The study evaluates the accuracy of determining coordinates of a corner of a building measured in the RTN GNSS mode (Real Time Network Global Navigation Satellite System) using the method of line-line intersection and having applied the algorithm of vector translation, developed by the author. The performed analysis of accuracy proved a high precision in determining the points subjected to studies. An important factor in the formation of a mean error regarding the position of the corner of a building, having used the algorithm of vector translation, is the assumption of correctness of the reference points, i.e. the so-called base points, determined in the RTN GNSS mode. In this case, the base points take the role of measurement control points. The mean error of the position of the corner of a building, taking into account the innovative solution, is at the level of several centimeters. The study results presented in the article allow to positively evaluate the algorithm of vector translation in terms of accuracy of determining the position of a corner of a building, measured in real time.
This paper presents accuracy characteristics of determining the position of corners of building structures with RTN GNSS surveying, using indirect methods of measurement. The studies included the following methods: a point on a straight line, intersection of straight lines and distance-distance intersection. The research experiment analyzed the coordinates of the corners of building structures obtained from the surveys and the mean errors of their position as well as mutual relationships of check measurements, or tie distances. The accuracy analysis also took into account base errors determined in real time. Statistical analysis of these parameters was carried out, as a result of which a distance-distance intersection method was very well rated. For other methods, the results were diversified. The article also emphasizes a need to search for other solutions to modernize the indirect methods of measurement in such a way that their use in RTN GNSS surveys would give results most probable when compared to the real ones.
W pracy przedstawiono charakterystykę dokładnościową wyznaczenia położenia naroży budynków technologią RTN GNSS z wykorzystaniem pośrednich metod pomiarów. W badaniach uwzględniono metody: punktu na prostej, przecięcia prostych oraz wcięcia liniowego. W eksperymencie badawczym analizowano uzyskane z pomiarów współrzędne naroży budynków i ich średnie błędy położenia oraz wzajemne relacje pomiarów kontrolnych, czyli czołówek. Analiza dokładnościowa uwzględniała także błędy punktów bazowych wyznaczonych w czasie rzeczywistym. Przeprowadzono analizę statystyczną wspomnianych parametrów, w wyniku których bardzo dobrze oceniono metodę wcięcia liniowego. W stosunku do pozostałych metod wyniki są zróżnicowane. Zwrócono uwagę na konieczność poszukiwania innych rozwiązań zmierzających do zmodernizowania pośrednich metod pomiaru w taki sposób, aby ich zastosowanie w technologii RTN GNSS dawało rezultaty najbardziej prawdopodobne do rzeczywistych.
Proces wyznaczania budynków w trybie RTN GNSS przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu wysokiej precyzji i wiarygodności wyników pomiaru jest stosunkowo trudnym zadaniem dla geodety. Ze względu na utrudnienia w pomiarach w czasie rzeczywistym związane z przesłoniętym horyzontem, dodatkowo wykorzystuje się pośrednie metody pomiarowe. Niestety nie zawsze taki sposób pomiaru umożliwia uzyskanie współrzędnych naroży budynków w sposób wiarygodny. Wyjątkiem tutaj jest wykorzystanie metody wcięcia liniowego w pomiarach RTN GNSS. W niniejszym artykule podjęto próbę rozwiązania problemu pomiaru budynku technologią RTN GNSS dla tak zwanej metody punktu na prostej. W tym celu przeprowadzono pewne czynności obliczeniowe prowadzące do modyfikacji współrzędnych x, y naroży budynku uzyskanych z pomiaru. Taki proces został zaproponowany w niniejszym artykule poprzez wprowadzenie do wyników pomiaru terenowego autorskiego algorytmu środka ciężkości NPsc. W artykule zaprezentowano szczegółowy proces realizacji nowatorskiego algorytmu, który został poparty eksperymentem badawczym na rzeczywistym obiekcie testowym wraz z analizą statystyczną otrzymanych wyników.
The process of determining buildings in the RTN GNSS mode, while maintaining high precision and reliability of measurement results, is a relatively difficult task for a surveyor. Due to difficulties in real time measurements associated with the obscured horizon, indirect methods of measurement are used additionally. Unfortunately, not always such measurements allow for capturing coordinates of corners of buildings in a reliable way. An exception here is the use of distance-distance intersection method in RTN GNSS surveys. This article attempts to solve the problem of surveying building structures using RTN GNSS technology for the method called a point on a straight line. Thus, certain calculations were carried out, aimed at modifying the x, y coordinates of the corners of a building, obtained from the measurement. Such a process has been proposed in this article by introducing the center of gravity NPsc algorithm developed by the author to the field measurement results. The article presents a detailed process of implementing this innovative algorithm, which has been supported by a research experiment on a real test object, together with a statistical analysis of the captured results.
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Carrying out measurements of buildings with RTN GNSS technology in difficult environmental conditions appears to be a major challenge for many surveyors. Achieving the required accuracy of the position of a building structure is often a difficult, and sometimes even an impossible task to perform. This paper presents an innovative solution to increase the reliability of determining the coordinates of building corners, by modernizing the results obtained from the indirect method of measurement of line-line intersection by the socalled half-angle method. Generally speaking, the half-angle method is to verify the angular values in determined points (corners of buildings) from the method of intersection of the base point lines. Optimization of this method involves reducing deformation of a building, which has been determined in real time, taking into account only the classical method of line-line intersection. In order to obtain optimized measurement results, the conversion of the obtained results to the convergent values relative to the most probable coordinates is performed. Based on a detailed comparative and statistical analyses, it can be concluded that the modernized method of line intersection, employed in the RTN GNSS mode with the half-angle method, greatly improves the reliability of determining corners of buildings (X and Y coordinates), as well as provides an exact reflection of the geometric shape of a structure.
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