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System planistyczny gospodarki wodnej przewiduje opracowanie i realizację planu gospodarowania wodami na obszarze dorzecza. W ramach tego podstawowego dokumentu planistycznego analizowany jest obecny i prognozowany stan gospodarki wodnej dorzecza, w tym między innymi sporządzana jest analiza ekonomiczna. Celem analizy ekonomicznej jest ocena istotności zasobów wodnych dla rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego oraz prognoza zapotrzebowania na wodę. W artykule zostanie przedstawiona propozycja zastosowania analizy input-output do sporządzania analizy ekonomicznej, w tym do kompleksowej oceny ekonomicznej poszczególnych sektorów i ich wzajemnych powiązań, oceny wodochłonności gospodarki w ujęciu klasycznym (poprzez analizę poborów i współczynników wodochłonności), a także analizy wodochłonności pod kątem powiązań międzysektorowych i ich wpływu na wodochłonność gospodarki. (fragment tekstu)
Economic analyses of water management are worked out within a framework of the water management planning system. The purposes of such analyses are, among others: assessment of significance of water resources in the economic and the socio-economic development and construction of long-term predictions of water demands of particular sectors of the economy. In this paper the input-output analyses are proposed for working out an economic analysis, especially in assessing water requirements of the economy and for forecasting water demands in Poland. It is presented the conception of the assessment of water requirements of the economy on the basis of analysis of the indirect water use. The analysis of the indirect water use allows to turn the attention towards sectors which do not use significant amount of water but they use products of other sectors which are substantial water user (for example electricity production sector). (original abstract)
Woda jest kluczowym zasobem zapewniającym życie na ziemi. Uznawana jest dzisiaj za wyczerpywalny zasób odnawialny, dlatego konieczne jest gospodarowanie tym zasobem oraz regulowanie zasad korzystania z niego dla konkurujących użytkowników. Do zapewnienia zrównoważonego korzystania z zasobów wodnych niezbędne są rozbudowane narzędzia statystyczne dostarczające informacji dotyczących relacji między gospodarką a środowiskiem w zakresie wody. Podstawową kwestią jest oparcie ich na jednolitych definicjach i nomenklaturze rachunków narodowych. Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy i dotyczy tematyki rachunków środowiskowo-gospodarczych, które nie są jeszcze objęte obowiązkowymi wytycznymi UE. Prace nad metodologią tworzenia tych rachunków trwają na gruncie międzynarodowym, w tym w instytucjach Unii Europejskiej. Można się spodziewać, że znajdą się one w kolejnych modułach obowiązkowych rachunków środowiskowo-gospodarczych.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Water is a crucial resource that ensures life on the planet. It is defined as a replenishable but depletable resource, so it is necessary to manage it and define the rules and boundaries of its usage among competing users. To ensure sustainable water resource use, it is necessary to create sophisticated statistical tools that can provide information about the relations between economy and the environment. Basing them on coherent definitions and the national accounts nomenclature is of utmost importance. This article concerns aspects of economic environmental accounting that are still not obligatory in the EU, though they are practiced, and intensively so, both in the EU and further afield. It can be expected that they will be included in the next obligatory modules of ESEA, which are to be introduced soon.(original abstract)
W pracy przedstawiono średnie zużycie zimnej wody w gospodarstwach domowych zlokalizowanych w miejscowości Gorlice (woj. małopolskie) w ujęciu miesięcznym oraz dobowy rozkład zużycia wody w gospodarstwie domowym zlokalizowanym w Ząbkowicach Śląskich (woj. dolnośląskie). Gospodarstwa domowe objęte analizą zużycia wody umieszczone były w budynkach jednorodzinnych z poddaszem użytkowym. Wszystkie budynki były obiektami zabudowy niskiej do 12 metrów nad poziom terenu wyposażone w V klasę instalacji wodociągowo - kanalizacyjnych. Dla każdego z obiektu wyznaczono średnie dobowe zużycie wody, które kształtowało się w przedziale 0,11 - 0,18 m3 ×M-1 ×d-1. Najwyższe średnie dobowe zużycie wody obserwowano w budynku zlokalizowanym w Ząbkowicach Śląskich.(abstrakt oryginalny)
