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Na podstawie przesileń społeczno-politycznych oraz sytuacji kryzysowych i związanych z tym przewartościowań w polityce wyznaniowej autor przyjmuje następujące cezury: lata 1944/45-1947/48, 1947/48-1956/57 oraz okres po 1956 r. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wybranych problemów związanych z polityką państwa wobec wyznań nierzymskokatolickich w latach 1945-1970.
The paper deals with the selected problems of the government policy regarding the non-Roman Catholic communities in Poland in the years 1945-1970. Against the background of the practical solutions the reconstruction of the objectives (and values) of that policy, the constant and the variable ones, has been done. Three models of it have been separated: 1) the corracted model of the policy preceding the outbreak of World War II, coverning the years 1944/45-1947/48, 2) the administrative and liquidating model of the period of Stalinism (1947/48-1956), and 3) the highly controlling model - satutory supremacy - realized after 1956. The constant objectives and values ot that policy were; total control of the activities of those religions, making them a counterbalance for the Roman Catholic Church, and shaping the "loyal attitudes" of their management, clergy and the congregation towards the changes in the political, economic and social spheres that were occurring at that time. The propaganda slogans of "the liberty of conscience and religion" were in the background. (original abstract)
Przedstawiono uwarunkowania historyczne i demograficzno-statystyczne warunkujące politykę wyznaniową i relacje międzyreligijne w Rosji. Mimo podejmowania inicjatyw pojednawczych przez poszczególne wspólnoty religijne stosunki między religiami i wyznaniami w Rosji pozostają napięte. Państwo stara się zachować neutralność w sprawach religijnych, jest to jednak coraz trudniejsze, gdyż wraz ze wzrostem znaczenia najsilniejszych wspólnot religijnych zaczyna zaznaczać się ich dominujący wpływ na urzędników administracji państwowej.
The author discusses the religious mosaic making up the society of the Russian Federation. He shows the state's religious policy on the basis of legal regulations. He then reflects on the Orthodox Church's attempts at preserving Russia as the canonical area of Orthodox faith, while including historical developments, i.e. preserving the existing system of religious relations.(original abstract)
W artykule scharakteryzowano dwie wersje państwa wyznaniowego: tradycyjną, zwaną wyznaniowością zamkniętą i zmodernizowaną, zwaną konfesyjnością otwartą. Omówiono kierunki stosunków Kościół-państwo oraz rolę koncepcji księdza prymasa S. Wyszyńskiego w polskiej teologii politycznej. Na koniec spróbowano udzielić odpowiedzi na pytanie czy IV RP ma charakter państwa świeckiego czy wyznaniowego.
To unpack the question of whether Poland's Fourth Republic is secular or faith-based one must first define the rules used by secular or faith-based countries. A secular country is one that is neutral as far as religion is concerned. On the other hand, faith-based countries are ones in which religion is a leading force in politics and public life as well. There are many countries in the world where religion influences politics to a greater or lesser extent. The Polish constitution says nothing about the separation of church and state. Religion is present in the everyday lives of many people in Poland but it becomes a problem when it enters public life and the state begins to divide people into the categories of better (Catholics) and worse (the rest). This nonetheless occurred after the presidential and parliamentary elections in 2005. Since then, the winning party has been supporting the Catholic Church. By supporting Radio Maryja (a Catholic radio station) and the Trwam Television station, the governing party will be supported in the next election. Such behaviour leads to changes in which the basic character of the secular state is violated. What is more, the Polish government has broken with neutrality and now emphasises religion in public life. There is also a problem for young people in Polish schools, where those who are not Catholics or choose not to attend religion classes are forced to wait in hallways with caretakers. The presence of religion in public life is one condition that makes a state faith-based. Another is using public funds to finance the Church, as when Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) or Papal Technological Academy and other institutions are financed by the government or government-run companies. To sum up, while the Fourth Republic of Poland is not a faith-based state, it is not a model example of a secular one, either. The notion of a faith-based state has never been exactly defined, which is why there are so many different opinions on this subject. Moreover, there are countries whose dominant religion exerts varying levels of influence on public life. Since 1989, Poland has become more and more faith-oriented by passing bills like the anti-abortion act or warrants of respect for Christian values in education and the media. Financing by government institutions that belong to the Church in the form of tax breaks and customs privileges or even violation of the law all show that the so-called Fourth Republic of Poland is on a dangerous road, one which may well lead to an alliance between "the throne and the altar". (original abstract)
Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie mało znanego fragmentu powojennej polityki wyznaniowej, realizowanej wobec Kościołów i związków religijnych w Polsce, w szczególności w odniesieniu do Kościoła Ewangelicko-Augsburskiego.
