The paper is concerned with mapping the quality of life of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. Surveying the quality of life of schizophrenics may be complicated due to the symptomatology - e.g. negative results during the higher levels of anxiety. Apart from health: age, gender, occupation, family, social contacts, finances, opportunities for rehabilitation and psychoeducational programmes are all among the important factors of the individual quality of life. Our research group comprised 16 clients (male n=12, female n=4) of the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre, MANA o.p.s. Olomouc. Average age of our respondents was 38.2. Except for 4 male respondents, all the rest were unemployed at the time of the survey, 3 respondents were living alone, others with parents or a partner. Average age of the male respondents at the time of their first hospitalization was 22, of the female respondents 18.5. The Czech version of the Quality of life questionnaire (Dotazník životní spokojenosti - DŽS) was the basis of our primary method. In view of the sociodemographic data of our respondents, we have surveyed the level of the individual quality of life in the areas of health, financial situation, oneself and friends, acquaintances and relatives. A supplementary method was based on the SEIQoL (Schedule for the Evaluation of Individual Quality of Life), a questionnaire for monitoring the importance of happiness with individually chosen life themes (QL) and an overall level of quality of life (VAS). The goal was to ascertain the level of happiness in the aforementioned areas of life DŽS and the correlation with age, importance and quality of life themes and their correlation with current overall quality of life. The lowest level of happiness (DŽS) was measured in the overall level of the current quality of life (VAS) in connection to gender (male=60.7%, female=43.8%), but in view of the low number of female respondents (n=4) we consider this result an approximation that will need to be statistically verified in a larger group. Overall current quality of life (VAS) statistically correlated with the level of happiness in the area of health and friends (DŽS). The respondents have given family, friends (social relationships, networks), health, frame of mind and leisure as the most common important life themes. We realize that our research is limited in some aspects, especially the composition and the low number of respondents in the group precluded a deeper statistical analysis. We do not assume to generalise our results since it is necessary to remember that the quality of life is a subjective matter that can change in course of a lifetime. Even so, the research has brought some important information that can help us in our future work with the clients and their relatives in finding help in their difficult life situation.
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