Przedstawiono krótką charakterystykę poszczególnych etapów realizacji zmniejszenia emisji programu SO2 do środowiska. W etapie I zbudowano instalację odsiarczania spalin metodą suchą, na blokach 5 - 8 w etapie II dobudowano instalację zraszania spalin, a w etapie III wybudowano instalację odsiarczania spalin metodą suchą z nawilżaniem na bloku 5. Uzyskany efekt ekologiczny, zadowalające parametry eksploatacyjne, przy niskich kosztach całego programu to duży sukces Elektrowni "Rybnik" " S.A.
There is presented a brief information on particular stages of DeSOx emission programme. In the I stage the dry method DeSOx installation was constructed for the 5 - 8 power units, in the II stage the flue gas sprinkling installation was added and in the III stage the dry method DeSOx installation with the flue gas sprinkling was constructed. Achieved ecological effects, satisfactory operation parameters, at low costs of whole programme, it has been a great success of the Rybnik Power Station.
Omówiono prowadzone na zlecenie Elektrowni Rybnik SA badania nad możliwością stosowania popiołów z półsuchego i suchego odsiarczania spalin i z żużla tej elektrowni do wykonywania podbudów drogowych. Przedstawiono wyniki badań prowadzonych w warunkach laboratoryjnych, a następnie na próbnych odcinkach wykonanych dróg. Pozwoliły one na uzyskanie aprobaty technicznej dla betonu z tych odpadów elektrownianych do wykonywania konstrukcji drogowych: warstw ulepszonego podłoża, podbudów zasadniczych i pomocniczych.
Investigations conducted on the order of the Rybnik Power Station concerning the possibility of the use of ashes from semi-dry flue gas de-sulphurisation and slag from this power station are discussed. Presented are results of laboratory investigations and next results of tests in situ of experimental road sectors. They enabled technical approval for the concrete made of these wastes for such elements of roads, like an improved road bed layer and essential or auxiliary substructures.
The main subject of this study is fly ash created during coal combustion in Rybnik Power Station in Upper Silesia in the southern part of Poland. This is the biggest block power station in this region. Generated power is 1600 MW. Annual dust emission from professional energy in Upper Silesia is estimated at 32.8 thousand tons, which is about 22% of total national emissions. X-ray powder diffraction, Analytic Scanning Electron Microscopy (ASEM) and Induced Couple Mass Spectrometry (ICP- MS) methods have been applied extensively to heavy metals (Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Cr, Cd) content analysis and their host mineral phases identification. Concentrations of Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Cr and Cd as well as mineral composition of fly ash being their carriers have been specified. Average Zn concentrations in fly ash are 120 ppm, but for all other elements the averege concentrations were 38 ppm for Cu, 41 ppm for Ni, 44 ppm for Pb, 64 ppm for Cr and 3 ppm for Cd. Amorphic aluminosilicate substances, oxides and sulphides are mineral phases containing heavy metals. The sizes of these particles are up to 12 |im.
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