The article presents one aspect of the policy that was implemented in Poland in the Stalinist period towards religious minorities, namely the one that pertained to the gathering by the state administration of information concerning clergy and people active in church life. Confidential information helped the authorities to exert pressure on clergy and lay active members and to achieve the adopted aims such as for example getting rid of people from the top ranks in a church hierarchy or people regarded as "hostile to the system". The author presents on the basis of the preserved materials how that mechanism functioned in relation to the Evangelical-Augsburg Church. The period considered is 1949-1950. According to the administrative authorities the information turned out to be useful in the removal of the leader of that Church - professor Jan Szeruda - and other members of the Church's central and diocese administration from their posts.(Original abstract)
W opracowaniu autor przedstawił problem złożonej natury historii Kościoła Prawosławnego w Polsce. Opisał próby przejęcia przez Patriarchat Moskiewski kontroli nad parafianami na obszarze Białostocczyzny. Konflikt pomiędzy tymi kościołami był wynikiem długiego sporu dotyczącego władzy zwierzchniej.
In the article the author tackles the problem of a complex nature in the history of the Orthodox Church in Poland namely, an attempt by the Moscow Patriarch to control the parishes in the Białystok area. It was the consequence of a long dispute between the two Churches concerning the canonic sovereignty of the Orthodox Church in Poland. It was only after the state authorities intervention that the conflict was settled. However, it resulted in a number of consequences and changes in the Orthodox Church in Poland including the deposition of its head, Metropolitan Dionizy (Waledyński), in 1948. (original abstract)
Przybliżono ważniejsze dane przedstawiające stan posiadania nierzymskokatolickich Kościołów i wspólnot religijnych w połowie lat 50. XX wieku. Na okres ten przypada likwidacyjna polityka wyznaniowa władz. Porównano ok. 25 Kościołów i wspólnot. Uwzględniono następujące problemy: - nadzór państwa nad Kościołami i wspólnotami religijnymi; - wybrane problemy polityki władz wobec nierzymskokatolickich społeczności; - niektóre elementy ich stanu posiadania.
This article examines the state of ownership of non-Roman Catholic denominations in the mid-1950s in Poland. The considered data concern the number of believers, organization of the priesthood, places of worship, the clergy, monasteries, educational institutions, community outreach organizations, and publishing facilities and activities. A concise characterization of the state's policy which intended to limit, if not liquidate non-Catholic churches, is provided. The data applies to roughly 25 churches and religious communities, and enable the recreation of the organizational and financial situation at that time. In the case of the next several dozen this material is highly incomplete, or even worse. However, the uncovered statistical material is so rich that it may be useful in later academic research. The immediate questions posed in the article, in statistical depiction, could become the basis for comparisons with both earlier and later periods. (original abstract)
Na podstawie analizy niektórych elementów stanu posiadania Kościoła Ewangelicko-Augsburskiego, Autor przybliża niektóre koncepcje i posunięcia władz administracyjnych w Polsce wobec tego Kościoła na przełomie lat 60-tych i 70-tych.
The author takes up key issues regarding the situation of the Church in the late 1960s and focusses mainly on its assets. (short orig. abstract)
W artykule przedstawiono zarys teorii konkordatu a praktykę konkordatową zilustrowano przykładami pochodzącymi z terytorium Unii Europejskiej.
