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The article’s author turns to the example of Rozmyślanie przemyskie in order to demonstrate how transcriptions of text were affected by editors’ opinions on the Polish syntax of the 15th century. At the same time, the transcription influenced opinions of the readers. To this end, selected elements of two different transcriptions of Rozmyślanie przemyskie have been compared, namely excerpts from Chrestomatia staropolska and the equivalent excerpts from the version edited by Wacław Twardzik and Feliks Keller. Special attention has been paid to issues related to sentence delimitation in the transcription, which strongly affects the image of the 15th century Polish syntax reflected in the specific historical editions. Supplements to the text, introduced by editors and inspired by source suggestions, have also been submitted to a syntax analysis. The same holds true for conjunctions and prepositions “extracted” from the onsets or the codas of words includedin the Freiburg edition. Both editions present different pictures of the historical text’s syntax which stemmed from their editors’ varying approaches to the text. Therefore, depending on the actual edition, the reader will be provided with different answers to the following key questions revolving around Polish syntax: what type of predicate combinations prevailed?; how strong was the predicative nature of participle constructs?; how long were thesentences?
The aim of the present article is to show the process of creation, an attempt to catch the Old Polish author “red-handed”. The analysis of the source focuses on one thread of Rozmyślania przemyskie – the episode of St. Peter denouncing Jesus. Only during the study of the entire thematic thread, the episode, we can see, for example, the mechanisms of selection/selections. The choice of words is not accidental; also, it is not the result of slavish following the source. The text of Rozmyślania przemyskie is the result of many choices made by its author. Constantly, there mingle here the choices of sources, the fictional, theological and stylistic choices. The selection of lexemes or the construction of sentences may be determined by the chosen source or just the opposite – made despite the chosen source. In some excerpts of Rozmyślania przemyskie it is evident that the fictional choice and the choice of the language of description are quite different things. The author of Rozmyślania przemyskie, by choosing for the construction of the text the version of one of the four Evangelists may choose another as far as fictional events are concerned (who asks Peter questions, how many times the cock crows, where is Peter, does he sit or stand, etc.), and still another with regard to the manner of recounting the events. This puts in a quite different light the problem of compilation mechanisms and the ways of achieving coherence of a text.
The paper analyses the largest Polish mediaeval apocrypha, Rozmyślanie przemyskie. Using this example, the author shows the difficulty of formulating general judgments about mediaeval texts with a multilayered structure. The differences between the subsequent versions of the text prove to be rather large in the case of Rozmyślanie przemyskie. For this reason, even the assignment of the monument’s language to a specific dialectal base may apply to no more than a single layer of the text and, as a result, Red Ruthenian features may be found to co-appear with Lesser Polish ones. The author proposes that Rozmyślanie przemyskie displays both the vestiges of the original structure of the text, and traits of a new structure introduced by the last copyist. It is him who gave a title to the text, divided it in two, and added a considerable part of section titles. Therefore, we need to revise our current view that the last copyist was responsible for no more than the introduction of multiple mistakes into the text, and for incorporating into it the voice that was originally located in the margins and between the lines.
Content available remote Filologiczne wydanie Rozmyślania przem yskiego a czeski Život Krista Pána
The goal of the paper is to evaluate the editorial decisions made by the editors of the only transcribed philological edition of Rozmyślanie przemyskie (the so-called Freiburg edition), by confronting it with the text of Život Krista Pána, a Czech apocrypha preserved in several copies the oldest of which dates back to the first half of the 14th century. The basis for the analysis are materially and linguistically similar fragments of both apocrypha. The presented survey not only validates or questions various editorial decisions, but also once again shows that a transcription of an Old Polish text is to a considerable extent its interpretation, and that designing such a transcription is an unusually difficult task which requires a large amount of work and a specific set of skills.
Rozmyślanie przemyskie to XVI-wieczny, liczący 426 kart, całkowicie pozbawiony interpunkcji apokryf. W artykule przedstawiono analizę wybranych różnic interpunkcyjnych w dwóch wydaniach tego zabytku: Chrestomatii staropolskiej i w tzw. wydaniu fryburskim. Znaki interpunkcyjne, wstawiane przez wydawców w transkrypcjach, są ilustracją ich zrozumienia składni zabytku, a co za tym idzie mają charakter interpretacyjny. Zaproponowaną w wydaniach interpunkcję należy zatem traktować jako głos w dyskusji, a nie jako jedyne źródło rozwiązań składniowych.
Rozmyślanie przemyskie [The Przemyśl Meditation] is a 16th-century apocrypha, comprising 426 cards, and completely devoid of punctuation. The article presents an analysis of selected punctuation differences in the two editions of this text: Chrestomatiastaropolska and the Freiburg edition. Punctuation inserted by publishers in transcriptions, illustrate their understanding of the syntax of the text. They are interpretations. Punctuation proposed in the editions under analysis should be treated as a voice in discussion, and not as the only source of syntactic solution.
