Research background: Faced with multiple media scandals concerning the pollution resulting from manufacturing activities, and encouraging the overconsumption of clothing, international fast fashion retailers have often had to resort to the elaboration and implementation of sustainable strategies aimed at environmental protection and reducing resource consumption. Generating customer satisfaction and loyalty depends increasingly on the extent to which retailers manage to employ socio-environmental responsibility besides the traditional retail store attributes. The purpose of this article: The objective of the paper is to evaluate the influence of consumer-oriented store attributes in generating satisfaction and loyalty towards the fast fashion store, highlighting the influence of socio-environmental responsibility on the two constructs. Methods: Based on the literature review, a conceptual model considering the effects of stores' attributes on store satisfaction and store loyalty and influenced by socio-environmental responsibility is proposed. Data were collected with the help of face-to-face administrated questionnaires before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in an emerging market (Romania). The data were analyzed via structural equation modeling in SmartPLS, for the three considered consumer generations: Generation X, Millennials and Generation Z. Findings & value added: For all consumer generations, all store attributes contribute to the direct generation of fast fashion store satisfaction and store loyalty; nevertheless, the intensity varies in levels of significance. Socio-environmental responsibility does not significantly determine store satisfaction, but does have a strong influence on fast fashion store loyalty. The results detailed according to the generations indicate a similar situation: each store attribute influences the satisfaction of one or other generation, apart from socio-environmental responsibility. This work makes an essential contribution to the extension of the generational theory, highlighting the various individualities, perceptions, and behaviors. This cross-generational research broadens knowledge on how different consumer generations behave when shopping from fast fashion stores. The research also extends the S-O-R model, which is used to understand the relationship between store attributes (stimulus), consumer satisfaction (organism), and consumer loyalty (response) towards fast fashion stores.
Enterprises are facing connplex global challenges varying very guickly and extensively This reguires early and intensive contact with potential customers in order to meet their needs better than competitors. lnnovation may not oniy refer to new products and services, but rather to all improvennents realized in an enterprise to meet expectations from customers and enterprises adeguately. Conseguently, all marketing Instruments and customer services, structures, technologies and processes applied in manufacturing, assembly and procurement, as well as suitable corporate culture may be adapted innovatively. A change of paradigm to 'Open lnnovation concepts is advisable, allowing integration of customers at an early stage in order to find new ideas, develop concepts and elaborate details for new products and services. Supply chains comprise, apart from traditional distribution, the production and procurement chain, the preceding Research and Development Chain, the consecutive Service Chain and the Recycling/Disposal Chain. Therefore, co-operative concepts are helpful at all these stages. The better a close integration of customers, the better the solutions to meet the customers expectations exactly and timely are possible.
Wobec złożonych globalnych wyzwań przedsiębiorstwa muszą szybko wprowadzać niezbędne zmiany Wymaga to nawiązywania kontaktów z potencjalnymi klientami, aby lepiej niż konkurencja spełnić ich oczekiwania. Innowacje powinny dotyczyć nie tylko nowych produktów i usług, ale także funkcjonowania całego przedsiębiorstwa. We wszystkich instrumentach marketingu i obsługi klienta, a także strukturach, technologiach i procesach stosowanych w produkcji, montażu, obsłudze zamówień, jak również w całej kulturze korporacyjnej mogą być wprowadzane innowacyjne działania. Koncepcja „Open lnnovation" umożliwia integrację z klientami na wczesnym etapie współpracy w celu znalezienia nowych idei, rozwoju koncepcji oraz opracowania szczegółów dla nowych produktów i usług. Łańcuch dostaw obejmuje, oprócz tradycyjnej dystrybucji, również produkcję i zamówienia, działania B&R, usługi oraz recykling. Ścisła współpraca z klientami jest pomocna i umożliwia spełnienie ich oczekiwań w największym stopniu.
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