This paper presents the average consumption of cold water in households located in the town of Gorlice (southern Poland) on a monthly basis and daily distribution of water consumption in households located in the Ząbkowice Śląskie (Lower Silesia). Households included in the analysis of water use were placed in single-family houses with attic. All the buildings were objects that were built low (about 12 meters above ground level) with a V class of water supply installations. For each building average daily water consumption was determined which ranged in the range of 0.11 - 0.18 m3 × M-1 × d-1. The highest average daily water consumption was observed in the building located in the Ząbkowice Śląskie.(original abstract)
Woda zdatna do picia często wykorzystywana jest lekkomyślnie, a każde ograniczenie jej zużycia może przynieść korzyści zarówno obecnemu, jak i przyszłym pokoleniom. Możliwe jest wtórne wykorzystanie wód zużytych w gospodarstwach domowych i budynkach użytkowania zbiorowego. Woda wykorzystana do mycia ciała, kąpiele (ok. 36% dobowego zużycia wody) może być użyta np. do spłukiwania misek ustępowych (ok. 30% dobowego zużycia wody). Jednak konieczne jest tu odpowiednie jej przygotowanie dla powtórnego użycia. Na świecie wykorzystywane są różne układy podczyszczania ścieków i wód recyrkulowanych oparte na procesach filtracji, sorpcji, dezynfekcji, biofiltracji i reaktorach biologicznego oczyszczania ścieków. Ich wykorzystanie może zmniejszyć zużycie wody pitnej do ok. 60%.(abstrakt autora)
Drinking water is often used carelessly and any limitation of its use can bring benefits both to present and future generations. It is possible to reuse water used in households and collective use buildings. Water used for washing the body and baths (approximately 36% of the daily consumption of water) can be used e.g. for flushing toilets (about 30% of the daily water consumption). However, it is necessary to prepare the water for reuse. In the world different systems of sewage and recirculated water treatment are used, based on filtration processes, adsorption, disinfection, biofiltration and biological wastewater treatment reactors. Their use can reduce the consumption of drinking water to approximately 60%.(author's abstract)
Autor charakteryzuje zagadnienia dotyczące zmechanizowanego dostarczania wody bezpośrednio do mieszkań i urządzeń gospodarczych wsi. Aktualnie stan ten jest niezadawalający, choć lata dziewięćdziesiąte charakteryzują się najwyższym po wojnie tempem budowy wodociągów sieciowych. Związany z tym zagadnieniem jest problem ścieków. Autor wysuwa tezę, iż we wsiach kwalifikujących się do kanalizacji zbiorczych wodociągi i kanalizacja, w połączeniu z oczyszczaniem ścieków, powinny tworzyć jeden techniczno-ekologiczny system.
The social and economic transformations taking part in villages, and especially a growing concern about personal health and hygiene, equipment of houses with internal sanitary facilities and intensification of agricultural production (parlicularly animal breeding) produce a rapidly growing demand for water supplied by means of a collective or local water-supply systems. Meanwhile, the development of this system, and especially of network systems, is highly unsatisfactory in villages. This is primarily due to a strong dispersal of village settlements, structure of villages and long years of negligence in this respect after the war. A more pronounced progress in this field did not occur until 1965, and particularly during the last decade. In 1970 only 12.2 procent of flats in villages were equipped with water-supply systems and 5.8 procent with bathrooms. In 1988 these figures rose to 65.8 procent (of which - 29.6 procent of network water supply) and 50.7 procent respectively. In 1993 they were estimated at 72.7 procent and 58.6 procent These propositions still fall considerably behind those in towns and, moreover, they are considerably differentiated spatially. One of the main causes of such differentiation, apart from the negligence of post war period, are different traditions in particular regions of Poland. The administrative provinces in the north-west of Poland and those of Katowice, Bielsko and Opole (fig. 5) can boast the highest share of flats equipped with water supply systems exceeding 85 procent The lowest share under 60 procent is recorded by the central-eastern part of Poland and especially the provinces of Radom (43.8 procent and Siedlce (47.0 procent . Using wells has become here a dominant system of provision with water, which hardly contributes to hygiene and economic progress. Moreover, the quality of water taken from the well very often does not fulfil standards of drinking water.(original abstract)
Opracowanie prezentuje jedno z zagadnień dotyczących gospodarowania zasobami wodnymi - próbę optymalizacji zużycia wody w gospodarce komunalnej, poprzez wprowadzenie indywidualnego rozliczenia jej zużycia. Szczegółową analizę wykonano dla jednego z osiedli krakowskich, zaprezentowano także dane zbiorcze charakteryzujące rozmiary procesu instalacji wodomierzy dla 30 spółdzielni mieszkaniowych z terenu województwa krakowskiego.
