God had congratulated himself for creating the universe and humankind (Gen 1,31), a “very good” creation brought to nought by human sin. However, human nature still sighs and longs for the goodness and image of God within. God’s creation yearns to be created anew. Paul’s understanding of “new creation” and “new man” looks to the wise plan of God negated by sin. For Paul, the new era, in which the new creation reaches its aim in perfection, is the time of the parousia, the new and future coming of Jesus Christ. The Apostle of the Gentiles understood “kainē ktisis” in a soterio-cosmological sense, as the event consequent upon the redemption brought about by Christ Jesus that will be fulfilled in the parousia. New creation, new mankind in a new covenant takes place in communion with the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus in Baptism. The fundamental condition by which the revelation of the mystery of God takes place is the new covenant fulfilled in the blood of Christ and its effects: the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, upon those who believe, as even the prophets had foretold. One can observe the development of the Pauline thought in his Letters: from a theological perspective and its legitimacy in the Major Letters, to the practical consequences in the daily life of the Christian assemblies in the Deutero-Pauline Letters, that emerge from the application of these theological arguments.
The article shall discuss the question of the origin of evil, limitations and contingency of creatures and moral evil. Then, it discusses the topic of evil spirit, who is a liar, and a man's wants to plunge into solitude. Finally, in the Person of the Son of God, a triumph over the liar, lies, and all evil is shown. The successive stages of this victory are the Resurrection, Ascension and joyfully awaited by Christ's friends the Last Judgment. God in the created world, of which He is Lord and Master, permits physical and moral evil. A mystery of evil God explains us through his Son. Jesus Christ vanquishes evil, sin and Satan by his death and resurrection. The Creator would not permit an evil if he would not derive some good from that evil. This good we shall fully know only in eternal life and then we can understand the way of God's Providence.
Artykuł podejmuje kolejno kwestię pochodzenia zła, ograniczeń i przygodności stworzeń oraz zła moralnego. Następnie omawia temat złego ducha, który jest kłamcą i pragnie człowieka wpędzić w samotność. Wreszcie w Osobie Syna Bożego ukazane zostaje przezwyciężenie kłamcy, kłamstwa i wszelkiego zła, a kolejnymi etapami tego zwycięstwa są Zmartwychwstanie, Wniebowstąpienie i radośnie oczekiwany przez przyjaciół Chrystusa Sąd Ostateczny. Bóg w świecie stworzonym, którego jest jedynym Panem i Władcą, dopuszcza zło fizyczne i zło moralne. Tajemnicę zła wyjaśnia nam przez swego Syna. Jezus Chrystus swoją śmiercią i zmartwychwstaniem zwyciężył zło, grzech i szatana. Stwórca nie dopuściłby zła, gdyby nie wyprowadzał z niego jakiegoś dobra. W pełni dobro to poznamy dopiero w życiu wiecznym i wówczas będziemy mogli zrozumieć drogi Bożej Opatrzności.
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The paper focuses on an analysis of the anthropological Word-Faith movement and its participation or identification doctrine which is closely connected to their understanding of redemption and human deification. A brief introduction and an overview of the current debate about the topic is also included in the analysis. The works of E. W. Kenyon, K. Hagin and K. Copeland represent the main source of material, as they all are considered the most influential representatives of this movement.
Religious and theological question about the man may come from Divine Revelation. It is impossible to truly answer the question without reff ering to the Creator since He is „creavit Deus” the truth of revelation through the faith of the wise man to the fullness of life. God, who is love and life, created man in His own image and likeness, created man and woman. In the humanity of man and woman God inscribed a particular calling to participate in the mystery of communio of God and entrusted the task of dominion over the earth, over creation. God gives grace to his goodness on the way of salvation. He is the Creator and Savior.
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