From the moment Rome established contacts with the Parthian empire in the 1st century BC, its relations with the eastern neighbour became one of the most important points of Roman foreign policy. Attempts to subjugate Parthia ended in Rome’s crushing defeat at Carrhae in 53 BC. Having taken over power in the Roman Republic, Octavian Augustus became much more active in his oriental policy, wishing to erase the shame brought upon Rome by the defeat. The peace treaty signed in 20 BC was the Emperor’s diplomatic success and was presented as a great triumph by the Roman propaganda. In this paper, I analyse several frag-ments referring to this agreement in the works of the Augustan poets Horace, Propertius and Ovid. The works, written over almost three decades, present this event from various perspectives. On the one hand, they show a strong intermixture of politics and literature, and on the other hand, great talent and artistic skill of the poets writing creatively about issues which were current in Rome at the time.
Propertius, one of the most important poets of the Augustan Age, referred sometimes to Roman politics. One of the issues he covered in 2nd, 3rd and 4th book of his elegies was Romano-Parthian relations. The Augustan propaganda exploited the topic of revenge for the defeat of Carrhae in 53 BC and forecasted the conquest of the Arsacid monarchy. The poets of this age also referred to the Roman policy towards Parthia. In paper it was shown how in the course of time Propertius’ attitude to Parthian topics changed and how the image of Parthians was influenced by the current political situation.
Propercjusz, jeden z najważniejszych poetów epoki augustowskiej, sięgał nieraz w swoich utworach do tematyki politycznej. Jednym z wątków poruszanych przez niego w II, III i IV księdze elegii są stosunki rzymsko-partyjskie. Propaganda augustowska wykorzystywała temat zemsty za klęskę pod Carrhae w roku 53 przed Chr. i zapowiadała podbój monarchii Arsakidów. Poeci tej epoki również nawiązywali do rzymskiej polityki wobec Partów. W artykule pokazano, jak na przestrzeni lat zmieniało się podejście Propercjusza do tematyki partyjskiej i jak na obraz Partów wpływała aktualna sytuacja polityczna.
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