data. The quality of the satellite orbits strongly depends on the models used for dynamic orbit determination. The global gravity field model used is one of the crucial elements, which has a significant influence on the satellite orbit and its accuracy. We study the impact of different gravity field models on the determination of the LAGEOS-1 and -2 orbits for data of the year 2008. Eleven gravity field models are compared, namely JGM3 and EGM96 based mainly on SLR, terrestrial and altimetry data, AIUB-CHAMP03S based uniquely on GPSmeasurements made by CHAMP, AIUB-GRACE03S, ITG-GRACE2010 based on GRACE data, and the combined gravity field models based on different measurement techniques, such as EGM2008, EIGEN-GL04C, EIGEN51C, GOCO02S, GO-CONS-2-DIR-R2, AIUB-SST. The gravity field models are validated using the RMS of the observation residuals of 7-day LAGEOS solutions. The study reveals that GRACE-based models have the smallest RMS values (i.e., about 7.15 mm), despite the fact that no SLR data were used to determine them. The coefficient C20 is not always well estimated in GRACE-only models. There is a significant improvement of the gravity field models based on CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE w.r.t. models of the pre-CHAMP era. The LAGEOS orbits are particularly sensitive to the long wavelength part of the gravity fields. Differences of the estimated orbits due to different gravity field models are noticeable up to degree and order of about 30. The RMS of residuals improves from about 40 mm for degree 8, to about 7 mm for the solutions up to degrees 14 and higher. The quality of the predicted orbits is studied, as well.
Niniejsze opracowanie prezentuje wartości lokalnych parametrów sprężystych Ziemi, wyznaczonych na podstawie satelitarnych obserwacji laserowych dla czterech wybranych stacji laserowych wchodzących w skład światowej sieci stacji SLR. Stacje zostały dobrane w taki sposób, że reprezentują poszczególne rejony geograficzne kuli ziemskiej. Parametry sprężyste zostały wyznaczone na podstawie pomiarów laserowych wykonanych w stacjach naziemnych SLR do satelitów Lageos-1 i Lageos-2. Do wyznaczeń wykorzystano materiał obserwacyjny z okresu 01.01.2005-01.01.2007 r. Otrzymane wartości parametrów sprężystych zostały przeanalizowane pod względem dokładności i stabilności wyznaczenia. Wszystkie obliczenia wykonano programem orbitalnym GEODYN II NASA GSFC (pod red. Eddy, 1990 r.).
This study presents local values of elastic Earth parameters determined on the basis of satellite laser observations for four selected laser stations of the global SLR network. The stations have been selected in such a way so that they could represent particular geographical regions of the globe. Elastic parameters have been determined on the basis of laser measurements taken at SLR ground stations for satellites Lageos-1 and Lageos-2. To determine parameters the observations data of the period from 01.01.2005 to 01.01.2007 have been used. The obtained values of elastic parameters have been analyzed with regard to accuracy and determination stability. All calculations have been made with the use of GEODYN II NASA GSFC (Eddy, 1990) software.
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The significance of velocity-resistivity relationships has been utilized in various geologic terrains and under different conditions. The approach is yet to be exploited in tropical granitic terrains, with no definitive empirical relationships being developed. The empirical relationships are critical for rapidly delineating subsurface petrophysical, geomechanical, hydrogeological, and soil-rock features. As a result, a novel approach has been used in this study to develop velocity-resistivity relationships for tropical granitic environments, combining complex collocated velocity (Vp) and resistivity (ρ) models with simple linear regression analysis. The granitic terrain of Penang Island, Malaysia, was chosen as the study area. The geotomographic results delineated three layers, which include the residual soils (topsoil and completely weathered granite), highly to relatively weathered granitic unit (including fractures), and integral/fresh granitic bedrock. Due to the complexity, ruggedness, and varying weathering and fracturing conditions of the subsurface lithologic units in tropical regions, the supervised regression modeling successfully developed a unified and other three specific velocity–resistivity empirical relations for the lithologic units. The derived velocity-resistivity empirical relations have high practical prediction accuracies to predict Vp data. The predicted Vp data and models from the velocity-resistivity relations had good lithological and structural correlations with their observed models. The overall performance of the results indicated that the velocity-resistivity empirical relations could delineate the subsurface geologic variabilities distinctively because they are resistivity-dependent. Hence, the developed comprehensive methodological and SLR workflows and the velocity-resistivity empirical relations were posited for use in granitic terrains with similar geology to the study area, especially in areas with shallow overburden.
