In May−June 2020, two pairs of Pied Avocets Recurvirostra avosetta bred at the Rydzyna Reservoir (Greater Poland), which was only the third breeding record in the region. Due to great pressure from people using the reservoir for recreation, members of the Leszczyńska Group of the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (LG OTOP) took initiative in monitoring and active protection of nesting Avocets. Both pairs initiated clutches in May and both were successful, with 2 and 4 hatched chicks. All chicks were ringed with standard metal rings and individually marked with plastic, colour rings. Some individuals left the nesting site in July, but eventually they left the reservoir in mid-September. Marked juveniles were subsequently recorded in Italy (November 2020), Hungary (April 2021) and Mallorca (December 2021).