Emigracja zarobkowa i migracje powrotne to obecnie niewątpliwie najważniejsze problemy polskiej polityki migracyjnej. Kwestiom tym od lat poświęca się w naszym kraju wiele uwagi, szczególnie po 2004 r., w kontekście otwierania się kolejnych rynków pracy w Unii Europejskiej dla pracowników z Polski. Szacunki sprzed akcesji do Wspólnoty określały skalę uregulowanych wyjazdów zarobkowych z Polski na około 400-450 tys. osób rocznie, a ówczesne prognozy rozmiarów legalnego zatrudnienia Polaków za granicą bezpośrednio po wstąpieniu do Unii Europejskiej najczęściej przewidywały jego wzrost do poziomu około 600 tys. w krajach członkowskich. Wypowiedź autora to kolejny głos dotyczący tych zagadnień. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Job migration and re-emigration are the most important problems of Polish migration policy. Social and economic assessment of their results should take into account the previously established mechanisms of job resources usage in Poland, which are disadvantageous and push many people to leave the job market lowering job activity. Slowing down reforms lengthening factual time of employment, increasing activity of the unemployed, and speeding up the flow of rural population to out-agricultural jobs makes job emigration a serious factor causing financial problems of social security institutions. It also causes the deficit of qualified workers on the home market. The activities aiming at decreasing the costs of creating new work places and eliminating the differences in attractiveness between home and foreign job markets are the conditions of limiting such a large scale of job emigration and encouraging the emigrants to return home. (original abstract)
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Whilst the extant scholarship offers a detailed exploration of why return migrants enter self-employment or engage in business initiatives in general, we know relatively little about their involvement in transnational economic activities which connect the previous destination coun-try with the origin one and how they compare to other kinds of entrepreneurial venture in this vein. This article aims to understand these motivations by using insights from 50 semi-structured interviews conducted with traders of used cars imported in Romania, a mass phe-nomenon in the Central and Eastern European area and beyond. An important result of this research is that entrepreneurs have to consider a multitude of factors in multiple locations when entering the used-car business. The article also suggests that entrepreneurial motivations among used-car traders are not fixed but, rather, can and do change over time. (original abstract)
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This article contributes to the growing debate on reintegration and the positioning of returnees in their home societies. Increasingly, studies focus on returnees' agency in reintegration processes, their practices of mobility in return and their use of social capital and financial and social remittances acquired abroad. Much less analysed is how ethnicity influences such processes of return and experiences of reintegration. In this paper we examine how returnees belonging to different ethnic groups - Germans, Romanians and Roma - reintegrate in a Romanian multi-ethnic context with marked ethnic inequality and lasting segregation. Fieldwork was carried out in a town that has undergone massive changes in the past 30 years due to the combined effects of foreign direct investment and international migration. Economically, the town changed from a poor and decaying context, to one that was poor but developing and finally to one experiencing strong development. Using a modes-of-integration perspective and analysing returnees' reintegration and mobilities, we show how return evolved as an ethnicised process in different contexts of reception.(original abstract)
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