In this paper we propose and test a composite generalizer of the Lomax distribution. The genesis of the beta distribution and transmuted map is used to develop the so-called beta transmuted Lomax (BTL) distribution. The properties of the distribution are discussed and explicit expressions are derived for the moments, mean deviations, quantiles, distribution of order statistics and reliability. The maximum likelihood method is used for estimating the model parameters, and the finite sample performance of the estimators is assessed by simulation. Finally, the authors demonstrate the usefulness of the new distribution in analysing positive data. (original abstract)
W pracy analizowany jest dyskretny proces nadwyżki finansowej ze zmienną składką, reasekuracją i inwestycją nadwyżki finansowej. Wyznaczone są prawdopodobieństwa ruiny w czasie skończonym i nieskończonym. W przypadku roszczeń całkowitych o rozkładach lekkoogonowych, które wypłaca ubezpieczyciel, uzyskano oszacowanie z góry prawdopodobieństwa ruiny za pomocą współczynnika Lundberga. Dla roszczeń całkowitych o rozkładach ciężkoogonowych podano aproksymację prawdopodobieństwa ruiny dla dużego kapitału początkowego. Wyniki zilustrowano przykładami liczbowymi w przypadku reasekuracji proporcjonalnej(abstrakt oryginalny)
In the paper a discrete finance surplus process with variable premium, reinsurance and investment of the finance surplus is analysed. Ruin probability in a finite and infinite time are determined. For total claims with light-tailed distributions covered by an insurer, an upper estimation is obtained by Lundberg coefficient. For total claims with heavy-tailed distributions an approximation of ruin probability for a large initial capital is given. The obtained results are illustrated by examples for a proportional reinsurance.(original abstract)
Podkreślono konieczność wykorzystywania do analiz rynkowych takich modeli, które kładłyby większy nacisk na duże wahania notowań rynkowych. Podjęto próbę przedstawienia metody szybkiej w realizacji pod względem czasu potrzebnego do dokonania obliczeń przy pomocy komputera (model typu ARCH/GARCH). Dzięki niej można opisywać i modelować wariancje w ujęciu zależności od poprzednich obserwacji i na tej podstawie generować szeregi czasowe zależne bezpośrednio od informacji historycznych. Ponadto wartości VaR przybliżają wartości otrzymywane za pomocą procedury stress-testing.
The article presents a model that can be used for modelling movements in the prices of financial instruments in the market and which can be utilised in order to calculate VaR (Value at Risk). The model emphasises the autoregressive dependence of market returns on previous observations. Moreover, it also enables the generation of market returns which are characterised by heavy-tailed distributions, i.e. with deviant observations. However, apart from examining the dependence between returns themselves, it is also important to examine the variance of such returns and the dependence of this variance on the variance of returns (or also the squares of the returns themselves) from previous periods. A simple model with variance which is variable and dependent on market returns from previous periods has been developed on the basis of ARCH/GARCH models which enables the generation of time series that are directly dependent on historical information. It has also turned out that this model shows well the heavy-tail effect, and VaR figures approximate the values yielded with the help of stress testing procedure. This is the so-called MR-ARCH(p,q) model (Modified Randomised-ARCH). It is characterised by a feature that during certain periods, returns may deviate noticeably from the mean but due to certain technical tweaks the series does not approach infinity for large initial values (large absolute return values). The variance in this model depends on the sum of products of random variables and squares of past process observations as well as on other, independent random variables. It was obtained on the basis of the variance of the ARCH model through the randomisation and modification of all model parameters Ä hence the name Modified Randomised ARCH. Due to the inclusion of random factors, whose distribution parameters may be modelled at will to yield sufficiently satisfactory results, the random effect is achieved together with simulation of returns while at the
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