Content available remote Tekst staropolski jako odmienny obiekt badań? W poszukiwaniu narzędzi opisu
The author provides an answer to the question why Old Polish texts, especially mediaeval ones, constitute a separate subject of study. Primarily, he draws attention to the kinds of problems connected with the reading of those texts (e.g. identification of functional expressions), and with the various manifestations of multilayeredness. How to study such texts? The author suggests that the existing palette of methods be complemented with selected tools developed by modern textology, which so far have only sporadically been employed in the research of the oldest Polish texts. Meanwhile, their use makes possible a precise description and analysis, taking into account the multilayeredness and the traces of the work of many scribes, sometimes so large that they modify the arrengement of intentions and functions of the text. The author uses the example of Rozmyślanie przemyskie and other texts to show the complexity of such problems as the address of the text, its cohesion, continuity, and comprehensiveness – qualities that are only revealed when appropriate assumptions are made and adequate descriptive tools used.
The aim of the article is to show how the biblical motif of the Penitent Thief was developed in Old Polish biblical-apocryphal narratives. We are interested to know in what context this issue has been mentioned and what purpose it has served. Due to the merging of the (para)biblical motif of the Penitent Thief with the folk motif of Madej, we have focused on the interrelationships between the fragments of the Apocrypha analysed, as well as between these fragments and later folklore texts. However, the main focus is on the old Polish material.
Celem artykułu jest pokazanie, jak w staropolskich narracjach biblijno-apokryficznych rozwijany był biblijny motyw Dobrego Łotra. Interesuje nas odpowiedź na pytanie, w jakim kontekście przywoływano ten wątek i czemu służył. Ze względu na łączenie się (para)biblijnego motywu Dobrego Łotra z ludowym motywem Madeja w centrum zainteresowania postawiliśmy zarówno wzajemne relacje między analizowanymi fragmentami apokryfów, jak i między tymi fragmentami a późniejszymi tekstami folkloru. Główny jednak nacisk położono na materiał staropolski.  
Zaprezentowane w artykule analizy przynoszą dowód na obecną już w nauce tezę, że znaczna część tytułów w „Rozmyślaniu przemyskim" pojawiła się w tym tekście w drodze jego kolejnych przekształceń i uzupełnień. Autorzy wskazali oprócz licznych argumentów lingwistycznych także zbiór poszlak innej natury: źródłoznawczych i tekstologicznych. Inkorporacja tytułów do tekstu „Rozmyślania przemyskiego" była zjawiskiem w tym tekście powszechnym, najczęściej polegała na wciągnięciu do tekstu notatek marginalnych, wpisanych tam zapewne po to, by łatwiej przeszukiwać ten ogromny tekst. Geneza części z nich polegała na wybraniu z tekstu reprezentacyjnego dla treści fragmentu i umieszczeniu go w postaci niezmienionej lub jego parafrazy na marginesie, skąd po kolejnych przekształceniach trafiał on z powrotem do tekstu. Artykuł uświadamia, jak specyficznym i odrębnym obiektem badań jest tekst staropolski, zwłaszcza wielowarstwowy. Tytuły w nim nie są funkcjonującym samodzielnie komunikatem pozostającym w wyłącznie symbolicznym związku z tekstem, nie muszą pochodzić od autora, mogą tekst dezintegrować, mogą też pozostawać z nim w związku nie tylko treściowym, ale i składniowym. Autorzy pokazują, że tylko łączne stosowanie narzędzi z wielu dziedzin (językoznawstwa, źródłoznawstwa, tekstologii, teologii) może przybliżać nas do coraz precyzyjniejszego opisu procesu twórczego, którego końcowym efektem jest taki tekst.
Analyses presented in the article prove the thesis, already present in science, that a significant part of titles in The Przemysl Meditation appeared in the text through its successive transformations and additions. The authors found, besides numerous linguistic arguments, also a lot of evidence of a different nature: source studies and textology. The incorporation of titles into The Przemysl Meditation was a common phenomenon in the text, the most common one was merging marginal notes into the text, left there presumably in order to make searching this huge text easier. The genesis of some of them was selecting a fragment from the text, representative of the content, and placing it unchanged or paraphrased on the margin from where, after successive transformations, it got back to text. The article brings to our attention the fact that an Old Polish text is a peculiar and distinct object of study, especially a multilayered one. Titles in such texts are not an independently functioning message in exclusively symbolic connection with the text, they do not have to come from the author, they may disintegrate the text or may remain with it in a relationship not only of content but also of syntax. The authors demonstrate that only the combined use of tools from many disciplines (linguistics, source studies, textology, theology) can bring us closer to getting a more precise description of the creative process which eventually results in the text.
The aim of the paper is to interpret the implementation of the biblical motif of original sin in two Old-Polish apocrypha. I am interested in the relation between the discussed fragments of the works: the scene describing the nature of Adamic sin and the scene of Christ’s temptation in the desert. The analyses carried out make it possible to indicate how original sin was thought about, what are the content and source relations between the works, and to show the exegetical function of these descriptions.
Celem artykułu jest interpretacja realizacji biblijnego motywu grzechu pierworodnego w dwóch staropolskich apokryfach. Interesuje mnie relacja między omawianymi fragmentami utworów: sceną opisującą naturę grzechu Adama i sceną kuszenia Chrystusa na pustyni. Przeprowadzone analizy pozwalają wskazać, w jaki sposób myślano o grzechu pierworodnym, jakie są relacje treściowe i źródłowe między utworami, a także pokazują funkcję egzegetyczną tych opisów.
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