The article discusses the life and work of the outstanding scholar and Polish patriot Roman Pollak in the field of Polish-Italian cultural and scientific relations. It focuses on his role in the establishment and operation of the Institute of Polish Culture at the University of Turin. For many years, the Institute functioned as the most important source of information on Polish science and culture in Italy. It emerged as a result of long-standing ties between the Polonophilic milieu in Turin and the idea, present in the 19th and early 20th century, of Poland regaining independence. The most prominent representative of this milieu was Attilio Begey, who was the patron of the Institute. The article also delves into various forms of the Institute’s activity in more than half a century of its existence, and its links with the University of Turin.
Giovanni Maver, najwybitniejszy włoski polonista, to postać bardzo zasłużona dla rozwoju relacji naukowych i kulturalnych Polski z Włochami w XX wieku. Jest on znany przede wszystkim jako autor licznych opracowań, wykładowca, kierownik katedry języka i literatury polskiej na Uniwersytecie Rzymskim, a także współpracownik polskich instytucji naukowych i kulturalnych we Włoszech i w Polsce. Tej jego działalności dotyczy niniejszy artykuł. Największą zasługę w pozyskaniu Mavera dla kultury i nauki polskiej miał jego długoletni przyjaciel, wybitny historyk literatury Roman Pollak. W artykule jest więc także mowa o ich osobistych kontaktach i współpracy, o więzi trwającej aż do końca życia.
Giovanni Maver, the most outstanding Italian researcher in Polish Studies, is a meritorious figure for the development of the 20th century Polish scientific and cultural relations with Italy. He is known first and foremost as the author of numerous studies, as a scholar, Head of the Chair for Polish Language and Literature, the University of Rome, and also as a collaborator with many Polish academic and cultural institutions in Italy and in Poland. This collaboration is made the subject of the present paper. Roman Pollak, an illustrious literary historian and Maver’s long-time friend, proved to have had greatest contribution in acquiring him for the Polish Studies. The article also touches their private contacts, cooperation, and bonds that lasted until the end of Maver’s life.
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