The paper presents practical solutions aiming at the optimalization of water consumption in the municipal economy, realized through the introduction of Individual accounts for water consumption. The power of economic incentives acting on water consumers is assessed. Detailed studies were carried out on a sample of about 3060 inhabitants from 1991 to September 1993. The summary data include all Cracow housing co-operatives. In the simplified analysis of outlay effectiveness the possibility of cost refund is shown, assuming the preferential rate of interest (10%). It has been proved that there is a negative correlation between the number of inhabitants in a given unit of account (a house, a housing estate) possessing individual water meters and water consumption per unit. (original abstract)
Water. In the existence and activities of each individual it is water that (un) consciously essentially defines them. Therefore, water is called the source of life, but nowadays we know it under the new concept: blue gold. The reason for such a modern understanding of the role of water lies in the increasing limitations of access to sufficient quantities, which first results in water stress - the situation where needs remain unmet, but water scarcity does not yet interfere with the foundations of the activities of societies. Water stress is thus the first form of threat to water security, especially when deficiency destroys all basic social systems that cannot function without water. The question of the role of water between them is increasingly being raised, as the operation of one system in the area of water consumption or management can mean interfering with the water potential of another system. This confronts us with the effect of the definite quantities of water, although countries with ample water resources and quantity (still) often do not understand or perceive it. Of course, this does not mean that the debate is not necessary; it is, conversely, necessary, and it is only in this way that it is possible to prevent or at least control the situation in which many countries around the world have found themselves and there is a total lack of water resources in the most existential aspects. Under these conditions, water security has become the most essential element of national security of these countries and thus a potential weak link in ensuring security. (original abstract)
W pracy porównano wynik komputerowych symulacji w sześciu sieciach wodociągowych w województwie podlaskim (Łapy, Czarna Białostocka, Choroszcz, Wasilków, Dąbrowa Białostocka, Supraśl). Do badań wybrano układy wodociągowe charakterystyczne dla małych gmin województwa podlaskiego położonych na terenach rolniczo-przemysłowych, mało zróżnicowanych pod względem rzeźby terenu i o zbliżonym zapotrzebowaniu na wodę.(fragment tekstu)
EU Maintaining proper water fl ow rate in supply networks (min. 0.5 m/s) prevents the accumulation of deposits on the walls of water pipes. This aff ects the water quality and operating costs of water supply systems. Too low speeds aff ect the deterioration of water quality and increase the risk of failure. This signifi cantly increases the cost of water treatment and operation of water supply systems, including troubleshooting. Dynamic model of water supply network is a powerful tool to help observe and regulate the fl ow and pressure of water, it allows taking reasoned decisions regarding the operation, modernization and expansion of the entire water supply system of the city or municipality. Water distribution systems in the earlier years were designed for much greater demand for water. Fire stringent standards that have to comply built aqueducts brought together with a decrease in water demand that the current water supply system of this type are exaggerated. Analysis of the velocity distribution is made to the existing state models surveyed water supply networks showed that in most cables of its values are smaller than the velocity required. This paper presents results of calculation of fl ow velocity in water networks made using computer modeling of water supply systems.(original abstract)
Effective water and sewage management is one of the most important enablers of sustainable urban development. In Poland, water and sewage management has been undergoing systematic transformation since the 1990s. This process intensified with Poland's accession to the European Union in 2004. The aim of the work is to analyse and evaluate water and sewage management in cities in Poland in terms of sustainable development. This was made possible by selecting seven variables from which a summative index (SI) was calculated. The analysis revealed a number of positive changes that have occurred in this field. These were mainly: a decrease in water consumption in households and industry, and an increased share of wastewater treated biologically or using enhanced nutrient removal in total wastewater. An increase in SI was found in 98% of the researched cities. The largest improvement in water and sewage management took place in cities of populations below 100,000 and little industry, and in three large cities, namely Warsaw and Szczecin. (original abstract)
Content available remote Analysis of Water Consumption in 2014-2017 in Toruń
This work analyses the variability of water consumption in Toruń over the years 2014-2017. The difference between the largest annual water consumption (2016) and the smallest (2014) was 13.2%. Higher consumption values typically occurred in the warm half-year, except in 2015. The lowest values occurred in the winter months (February), and the highest in the summer months (from June to August). The largest dayto- day variations in water abstraction were recorded at Easter and Christmas. There were differences between the average water consumption on particular days of the week, with the largest differences being between Saturdays (the highest value) and Sundays (the lowest value). Average unit water consumption was in the range of 58.2 to 67.3 dm3∙M-1∙d-1. On the basis of multiple regression analysis, a set of the factors with the greatest impact on the daily variability of water consumption in the city (in the warm half-year) was indicated. These factors include: evaporation, day of the week, humidity and maximum temperature.(original abstract)