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As the first radar altimetric satellite of China, HY-2 requires the precise orbit determination with a higher accuracy than that of other satellites. In order to achieve the designed radial orbit with the accuracy better than 10 cm for HY-2, the methods of precise orbit determination for HY-2 with the centimeter-level accuracy based on space geodetic techniques (DORIS, SLR, and satellite-borne GPS) are studied in this paper. Perturbations on HY-2 orbit are analyzed, in particular those due to the non-spherical gravitation of the earth, ocean tide, solid earth tide, solar and earth radiation, and atmospheric drag. Space geodetic data of HY-2 are simulated with the designed HY-2 orbit parameters based on the orbit dynamics theory to optimize the approaches and strategies of precise orbit determination of HY-2 with the dynamic and reduced-dynamic methods, respectively. Different methods based on different techniques are analyzed and compared. The experiment results show that the nonspherical perturbation modeled by GGM02C causes a maximum perturbation, and errors caused by the imperfect modeling of atmospheric drag have an increasing trend on T direction, but errors are relatively stable on the other two directions; besides, the methods with three space geodetic techniques achieve the radial orbit with the precision better than 10 cm.
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Russian State Time, Frequency and Earth Rotation Service provides the official EOP data and time for use in scientific, technical and metrological works in Russia. The observations of GLONASS and GPS on 30 stations in Russia, and also the Russian and worldwide observations data of VLBI (35 stations) and SLR (20 stations) are used now. To these three series of EOP the data calculated in two other Russian analysis centers are added: IAA (VLBI, GPS and SLR series) and MCC (SLR). Joint processing of these 7 series is carried out every day (the operational EOP data for the last day and the predicted values for 50 days). The EOP values are weekly refined and systematic errors of every individual series are corrected. The combined results become accessible on the VNIIFTRI server ( approximately at 6h UT daily.
The paper presents models, parameters and assumptions concerning Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data processing, which will be conducted in the frame of a project concerning comparison of the site coordinates determined using these two techniques. The analysis will be performed by two research units: the Space Research Center (Polish Academy of Science) and the Center of Applied Geomatics (Military University of Technology) and will take into account the data from all global stations adopting SLR and GNSS techniques that were operating in the same time (from 1996 to 2011). The main goal is to obtain exact coordinates and their changes in time (velocities) on the basis of both techniques and to compare the results. The stations’ coordinates will be determined for the common reference epoch - for the first day of each month. According to the recommendations of the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS), the same models and parameters from IERS Conventions 2010 will be used in both processing strategies (if possible). Monthly orbital arcs for laser observations will be created on the basis of solutions from several SLR sites providing best quality results and the highest number of observations. For GNSS coordinates determination of about 100 sites belonging to International GNSS Service (IGS) will be selected: 30 with local ties to SLR sites and others chosen on the basis of their localization and quality of time series.
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Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) to LAGEOS has a remarkable contribution to high-precise geodesy and geodynamics through deriving and validating various global geophysical models. This paper validates ocean tide models based on the analysis of satellite altimetry data, coastal tide gauges, and hydrodynamic data, i.e., CSR3.0, TOPEX4.0, CSR4.0A, FES2004, GOT00.2, and the CSRC Schwiderski model. LAGEOS orbits and SLR observation residuals from solutions based on different ocean tide models are compared and examined. It is found that LAGEOS orbits are sensitive to tidal waves larger than 5 mm. The analysis of the aliasing periods of LAGEOS orbits and tidal waves reveals that, in particular, the tidal constituent S2 is not well established in the recent ocean tide models. Some of the models introduce spurious peaks to empirical orbit parameters, which can be associated with S2, Sa, and K2 tidal constituents, and, as a consequence, can be propagated to fundamental parameters derived from LAGEOS observations.
W 2022 roku Europejska Agencja Kosmiczna podjęła decyzję o sfinansowaniu GENESIS - pierwszej misji satelitarnej dedykowanej w całości geodezji. Misja ta będzie posiadała na pokładzie instrumenty do łączenia czterech technik geodezyjnych, które zostaną skorygowane względem siebie za pomocą starannie skalibrowanych centrów fazowych celem wyznaczenia wektorów wiążących w przestrzeni kosmicznej (ang. space ties). Integracja różnych technik geodezyjnych w przestrzeni kosmicznej pozwoli na rozwiązanie problemów związanych z niespójnościami i błędami pomiędzy nimi, a także otworzy nowe możliwości realizacji układów odniesienia. Dzięki temu społeczność naukowa zbliży się do wypełnienia celów Globalnego Geodezyjnego Systemu Obserwacyjnego, czyli dokładności układów geodezyjnych na poziomie 1 mm oraz ich stabilności w czasie o wartości nieprzekraczającej 0.1 mm/rok. Niniejszy artykuł opisuje nowości technologiczne misji GENESIS oraz ich znaczenie w realizacji globalnych ziemskich układów odniesienia w kontekście różnic względem dotychczasowych rozwiązań.