The article reviews the contents and analyses the role played by of concordats in a number of the European Union member states. Concordats are understood here as agreements between the Apostolic See and these countries. They define and regulate the status of the Catholic Church in a given country. The following European Union member states are parties to such agreements: Austria (since 1933), Spain (1976-1979), Germany (concordats from the years 1924-2001), Portugal (1940), Italy (1929) and France. These agreements ensure the Catholic Church's freedom of action in the sphere of religion. They commit the states to support Church institutions financially (Portugal being an exception), to grant public schools the right to teach religion and the Catholic Church to run its own schools. Under concordat agreements the Church may freely dispose of its movable and immovable property. The fact that the mentioned European Union member states are bounded by such agreements is not contradictory to their democratic character. The author of the article reaches the following conclusions: 1) Membership of the European Union does not deprive its member states of their individual approach to the shaping of relations between the state and the religious unions. 2) Concordats are specific international law agreements clue to their subject matter which includes issues being of interests to both the state and the Church and the contracting parties, namely the state and the Apostolic See, the supreme authority in the Catholic Church. 3) Concordats are the vital legal instrument used not only within the European Union. 4) Concordats belong to the individual heritage of a few states, now members of the European Union, but they originated in the period preceding establishment of the Union. This legal heritage is not questioned, and its existence serves as an evidence of a variety of the systems of relations between the state and the Church within the European Union. 5) Concordats binding Austria, France, Spain, Germany, Portugal and Italy are basically congenial. Different regulations regarding a number of issues resulted from specific historic conditions that had shaped relations between the state and the Church. 6) Concordats are still seen as rather controversial legal instrument, even though they belong to the legal heritage of the democratic states, members of the European Union. The main reason is that this is a particular regulation serving the interests of only a part of the citizens, meaning Roman Catholics and the Catholic Church. It introduces into the legal system of the state differentiation of citizens according to their professed religion. This situation has not been changed by later extension of concordat guarantees to other denominations within a given state.(original abstract)
W opracowaniu omówiono politykę wyznaniową władz państwowych wobec Kościołów i związków religijnych prowadzących działalność wśród miejscowej ludności ziemi mazurskiej w latach 1952-1953.
The aim of this article is to familiarise the reader with the measures undertaken by the Evangelical-Augsburg Church against the Masurian population during the 1952-1953 period. The measures formed part of the state's post-war repolonisation policy against this community. The fundamental aim of repolonisation was to eliminate the German language from social life, and to neutralise the gravitation of the Masurian community towards "Germany". The Evangelical-Augsburg Church played its part in this operation. It was also charged with eliminating from the territory of Masuria the Methodist Church, which had been accused by the state authorities of cosmopolitanism. This led to many inter-denominational conflicts and disrupted the ministration activities of both Churches. The unintended consequence of this repolonisation was the exodus of over 38,000 local people during the 1956-1959 period, which undermined Church influence in the Masurian region. (original abstract)
Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie polityki wyznaniowej w Polsce okresu stalinowskiego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem likwidacji obrządku greckokatolickiego Kościoła Prawosławnego skupiającego ludność ukraińską i łemkowską.
The author acquaints us with some facts concerning the attempts undertaken by the state authorities, in the early 1950s, to suppress the Greek Catholic confession in Poland. Those attempts consisted in the institutional inclusion of the Orthodox Church in the suppression - unionization process. The difficult internal situation of the Orthodox Church and the displacement of Greek Catholic people, forced to settle in the U.S.S.R. prolonged that suppression so that in effect it ended in failure. Besides, especially in the years 1947-1952, the state authorities could not make their decision as to their policy towards the Greek Catholics. Their decisions oscillated between the latinization - assimilation (polonization) option and the Pro-Orthodox - Uniate option. That dilemma was solved, in favour of the Orthodox Church, only in April 1952 when the definitive political decisions were taken. (original abstract)
Artykuł dokonuje prezentacji organów odpowiedzialnych za wytyczanie i realizowanie polityki wyznaniowej PRL. Przedstawia strukturę, zakres kompetencji oraz sylwetki osób stojących na ich czele. Artykuł zawiera także analizę rzeczywistego znaczenia poszczególnych podmiotów w kształtowaniu i wykonywania polityki komunistycznego państwa wobec Kościoła. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The article presents the bodies responsible for creating and executing the religion policy of the Polish People's Republic. The text introduces the structure of the bodies and the scope of their competences. It also presents their main leaders' figures. What is more, the article includes the analysis of the real role of the bodies in creating and executing communist state's policy to the Church. (original abstract)
Sekty i tzw. "nowe religie" są dziś dość powszechnym zjawiskiem, na które szczególnie narażeni są młodzi ludzie. Negatywny ich wpływ przejawia się między innymi na psychicznym znęcaniu się nad człowiekiem, maltretowaniu, wykorzystywaniu seksualnym. W artykule przeanalizowano wybrane ruchy religijne oraz sekty. Przedstawiono działania podjęte przez państwa i organizacje międzynarodowe w celu ochrony społeczeństwa przed ich destrukcyjnym oddziaływaniem.
