This paper investigates the effect of both international and domestic remittances and migration on household welfare in Bangladesh. We employ a number of variables such as different types of poverty measures, household consumption expenditure, expenditures on health and education etc. to define household welfare. We use the Household Income and Expenditure survey 2010 to estimate the impact of remittance on household welfare. To address the issue of self-selection, we have used Propensity Score Matching (PSM) technique. The results reveal that although both internal and external remittance remittances have significant impact on reducing poverty and increasing consumption expenditure, the degree of impact is much higher for external remittance compared to internal remittance. However we find no impact of remittance on Household expenditure on education and healthcare.
In this paper, we draw on the concepts of in-betweenness and migration interdependence in order to investigate the vulnerability of Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine due to their conflicting relations with Russia and the exposure of their economies to remittance flows from the latter. To achieve this goal, we explore whether and how migrant flows and remittance flows have diverged since 2014, when the three states signed their Association Agreements with the EU and their economic relations with Russia deteriorated. In this respect, we examine how interstate relations impact upon migration and remittances flows. After discussing in-betweenness and migration interdependence, we investigate the origin of the remittance inflows in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine and the destination of the migration outflows. We map the development of remittances from the World, Europe, and Russia and relate it with the development of their GDP using longitudinal data. A comparative analysis of our findings suggest that the three cases differ from each other, but, in all three cases, Russia has not used migration interdependence as leverage. We conclude that remittance flows in the three in-between states are more affected by the state of the global economy, the economic situation of Russia, and domestic circumstances rather than from interstate relations.
International labour migration is a global process that has affected the populations of all countries and continents. Today, migrants face a new additional barrier - the COVID-19 pandemic, which has drastically affected all forms of human mobility. Today, labour-based migration from Ukraine is directed mainly to EU Member States. The main motives for international labour migration is the potential of earning money, financial security of the family etc. Accordingly, the consequence of international migration is the inflow of money into the country of migrant origin. Remittances from migrant workers are an important source of income for Ukraine. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in migrant remittances, contributing to the development of households, human potential, the reduction of poverty and inequality, and the inflow of foreign currency. This article proposes an econometric model of the impact of migrant remittances on the stabilisation of the country's economy during the pandemic. As a result of the calculations, it was found that the income from people working abroad initially reduces the deviation of GDP from the equilibrium trend, but over time there is a clear procyclical impact. This feature is favourable for the Ukrainian economy and may mean that migrant transfers in times of crisis help to overcome the effects of global economic downturns.
The objective of the article is to assess the economic impact of Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Remittances on the 134 countries of Global South. The hierarchy of the economic importance of ODA and Remittances in the Global South, as well as the identification of a group of countries with MIRAB features will be based on the application of data for 2019 to two indicators constructed for the purposes of the study. The first is an Official Development Assistance Impact Index (ODAI) and second a Remittances Impact Index (RI). In order to measure the ODAI, the author used three variables, namely (a) net ODA received, total (% of GNI), (b) net ODA received (% of imports of goods, services and primary income) and (c) net ODA received per capita. The second index, which relates to Remittances (RI), is constructed by expressing (a) personal remittances, received (% of GDP), (b) personal remittances, received (% of imports of goods, services and primary income) and (c) personal remittances, received per capita. The author rescaled the variables using the min-max formula. Using a quantitative approach, the ODAI and the RI indices have been constructed to measure two major impacts of financial flow to the Global South. The indicators may be synthetic, simple tools for measuring the degree of ODA and Remittances economic saturation. It also might be useful tool for diagnosis of the MIRAB syndrome. However, the author is aware that their simplicity may discourage some from agreeing, and because of this, ODAI and RI are susceptible to criticism.
Celem opracowania jest sklasyfikowanie 134 państw i terytoriów Globalnego Południa pod kątem wielkości otrzymywanych środków finansowych z tytułu oficjalnej pomocy rozwojowej (ODA) oraz przekazów od emigrantów. Hierarchizacja ekonomicznego znaczenia ODA i przekazów oraz identyfikacja grupy państw o cechach „monokultury pomocowo-przekazowej” (syndromu MIRAB) dokonana została w wyniku aplikacji danych za 2019 r. do dwóch (skonstruowanych na potrzeby badania) wskaźników: pomocy rozwojowej w gospodarce (WPRG) oraz przekazów od emigrantów w gospodarce (WPEG). Konstrukcja pierwszego wskaźnika ujmuje trzy perspektywy gospodarczego znaczenia środków finansowych z tytułu ODA. Pierwszą są łączne wpływy z pomocy rozwojowej zestawione z wielkością gospodarki (mierzonej PNB). Drugą jest odniesienie łącznych wpływów z ODA do wielkości importu towarów i usług. Trzecią jest wartość otrzymanej pomocy rozwojowej przeliczona na jednego (stałego) mieszkańca. Drugi ze wskaźników ujmuje trzy perspektywy gospodarczego znaczenia środków finansowych z tytułu przekazów. Pierwszą jest łączna wartość przekazów zestawiona z wielkością gospodarki (mierzoną PKB). Drugą jest odniesienie łącznych wpływów z przekazów do wielkości importu towarów i usług. Trzecią jest wartość przekazów przeliczona na jednego (stałego) mieszkańca. Zastosowane wskaźniki pomocy rozwojowej w gospodarce (WPRG) oraz przekazów od emigrantów w gospodarce (WPEG) stanowić mogą syntetyczne (proste) narzędzie do pomiaru stopnia nasycenia (czy też przesycenia) gospodarki pomocą rozwojową i przekazami od emigrantów, czy też diagnozowania syndromu MIRAB. Autor ma świadomość, że prostota prezentowanego tu narzędzia pomiarowego może niektórych zniechęcać, przez co niewątpliwie WPRG i WPEG mogą być bardzo podatne na krytykę.
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