Content available remote Ecosystem Services in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Given their substantial societal benefits, such as supporting economic activities and providing better livelihoods in rural areas, ecosystem services should gain higher importance in water-food-energy nexus debates. Yet, not all values from ecosystems are quantifiable, data is often not adequate and methods of measuring these values are not sound. This situation challenges researchers and water managers to improve research tools and give adequate attention to ecosystem services by implementing interdisciplinary approaches and integrated management of ecosystems and their services. (original abstract)
W artykule przeanalizowano zużycie zimnej wody przez gospodarstwa domowe w budynkach wielorodzinnych znajdujących się w zasobie Spółdzielni Mieszkaniowej"Ogrodnik" w Sianowie. Badanie dotyczyło zarówno zużycia indywidualnego w poszczególnych lokalach (odczyty wodomierzy indywidualnych), jak i odczytów wodomierzy głównych. Wskazano na silny związek ilości zużytej zimnej wody z liczbą mieszańców, jak również rosnącą ceną wody. Analizy poprzedzono badaniem zużycia zimnej wody w Polsce oraz w województwie zachodniopomorskim, wskazując na stały spadek zużycia na przestrzeni ostatnich kilkunastu lat.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The article analyzed the consumption of cold water by households in apartment buildings located in the resource Housing "Ogrodnik" Sianowo. The study included both individual consumption in individual premises (readings of individual water meters) as well as Major readings from water meters. There exists a strong relationship between amount consumed cold water and number of hybrids, as well as increasing the price of water. Analysis preceded the study of cold water consumption in Poland and in Western Pomerania, indicating a steady decline in consumption over the past few years.(original abstract)
This paper presents the results of research on the bacteriological quality of rainwater collected directly from precipitation and various roof surfaces - concrete and ceramic roof tiles, galvanised sheet and a terrace covered with epoxy resin. Samples for the research were collected in a suburban area in 2015-2016. The quality of rainwater was assessed based on the results of bacteriological analyses (the presence of indicator bacteria and the total mesophilic and psychrophilic bacteria count). The effect of the seasons and the type of roofing on the microorganism count was discussed. Significant differences in the quality of rainwater collected from various roof surfaces, related to the roughness and chemical composition of the materials covering the roofs were indicated. In the rainwater examined, significant numbers of potentially pathogenic microorganisms such as Escherichia coli, coliforms and faecal streptococci were detected. The results obtained were the basis for indicating the possibility of using rainwater for various household purposes. Rainwater is not suitable for uses requiring the quality of water intended for consumption due to a great number of psychrophilic, mesophilic and faecal bacteria. (original abstract)
nr No. 56
The study aims to evaluate and compare the transformations in water and sewage management that have taken place in Poland and Ukraine since the early 1990s. This required the collection of an appropriate dataset. Due to differences in reporting methods between countries, it was decided to select only those variables and indicators that allowed for a comparative analysis. The analysis indicated significant and positive changes in the scope of water and sewage management in both countries. Much greater progress was seen in Poland, where, mainly thanks to EU funding, the costly water and sewage infrastructure was more quickly modernised and expanded. However, it is also emphasised that areas related to water and sewage management in Poland still require improvement. In the case of Ukraine, it is indicated that measures should be aimed most urgently at reducing the quantity of untreated sewage discharged into waters and soils and to increasing wastewater treatment standards (including nutrient reduction, in particular). It is also extremely important to introduce in law - and ensure the effective enforcement of - appropriate environmental protection regulations.(original abstract)
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza kosztów pozyskiwania wody wodociągowej przeznaczonej dla odbiorców w polskich miastach w latach dziewięćdziesiątych oraz analiza opłat pobieranych przez dostawców wody do mieszkań, a także ich wpływ na wielkość zużycia wody przez odbiorców. Przez pozyskiwanie wody rozumie się jej ujmowanie i uzdatnianie, transport i dostarczanie odbiorcom. Do miejskich odbiorców należą korzystający z sieci wodociągowej mieszkańcy, przemysł oraz zakłady użyteczności publicznej. Temat jest ważny, ponieważ koszty jednostkowe pozyskania wody stanowią podstawę określania przez gminy (na wniosek przedsiębiorstw pozyskujących wodę) opłat za nią. Chociaż jej zużycie w latach dziewięćdziesiątych w miastach polskich ciągle maleje, indywidualni mieszkańcy płacą za nią coraz więcej (w cenach porównywalnych). (fragment tekstu)