Sects and what is called “new religion” are today a fairly widespread phenomenon, and one to which young people are particularly vulnerable. Their negative impact is manifested, inter alia, by the breaking down of an individual’s personality, instilling a decreased sense of security in the current environment in order to degrade one’s view of self and society, taking advantage of a state of fear and threats. The leaders of groups that fall under the umbrella of “new religion” exploit individuals in order to commit crimes. The article examines the styles and functions of selected religious movements and sects and presents the actions taken by national governments and supranational organisations to protect the public against the destructive impact of new religious movements and sects. (original abstract)
nr nr 387
Omówiono i zaprezentowano przykłady wpływu wierzeń religijnych, które mają bezpośredni wpływ na życie społeczno-gospodarcze w wielu krajach i regionach geograficznych.
In the article the author has presented a number of examples testifying to the impact of religious beliefs on socio-economic life in many countries of the word. Religious commands are decisive for the distribution of pigs and cattle breeding and for the growing of grapevine. Religious rules also influence the way of dressing, the diet and lifestyle. Religious recommendations dealing with the quality of goods are often taken into consideration in commercial contracts. Pilgramages are an important element in world tourism.(original abstract)
Zadaniem opracowania jest zaprezentowanie niektórych koncepcji polityki władz - głównie Urzędu do Spraw Wyznań - precyzowanych w odniesieniu do Kościoła Ewangelicko-Augsburskiego w Polsce w początkach lata 60.
The publication brings to light the state of the Evangelical-Augsburski Church's possessions in Poland from 1956-1965, which was weakened by the mass exodus of more than 30% of its faithful to western Germany after 1956. Attempts by the Church Authority to rebuild and strengthen its priesthood structures, the repressive policies of the Government towards the Church (including rents, taxation, tight controls over their activities), as well as the creation of the Department of Religious Affairs to control the activities of churches both at home and abroad were identified in the publication. (original abstract)
Celem pracy jest określenie i bliższa charakterystyka czynników religijnych (wewnątrzkościelnych) i pozareligijnych, determinujących działalność Kościoła Prawosławnego jako całości i jego wybranych struktur w latach 1945-1970.
The present paper is the first attempt, in the literature, at approaching a fragment of the history of the Orthodox Church in Poland after 1945, As the subtitle says, it concerns the problem of the stabilization of the church life, the stabilization understood as reaching a state of relative equilibrium. Because after the war the Church found itself completly ruined, both organizationally and materially , besides, considering the canon law, its situation was not definitively regulated (the problem of autocephalia). The paper covers the period from the end of the Second World War till 1970 when the new internal law was approved (finishing to a certain degree the period of legal improvisation) and the new superior was elected, the metropolitan Basil, who has been in charge of the Church up to the present. The paper pertains to the field of history and politics. It consists of nine chapters, i.e.: I. State policy towards the No-Roman Catholic Churches, II. The problem of autocephalia and the metropolitan Dionisos. III. Formation of the legal status. IV. Social basis of the Church. V. Administration and church network. VI. The clergy. VII. Financial status of the Church. VIII Nationalistic affairs in the Church. IX. The Church and the interreligious relations. Because of the publication restrictions, certain problems had to be omitted, such as: religious instruction at school and catechetic centres, publishing activity, and international contacts. The basic problems listed in Chapters II-IX are discussed against the background of the state policy realized towards all the Non-Roman Catholic Churches in Poland. This enabled to bring into prominence the principles (general assumptions) of that policy as well as the particular characteristics referring to the definite religion- in this case, the Orthodox Church. The analysis of the activities of this Church has been done in the wider context of social and political processes taking place in our country. Because of the lack of treatises and publications concerning that period in the history of the Orthodox Church, the present paper has been based mainly on archival materials, sometimes incomplete because of the events of the years 1930-1991. Among others, the following materials have been utilized: the archives of the former Bureau of Religious Affairs, materials stored in the New Records, documents of the Orthodox Metropolis in Warsaw, and the late Central Archives of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party. The summary includes general final conclusions which point to very limited adaptation possibilities of the Church in the post-war quarter of the century, while the realized religious policy led, on many planes, to its incapacitation. (original abstract)
Przedstawiono współczesne modele finansowania kościołów i związków wyznaniowych w następujących krajach: Republice Słowacji, Republice Czeskiej, Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej i Republice Węgierskiej. Dla ekonomicznego położenia kościołów i związków wyznaniowych determinującym czynnikiem jest stosunek pomiędzy państwem i kościołami. Na takim fundamencie wytworzyły się w poszczególnych państwach postkomunistycznych ubiegających się o wstąpienie do Unii Europejskiej różne formy finansowania.
