The article presents the Landscape Impact Assessment, prepared by the author within the Environental Impact Assessment report of Augustow Bypass, nearby the Rospuda Valley. This report is a final documentation, basic for a decision concerning the most controversial proposal in Poland in recent years. An original methodology has been presented. It has been of special concern to delimit the zone of visual influence of different bridge projects, crossing the most valuable part of the Rospuda Valley. Digital models of terrain, the river, and planned engineering objects enabled it to define the "visual envelope" and to create the visualisations of bridges "located" in the pictures of real landscape. The adopted criteria of landscape impact assessment aimed to indicate the less harmful route alternative. The study shows the practical application of landscape architecture, and can serve as an argument for the implementation of Landscape Impact Assessment studies at Landscape Architecture departments.
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Od miesięcy jesteśmy świadkami konfliktu dotyczącego budowy obwodnicy miasta Augustów, przebiegającej przez zielone tereny Doliny Rospudy, czyli obszaru włączonego do europejskiego programu ochrony przyrody Natura 2000. Sprawa obwodnicy podzieliła początkowo mieszkańców Podlasia, później władze krajowe, a z czasem również całą Polskę i autorytety europejskie.
For months we have witnessed the conflict regarding the construction of bypass road for the city of Augustów. Its designed track passes through the lands surrounding Rospuda River - an area included in the European environmental protection programme Nature 2000. The issue has caused arguments among the local authorities, members of government and, as media have publicized it, eventually the whole nation. As it turned out, we could not solve the matter within our own means and ultimately the problem will be tried in front of the Court of Justice of the European Communities. It seems very disappointing that Polish authorities cannot effectively make use of the funds that European Union offers us, but instead waste time and money on futile arguments. Now we have to wait for another six or maybe even twenty months before either of the projects conctepts can be put in realisation.
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W artykule przedstawiono zaprojektowany przez Zespół Badawczo-Projektowy MOSTY-WROCŁAW s.c. dwuwariantową przeprawę przez dolinę Rospudy w formie: mostu wiszącego i mostu podwieszonego. Opracowane alternatywy eliminują negatywne oddziaływania na środowisko, nie powodują zniszczenia siedlisk zwierzecych ani zmian ekohydrologicznych w środowisku. Mosty wiszące lub podwieszone są często sytuowane na terenach cennych przyrodniczo na całym świecie np. most Normandie u ujścia Sekwany, Navajo Brigde w Kanionie Kolorado.
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