Conducted researches concerning cost of water treatment allow to formulate a hypothesis that "saving of water by household consumers leads to higher costs of production and distribution of water and in consequence tariffs of water. It leads again to the drop of water consumption, causing increase of average cost of water in the situation of not full use of the waterwork production capacity. Presented in the work method of construction of model equations requires that applied relations were the same in the long period. Possible to receive data was only from few years and not allow to say if it will be so in the long period. We assume the stability of existing relations and say that process of increase of water costs and tariffs is a concurrent process. It means that possibility of decrease of water use in households will be finished. People need some minimal quantity of water. Metering is thought by many people to be fairer than charging pro rata to property value, and it can certainly penalise waste and extravagant use. From the other side, change from flat - size charges to metering would cause high income occupants of large houses to pay less than low income householders in small houses. Above this limited use of water may result in unhygienic conditions and diseases. Meters also cost money to buy, to install, to maintain and to read, partially defeating their own purpose. They require extra pumping pressure and their first cost is appreciable. There is no indisputable proof that metering permanently reduces average in house consumption. People appear to reduce their consumption when first metered, but later revert to their previous consumption. Consuments must be aware of the fact that improvements of water supply and quality must be associated with higher charges for water consumption. Some parts of existing systems (e.g. pipelines) require extensive renovation, modernisation and automatization - all undertakings are very expensive.(original abstract)
Content available remote Decision Support System for Water Adapting Pricing Policy
In the paper, the conception of Enterprise Information Portal (EIP) as an end-user interface of Simulation and Modeling System for Business (SMS-B) is presented. The system is a proposition of Business Intelligence education platform. EIP portals are also a base for Enterprise Integration Platform (EIP II) introduction in information and communication system in an institution. (original abstract)
Przedstawiono system gospodarowania wodą w miastach amerykańskich, jej prawne regulacje i finansowanie.
Przeprowadzono długotrwałe pomiary zużyć energii elektrycznej i wody w wybranej szkole. Stwierdzono, że sama świadomość monitorowania obiektu powoduje znaczne zmniejszenie liczby stanów nieuzasadnionego zużycia czynników energetycznych. Oszczędność tego zużycia jest największa w pierwszym roku monitorowania. W kolejnych latach efekt ten ulega zmniejszeniu w sposób zbliżony do kolejnych wyrazów postępu geometrycznego o ilorazie mniejszym od jedności. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki analiz przeprowadzonych pomiarów dobowego zużycia wody i energii elektrycznej w kolejnych latach jego monitorowania (cztery lat dla energii elektrycznej i pięciu dla wody). Przeprowadzono próbę jakościowe i ilościowego uogólnienia uzyskanych wyników.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Long-term measurements of electricity and water consumption in the selected school have been performed. It was found that the object monitoring consciousness causes a significant reduction in the number of unreasonable states energy consumption factors. The consumption saving is highest in the first year of monitoring. In the subsequent years, the effect is reducing in a similar manner to successive geometric progression with quotient less than one. In the paper the results of daily water and electricity consumption measurements analysis in the monitored years (four years for electricity and water for five) have been shown. The qualitative and quantitative analises was generalized.(original abstract)
Podstawowym elementem w procesie planowania, projektowania i eksploatacji systemów wodociągowych jest analiza zużycia wody prowadząca do wychwycenia relacji i prawidłowości charakterystycznych dla badanego procesu. Wśród wielu metod analizy zmienności oraz prognozowania zapotrzebowania na wodę można wymienić analizy szeregów czasowych, metody wskaźnikowe oraz metody korelacyjne. Ostatnia z wymienionych metod pozwala na określenie relacji pomiędzy ilością wody wtłoczonej do sieci wodociągowej w przeszłości a czynnikami warunkującymi te wielkości. Do charakterystyki oraz prognozowania długoterminowego i średnioterminowego zużycia wody często są wykorzystywane modele ekonometryczne oparte na regresji liniowej. Analizy zapotrzebowania na wodę na obszarach miejskich są szczególnie istotne w świetle utrzymującej się od wielu lat malejącej tendencji ilości zużywanej wody. Wspomniany trend spadkowy jest pochodną przemian zachodzących w sferze technicznej, społecznej i ekonomicznej. (fragment tekstu)
The paper discusses selected factors potentially affecting a monthly water demand in the Bialystok water system. At the beginning economical factor i.e. water price was considered. Then, the correlation between monthly water demand and four environmental aspects were analysed. Finally, five linear econometric models were estimated. The first model includes only water price and describes monthly water demand from September to April. The next models involve months from May to August and include, apart from water price, variability meteorological parameters (rainfall and air temperature). The estimated functions characterise a very good compatibility between simulated and real data. (original abstract)
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