In 2022, the European Space Agency has decided to fund GENESIS, the first satellite mission dedicated entirely to geodesy. The mission will have instruments onboard to integrate four geodetic techniques, which will be corrected against each other using carefully calibrated phase centers to determine space ties. The integration of different space geodetic techniques will resolve inconsistencies and errors between them, and open up new possibilities for realizing reference frames. As a result, the scientific community will come closer to realizing the goals of the Global Geodetic Observing System, i.e. the accuracy of geodetic frames at the level of 1 mm and their temporal stability of no more than 0.1 mm/year. This article describes the technological innovations of the GENESIS mission and their significance in the realization of the global terrestrial reference frames in the context of their differences from existing solutions.
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Starting from software development, Agile approaches are spreading across a broad range of industries and functions, with many great challenges. Mindset, as one of the crucial human factors of individuals in Agile, influences people's decision-making and affects every aspect of behavior and action. However, many organizations and teams face big challenges in achieving an Agile Mindset of their individuals. In addition to an often-unclear understanding of the Agile Mindset, success factors and indications are largely unknown, which makes it extremely difficult to establish an Agile Mindset. Motivated by this, our study aims to conduct a literature review by answering comprehensive research questions related to the Agile Mindset regarding publication demographics, importance, definitions, characteristics, elements, critical success factors, indicators of Agile Mindset, activities for development and future directions of research
The paper presents results of the determination of SLR stations coordinates from the observations of LAGEOS-1 and LAGEOS-2 satellites for 5 years spans from 1994 until 2008. The computations of the station positions were performed by NASA Goddard’s GEODYN-II orbital program with a new models and parameters. The main purpose of this work is estimation of the SLR station position accuracy and its stability in the long time period. The accuracy is presented in the form of the station position stability, range biases and RMS of fit per station. The best results are for the span 1999-2003. In 2004-2008 the results show deterioration in the position accuracy of the several important stations. This effect can be explained by smaller number of normal points for some stations and jumps in the vertical component.
This paper presents the summary of research activities carried out in Poland in 2011-2014 in the field of Earth rotation and geodynamics by several Polish research institutions. It contains a summary of works on Earth rotation, including evaluation and prediction of its parameters and analysis of the related excitation data as well as research on associated geodynamic phenomena such as geocentre motion, global sea level change and hydrological processes. The second part of the paper deals with monitoring of geodynamic phenomena. It contains analysis of geodynamic networks of local, and regional scale using space (GNSS and SLR) techniques, Earth tides monitoring with gravimeters and water-tube hydrostatic clinometer, and the determination of secular variation of the Earth’ magnetic field.
Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) was established in 2003 by the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) with the main goal to deepen understanding of the dynamic Earth system by quantifying human-induced Earth’s changes in space and time. GGOS allows not only for advancing Earth Science, including solid Earth, oceans, ice, atmosphere, but also for better understanding processes between different constituents forming the system Earth, and most importantly, for helping authorities to make intelligent societal decisions. GGOS comprises different components to provide the geodetic infrastructure necessary for monitoring the Earth system and global changes. The infrastructure spreads from the global scale, through regional, to national scales. This contribution describes the GGOS structure, components, and goals with the main focus on GGOS activities in Poland, including both the development of the geodetic observing infrastructure as well as advances in processing geodetic observations supporting GGOS goals and providing high-accuracy global geodetic parameters.
This paper summarizes the contribution of Polish scientific units to the development of the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) in recent years. We discuss the issues related to the integration of space geodetic techniques and co-location in space onboard Global Navigation Satellites Systems (GNSS) and Low Earth Orbiters (LEO), as well as perspectives introduced by the new European Space Agency’s (ESA) mission GENESIS. We summarize recent developments in terms of the European Galileo system and its contribution to satellite geodesy and general relativity, as well as ESA’s recent initiative – Moonlight to establish a satellite navigation and communication system for the Moon. Recent progress in troposphere delay modeling in Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) allowed for better handling of systematic errors in SLR, such as range biases and tropospheric biases. We discuss enhanced tropospheric delay models for SLR based on numerical weather models with empirical corrections, which improve the consistency between space geodetic parameters derived using different techniques, such as SLR, GNSS, and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). Finally, we review recent progress in the development of Polish GGOS scientific infrastructure in the framework of the European Plate Observing System project EPOS-PL.
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