The Polish Radio began its activity on the first of February 1925. On this day the first program of the Polish Radio technical Society was broadcasted. From then on, the radio accompanied Polish people in good and bad times. The years 1946 – 1956 were not so glorious. At that time, Polish radio became the propaganda tool for the PPR and from December 1949 the PZPR. These parties, mainly under the slogans of the reconstruction of the country from war damage and the struggle for peace, sought to Stalinize Poland on the model of the USSR. While studying those times, it should be stated that information and publication hardly existed because it was replaced by a hypocritical, brutal and intrusive propaganda. However, history of Polish Radio in those years should not only been described in critical way. At that time, many very important and socially necessary initiatives took place. Since the first year after regaining independence, more and more new broadcast stations have been launched in various regions of Poland. New programs were broad-casting more and more often, such as "Muzyka i Aktualności", in which various mes-sages were given with ease, interwoven with modern jazz music.
During the first and second waves of coronavirus, with the increase in new positive cases of COVID-19, the population of Slovakia had to get used to various restrictive mobility restrictions on several occasions. Among the most significant were the restrictions which closed bars, restaurants, sports grounds, and other cultural and social spaces and events. People were forced to stay more at home and devote their time to themselves and their families. Did this condition help increase radio listening or damage it? Does the main indicator of a pandemic – the number of new cases of disease detected by PCR tests affect radio listening? The paper maps the audiences of selected and the most listened-to Slovak commercial and public radio stations based on a comparison of listening data between March 2019 and January 2020, and between March 2020 and January 2021. We will use data obtained from two surveys by MML-TGI and RADIOPROJEKT. The aim of the article is to provide the reader with a detailed analysis of the currently available radio stations Expres, Fun, Vlna, and Slovak public radio stations with regard to the effects of the corona crisis and aims to find out the impact on and possible connection with listening to selected radio stations.
Student radio stations are an important part of the media environment in Slovakia. Our research focused on obtaining information on the functioning of these stations, including their legal regulation, training of new members and formal integration into university structures. Student radio stations have several rights and obligations secured by the new Slovak Media Act and can be classified as community radio stations. Students are mostly mentored and apprenticed by senior radio colleagues for a semester or a whole year to hone their communication skills, create scripts and master broadcasting techniques. Student radio stations are under the umbrella of, or are part of, a university, but focus on student topics in content and do not serve as a medium for a given educational institution. The topic for discussion remains whether the student radio stations are fulfilling their legal obligations and whether they are interested in applying for a radio broadcasting licence. The qualitative research carried out in this study shows that the majority of radio stations in Slovakia have advertisements on air, mostly in the form of barter, and the principles regarding commercial media communication are not always followed. A big question mark is the possibility of obtaining a radio broadcasting licence, as the current legislation may be too restrictive for student radio stations. Overall, the research has shown that student radio stations are an important part of the media environment and can provide students with valuable experience and knowledge in media work.
Artykuł przedstawia uwarunkowania wpływające na promowanie literatury w Polskim Radiu na przykładzie rozgłośni regionalnych. Autorka przywołuje audycje i gatunki radiowe dedykowane literaturze. Stawia diagnozę uwarunkowań, które wpływają na częstotliwość i jakość literatury prezentowanej w mediach. Zwraca uwagę na zależność programów o literaturze od władz rozgłośni, które każdorazowo są przedstawicielami aktualnej opcji politycznej sprawującej władzę w kraju, co stanowi jedną z determinant szans i zagrożeń obecności literatury w sferze audialnej.
The article depicts the conditions that determine the presence of literature in regional radio broadcasters’ programmes. It describes most commonly used forms of radio shows dedicated to the literature. The author attempts to diagnose the difficulties that influence distribution of literature in radio and factors that might provide the chance for its more frequent appearance in broadcast programming. The attention is paid to the relation between broadcasts of literary programmes and political views of the radio stations management
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