The LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) is a new radio interferometer that consists of an array of stations. Each of them is a phase array of dipole antennas. LOFAR stations are distributed mostly in the Netherlands, but also throughout Europe. In the article we discuss the possibility of using this instrument for solar and space weather studies, as well as ionosphere investigations. We are expecting that in the near future the LOFAR telescope will bring some interesting observations and discoveries in these fields. It will also help to observe solar active events that have a direct influence on the near-Earth space weather.
The work provides an analysis of the first description of the creation (Gen 1) from the perspective of various categories of created entities, as reflected in the triple use of the verb ברא. Each occurrence of this verb in this biblical text means creating something new and adding this new entity to an already existing world, which gives rise to a new category of created things. The first such category are inanimate things which receive existence and are made only of dead matter. The second category are living creatures which have a body made of the same matter, but who also receive the element of life. The third category is man, who has a body made of the same matter, with the same element of life, but also the third element which makes him similar to God, in fact, God’s image. That third element is not named in the text, but we may see here what we call a soul. So, having a soul distinguishes man from all other beings created by God: Only man has a soul. Animals do not have it, nor do plants, nor the sun and the moon, which were idolized by the ancients -- none of these has a soul but instead belong to the realm of dead matter.
Celem pracy jest analiza pierwszego opisu stworzenia (Rdz 1) pod kątem kategorii stworzeń, jakie tworzy trzykrotne pojawienie się w nim słowa ברא . Każde wystąpienie tego czasownika w tym tekście oznacza stworzenie czegoś nowego i dodanie tego do istniejącego już świata, co powoduje początek istnienia nowej kategorii stworzeń. Pierwszą taką kategorią są rzeczy martwe, które otrzymują istnienie i są zbudowane tylko z martwej materii. Drugą kategorią są istoty żywe, które mają ciało zbudowane z tej samej materii, ale ponadto otrzymują pierwiastek życia. Trzecią kategorią jest człowiek, który ma ciało zbudowane z tej samej materii, ten sam pierwiastek życia oraz trzeci element, który sprawia że jest on „podobny” Bogu i jest Jego „obrazem”. Element ten nie jest nazywany, ale możemy postawić pytanie, czy można dopatrywać się tu tego, co nazywamy „duszą”. W takim razie posiadanie duszy wyróżnia człowieka ze wszystkich innych stworzeń. Duszę posiada tylko człowiek, nie mają jej zwierzęta, ani tym bardziej materia martwa. Duszy nie mają równ
This article presents that numerous unorthodox syncretic groups, which are composed of the elements of various religions, and emerged from Islam over the centuries. Their distinguishing feature was the exaggerated cult of some personalities, generally Ali Ibn Abi Talib. One of these movements is the Alawis that plays an important political role in Syria nowadays. The originality of the Alawis’ worship and doctrine is expressed by the importance of the sun and the moon, among others things. The light is the essence of God and the sun or the moon is considered God’s dwelling.
This article presents that numerous unorthodox syncretic groups, which are composed of the elements of various religions, and emerged from Islam over the centuries. Their distinguishing feature was the exaggerated cult of some personalities, generally Ali Ibn Abi Talib. One of these movements is the Alawis that plays an important political role in Syria nowadays. The originality of the Alawis’ worship and doctrine is expressed by the importance of the sun and the moon, among others things. The light is the essence of God and the sun or the moon is considered God’s dwelling.
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