The contemporary models of financing churches and religious associations in Slovakia, Bohemia, Poland and Hungary are presented. The factor determinig economic conditions of churches and religious associations is a relation between churches and a state. The fact is a foundation of different financing models in post-communist countries candidating to the European Union.(MN)
Trudno jest obecnie określić jakąś całkowicie jednolitą postawę chrześcijaństwa w jego spotkaniu z innymi religiami. Pewne współczesne spostrzeżenia zaprzeczają powszechnemu mniemaniu, jakoby chrześcijaństwo od najdawniejszych czasów zajmowało wobec innych religii postawę czysto negatywną. Protestancki filozof religii Paul Tillich wskazuje na to, iż chrześcijaństwo od samego początku cechuje swoisty uniwersalizm. Chrześcijański uniwersalizm nie był synkretystyczny, nie stapiał elementów wziętych z innych religii z własnymi, lecz poddawał wszystko ostatecznemu kryterium, którym był obraz Jezusa jako Chrystusa, przeczuwany w Starym Testamencie i urzeczywistniony w Nowym Testamencie. Już wczesne chrześcijaństwo, oprócz fundamentalnych pojęć zaczerpniętych z pogańskiego dorobku myśli metafizycznej, przejęło stoickie zasady moralne, będące zarówno wyrazem filozofii, jak i postawy życiowej. (fragment tekstu)
Determination of the totally uniform attitude of Christianity to other religions is difficult now. The commonly held conviction that Christianity has had a distinctly negative attitude to other religions since the times immemorial is wrong. In consideration on the Protestant evaluation of Christianity, most of those who dealt with this subject were always theologians and believers of the Church who understood Christianity in an exclusive way: redemption is possible only through Jesus Christ according to classical Reformation theology, its orthodox specialists in systematics and its pietist reinterpretators. Just these representatives of the exclusive approach many times attacked the universalist ideas. The modern Protestant thought shows that Christianity in spite of being a particular religion in some periods it is in its nature open and this feature of being open has been an evidence of its greatness. (original abstract)
tom 24
nr nr 97
W artykule przedstawiono, w oparciu o źródła archiwale wydane drukiem oraz archiwalia dotychczas niepublikowane, działania Urzędu do Spraw Wyznań, tj. centralnego organu administracji wyznaniowej w PRL, dotyczące tworzenia i obsadzania stanowisk kościelnych. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The article presents, on the base of published as well as unpublished archival sources, the involvement of the Office for the Proclamation of Faith (the central organ of administration concerning religious confession in the Polish People's Republic) in the creation and occupation of church positions. (original abstract)
Poruszono główne problemy związane z działalnością Związku Religijnego Wyznania Mojżeszowego (ZRWM) w Polsce w latach 1960-1985. Omówiono warunki w jakich działał związek. Przedstawiono charakterystykę polityki władz wobec związku oraz wpływ czynników zewnętrznych na ewolucje tej polityki.
In this article, the author discusses key problems in the activities of the Jewish Religious Union during a very difficult period, when in 1967/68 Jewish religious life collapsed due to international events (the Arab-Israeli war) and internal events (the anti--Semitic campaign in Poland). The often repressive policy of the communist authorities contributed, in particular, to the second of these campaigns. Mass Jewish emigration after the events of March 1968 weakened the community, as did its aging population structure. For 15 years (from 1968), the statutory authorities of the Union and of the Congregation lacked numbers and functioned in a kind of "suspended animation". It was not until the mid-1970s that the policy of the authorities towards the Union changed (largely under pressure from Jewish communities abroad) and gradual steps were taken to rebuild the Union's structures. This article also touches upon an especially controversial issue - that of Jewish cemeteries in Poland, which are regarded by the Jewish religion as untouchable (holy) places. (original abstract)
This article discusses the findings of the survey investigating the influence of faith and religious beliefs on students' family plans, as well as the students' understanding of the ethical and moral aspects of marital life and cohabitation. The survey involved the full-time students in the last two years of different master's degree majors offered at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology. The answers that the respondents gave to the survey questions allowed determining their views on different aspects of family life in relation to their religious beliefs. The questions were divided into two parts. One of them investigated the respondents' opinions about their prospective family life, such as entering into a marriage and having children. The second part asked about the ethical and moral aspects of family life and cohabitation, for instance partners living together before marriage, divorce, the use of contraceptives and the abortion pill, surgical abortion. (original abstract)
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